Estella Post Count: 1779 |
Create your own snowflakes here, with a message of merry cheer! Put 'Bloop' as the location, and other Bloopers will be able to find your snowflakes.
once.upon.a.time. Post Count: 70 |
Aww! That is so cute! I want to make another one. :D
Some of them are so elaborate, including yours!! So preetttyyyy. |
love♥nik Post Count: 1010 |
I saw yours! :D I was excited to see bloop snowflakes. XD
Estella Post Count: 1779 |
You can even try making a snowflake with your eyes closed - it still comes out all pretty and snowflakey! Everyone come make a snowflake or two - or twenty! Let's see if we can get a thousand Bloop snowflakes.
Estella Post Count: 1779 |
Did you make the Jessica one too, or just the Jellyka ones? Because I totally commented the Jessica one with 'Yo, my hardcore hater!' so if it's some other Jessica who hasn't had chance to become my hater yet, she might be rather confused! ;D
Jessica Post Count: 283 |
Nope. I just put the ones with Jellyka. Figured it'd save confusion.
Love, Rebekah Post Count: 85 |
Just made mine! Thanks!!
Love, Rebekah Post Count: 85 |
...and then three more. lol
Madeline Rain Post Count: 151 |
Rebekah: Yours are awesome! I made one but it's not as kickass as yours!
Love, Rebekah Post Count: 85 |
Why thank you! I can do amazing things when I should be studying... :) Three finals next week and I am making snowflakes online! Ha!
canceroustears Post Count: 210 |
That was fun!
fullofdreams0418 Post Count: 7 |
I made one, it was fun!!
Estella Post Count: 1779 |
Miss Ice Fingers has made some funky ones - having ice fingers is clearly jolly useful in snowflake creation!
Miss Ice Fingers Post Count: 27 |
Haha. I am obsessed with this thing. Every time I am online I have to go and make one, or five.
queenbutterfly Post Count: 425 |
Winged Centaur Post Count: 301 |
Yo, I think 170 is the max we can make. No matter how many I add, it only finds 170 search results.
Estella Post Count: 1779 |
Really? It was 169 earlier, so I made the 170th one. Are you putting 'Bloop' as your location?
Winged Centaur Post Count: 301 |
Yep, I am making Bloop the location.
Estella Post Count: 1779 |
Are you refreshing the page after making the snowflakes? I just did a search and it's coming up with 172 Bloop snowflakes.
Winged Centaur Post Count: 301 |
When I went to the link again, it showed 172. :P
fullofdreams0418 Post Count: 7 |
It was up to 199 before i added mine
Estella Post Count: 1779 |
Ooh - brilliant! We're up to 200 already! We will totally get to 1,000 before Christmas! Everyone add another merry snowflake or two!
Wife♥Mommy Post Count: 74 |
Neat! Thanks!