Lady Vollchov Post Count: 5 |
I think Thingz shud be more personalized more so u can edit ur page lk u want kina lk mmyspace
i also think thier shud b a sex diary circle lolz so all us passionate ppl cn talk about whtever we want lol |
holdtehpickles Post Count: 73 |
Finally Mrs. Bailey Post Count: 181 |
That's what I thought too!
Lady Vollchov Post Count: 5 |
no im nt the girl Pritti
Unauthorized Post Count: 72 |
I felt like I was fading in and out of consciousness and I missed some of the point.
I think we should have a vampire sex diary circle. That's what all the cool kids are talking about these days. But, if you had a sex diary circle and talked about whatever you wanted, could you really call it a sex diary circle? I am confused =P |
Lady Vollchov Post Count: 5 |
Okay didnt know i had to be so technical lolz *:p sense its a sex diary wich wz the idea i had u can talk about whatever u want in the sex topic lk frm vampire sex like you said if thts wht u want loz by whtever i ment any topics types r antn to do with sex. No limitation on the topics thts wht i ment by whatever
Meghans Follie Post Count: 433 |
Could someone please translate the original suggestion for me?
Eye.Lee.Uh Post Count: 21 |
wow.. i think her first post was suppose to be: I think things should be more personalized more so you can edit your page like you want kindda like myspace. It's called service diaries like layouts.. we have them i also think there should be a sex diary circle lolz so all of us passionate people can talk about whatever we want lol Um, i think that's mainly the older circles.. i find it amazing that a 16 year old like yourself has time to even remotely think about sex
- I don't think this is pritti. pritti was entertaining.. |
Lady Vollchov Post Count: 5 |
okay thnkz i wasent aware i cnt custumize my stuff for some reason.
And you judge me on my age?? you dont know me How do i have time ? i get all my work done thts hw How cn i think about sex? because like any other man r women i have the right to. the body too. and most off all the freedom of expresion too. dont put ppl in a box cz of thier age. i cn think about that sht just as much as a guy my age does. i like to express how i feel and act on it. what is your point. u think i shud be diferent then i am?? thts ur opinion. n fyi many teens watch porn its nt a grown up thing only jus like sex. A girl like myself?? a girl ike me tht u dnt no antn about |
Eye.Lee.Uh Post Count: 21 |
First of all - I never said you can't customize your diary. you can again it's called "layouts" for a reason. kn the search bar type in "layouts" and go to the diaries you are able to..
Second of all - No offense but seriously.. I think you can be (not sure if you actually are) intelligent.. why don't you act like it?. Third of all - have i EVER said anything about teens not watching porn? shit i'm willing to bet there's someone out there who watches more porn then me.. or you.. and what i said.. and here i will quote "I find it amazing that a 16 year old like yourself has time to even remotely think about sex".. granted i don't care if you do or not.. what i was talking about is that you are 16 years old, more likely in highschool and probably have other activties in school like sports or whatever.. Don't get your panties in a bunch if people look or try to read your diary and be like "my eyes hurt".. cz sriosly spllin lk this cnt b ezy (i just lowered my IQ by 20 points for doing that).. anyways I wish estella was here too.. |
K♥Blah Post Count: 65 |
Perhaps schools need to provide some more literacy homework :)
Lol Kudos for being able to "typ lyk tht". |
HorrorVixen XO Post Count: 869 |
Oh jesus.. I have a headache!
love♥nik Post Count: 1010 |
Oh boy. XD Why isn't Estella here?!?!? XD Please tell me other ppl were thinking that. xD |
& skull. Post Count: 1701 |
i thought this kind of writing was limited to 12/13 year old's that were trying to be special and unique. i thought they grew out of that at 15. i don't think a 16 year old with the mind of a 13 year old should be fucking anyone. enjoy your unwanted pregnancies and std's!
Lady Vollchov Post Count: 5 |
@skull litle boy why dnt u actualie argue my points of u nt dum things of hw i write. i dnt hv a mind of a 13 year old r i wdnt b fkn proving everyone of ur granny an grandpa asses wrong. nt once did u actualie make an argument on wht i said. im lesbian bitch wont hv brob with kids. tht an anny case most guys wld leav gt antn to say to tht. n stds lolz i dnt sleep around wiith js anyone im nt a manwhore. js cz i lk to fk dsnt mean i hv multiple partners. nw if u write back pleas actualie argur nt pick on me thts kina imature for a gentlemen. after all i am js expresing hw i feel
Eye.Lee.Uh Post Count: 21 |
wow.. if you actually read & skulls diary. she's a chick.. and here you tell everyone to pay attention what you say and not how you type.. kindda hard to do that when almost EVERYTHING you write makes no sense
& skull. Post Count: 1701 |
being especially chick like lately with all this wedding malarky.
K♥Blah Post Count: 65 |
This is just too painful to read.
Please learn to type and construct sentences properly because it would be much appreciate by most forum users. I don't mind the odd typing error or two; even a missing comma or full stop can be excused, but this is just ridiculous. |
kein mitleid Post Count: 592 |
Grandpa? I'm the sexiest motherfucking Grandpa ever, then. Can I get an "Amen?!!"
Eye.Lee.Uh Post Count: 21 |
K♥Blah Post Count: 65 |
Welp, apparently we were a little to harsh for this user. Although - I don't feel we were harsh in suggesting she type coherently...hrmm I'm so internally conflicted.