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Discussion Forums » Layouts and Coding
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layout and costumise
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14 Apr 2013, 17:47
Post Count: 2
How do I get a layout for my diary? How do I do that? Thanks
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15 Apr 2013, 10:58
Post Count: 65
The easiest way is to type in "layout" into the search area (to the right) and a few diaries will come up that offer layouts.
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16 Apr 2013, 06:35
Post Count: 111
^^This. Also, i know when i started up a diary here a billion years ago, no one told me this part and it was a pain in the ass: When you find a layout you like off a layout diarist, the code will be provided. Highlight it all, and copy it. Now, on the right of your screen go to "Manage My Diary" hit the blue "Entries" button, and click "Entry Template", paste the code into there. Then just save, and create a new entry. If you don't post the code into your entry template, it won't save, and you won't have a layout. The hardest part is just finding one you like.
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