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Compassion seems to be absent in this "man of go
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12 Feb 2009, 00:05
Post Count: 378
Pastor's abortion dream inflames bushfire tragedy
Rick Feneley
February 11, 2009 - 2:57PM

The Catch the Fire Ministries has tried to blame the bushfires disaster on laws decriminalising abortion in Victoria.

The Pentecostal church's leader, Pastor Danny Nalliah, claimed he had a dream about raging fires on October 21 last year and that he woke with "a flash from the Spirit of God: that His conditional protection has been removed from the nation of Australia, in particular Victoria, for approving the slaughter of innocent children in the womb".

The former Treasurer, Peter Costello, who sent a video message to an Australia Day prayer meeting organised by Pastor Nalliah this year, was outraged by his remarks on the fires.

"To link the death and suffering of bushfire victims to other political events is appalling, heartless and wrong,'' said Mr Costello, who has lost a Christian friend in the fires.

"Those who have suffered deserve ever support and sympathy. It is beyond the bounds of decency to try to make moral or politcal points out of such a tragedy.''

Pastor Nalliah said he was helping to co-ordinate fire relief, including providing trucks to distribute clothes and food and giving his own blood, but he said he must tell "the truth".

Asked by the Herald if he did not believe most Australians would regard his remarks as being in appallingly bad taste, he said today: "I must tell people what they need to hear, not what they want to hear."

He said it was no use "molly-coddling" Australians.

Asked if he believed in a God who would take vengeance by killing so many people indiscriminately - even those who opposed abortion, Mr Nalliah referred to 2 Chronicles 7:14 to vouch for his assertion that God could withdraw his protection from a nation.

"The Bible is very clear," he said. "If you walk out of God's protection and turn your back on Him, you are an open target for the devil to destroy."

In the New King James version of the Bible, 2 Chronicles 7:14 states that: "If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land."

He quoted a headline describing the fires as "The Darkest hour for Victoria". "A few months ago the news media should have reported `the darkest hour for the unborn', but unfortunately the `Decriminalisation of Abortion bill' went through parliament and was passed, thus making many people call Victoria `the baby killing state of Australia,' " Mr Nalliah said.

Pastor Nalliah said there may be criticism. But he said he did not send out his media statement thoughtlessly. "We spend two days working on it."

He had previously said drought and the world financial crisis could be partly blamed on human sin.

Is this guy a fucking TOOL or what?

Give me five minutes with him...a can of something flammable and MY righteous anger.

He will learn a lesson about the wrath of MY gods...which happen to imclude compassion and humanity...unlike his.
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12 Feb 2009, 00:34
Post Count: 462
I just don't even know where to begin with my extreme distaste (understatement) for people like him. Unfortunately, "compassion" seems to be a word sadly missing from far too many Christians vocabularies these days.
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12 Feb 2009, 01:03
Post Count: 378
I am scares me that people think like this even now.
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12 Feb 2009, 01:05
Post Count: 462
Unfortunately, I believe it's only going to get worse. Much, much worse.
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13 Feb 2009, 00:23
Post Count: 65
Where has the nice Jim gone? No where, though Ifound it sad that people immediately jumped on the bandwagon that Iagreed with what this preacher preached which I do not my only point was that I could understand why he has said these things because God does punish sin and sometimes he does it with horrific events. To say that God doesn't punish sin is just not taught in the Bible. He does punish it and he does tell of a day when his patience will no longer willendure and chide with man

That is all I said concerning this preacher and the subject matter and suddenly I am the antichrist or some fundamentalist nutball which just isn't true at all but I do know what the Bible teaches concerning sin, his judgment and the fact he tells us it is coming again now if that makes me a nutcase I am sorry but it does seem like there are a lot more of these tragedies in the last couple of years and some might say that these are the things Matthew 24 speaks of concerning when the end shall come
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13 Feb 2009, 07:27
Post Count: 378
Please...lets stop making this all about Jim ;)

My point stands.

Now is NOT the time to be scoring religious points when people are suffering.
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13 Feb 2009, 12:24
Post Count: 65
I wasn't I was answering a question that was direct at me about me....sorry if I answered the question geez
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13 Feb 2009, 12:54
Post Count: 378 sensitive early in the morning!! Do you need some coffee?
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13 Feb 2009, 12:59
Post Count: 65
Actually I could use a cup of coffee and some breakfast. This dieting is making me hungry early in the morning. I don't even know why I am up this early on my day off :)
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15 Feb 2009, 03:24
Post Count: 1010
.... That guy reminds me of Fred Phelps, Australian style.

Ppl like that make me wanna shoot myself in the fucking head. -_-
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12 Feb 2009, 03:13
Post Count: 65
Didn't we already go over what the one and only true God already did to the Pagan gods?
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12 Feb 2009, 03:44
Post Count: 462
Ad nauseum. Though I'm pretty sure that's not the point here. Let's not turn this into a religious debate that will quickly get WAY out of hand. :)
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12 Feb 2009, 05:07
Post Count: 378
As usual Jim. You miss the point.

That doesnt come as any great surprise.

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12 Feb 2009, 05:13
Post Count: 65
Ah the personal insult...a great argument...I missed no point but to point out the fact the his thoughts are not alone. Many believe that that things we are witnessing today are or will be part of a great tribulation that will strike the earth and those who practice lawlessness. Many believe that 9/11 was the removal of Gods protection from this nation and I can certainly find quotes of many who thought this to be true and still do. You are mad because he had the audacity to say what he believes to be true and that is a shame because what if he is right, not saying he is. God says he will not hold his wrath forever and his fury should be one to fear.

Is it because he used a modern example of a tragedy? Did God apologize when he slew thousands for disobedience? No! The simple fact is this nation and the world are ripe for judgment it only by His goodness he has not executed it as of yet. Read those plagues again. They are all "natural disasters" has God stopped using them for his judgment?
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12 Feb 2009, 05:24
Post Count: 462
I'm going to stay out of this discussion, except for to say that when speaking to Pagan, you can't possibly believe she's not going to get pissed when you ask her questions about a God she doesn't believe in.

As for me, I happen to feel that compassion towards those who have died and those who have lost loved ones is more important than proving you are right.

I'm done. Good night.
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12 Feb 2009, 05:28
Post Count: 65
Always sicking up for the unbeliever. Try sticking to the truth of God's Word. I don't care if she gets mad because I fail to see the point of this post as if this man said anything that hasn't been said before when over 3000 perish in the Towers. I am not going to say it is the judgment of God but I am not so silly to say it isn't either. God does what he does and if that makes a Pagan made so be it, who would we be to say anything else.

As for concentrating on the human toll. We all do that and can sympathize with those who have lost love ones. However, part of what he said was true....The sin of this world invites God's judgment and abortion certainly is one of those sins that I am sure infuriates God.
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12 Feb 2009, 05:30
Post Count: 462
I would stick up for everyone, Jim. No need to be so foul. I, personally, feel EMPATHY, unlike SOME people.
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12 Feb 2009, 05:32
Post Count: 65
OH now I don't feel empathy because I have the audacity to challenge a viewpoint. You stand for this world and it's sin and glory in it and think of yourself as compassionate and empathetic and I will just stand for what God says calling sin what it is and false gods what they are. If I am wrong I can live with that. But I am not going to wallow at the alter of compromise for the sake of being liked by the world.
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12 Feb 2009, 05:38
Post Count: 462
Jim, you act all self-righteous and holier-than-thou. You think you're better than any other Christian who doesn't behave the way YOU think they should behave. You go ahead and have your uppity attitude. I'll show God's love through my actions, thank you very much.
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12 Feb 2009, 05:42
Post Count: 65 living with a boyfriend...If you want to throw stones my can't show God's love wallowing in sin. God does call a Christian to holiness, he does call a person call to preach the gospel, the true gospel which you seem to omit all to often because of your fear of offending others. Show me one verse of scripture that indicates or even comes close to saying that we should not live the gospel and preach it. Show me one verse that condones co habitation and fornication. That isn't self righteousness, that is agreeing with God.
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12 Feb 2009, 05:45
Post Count: 462
You gotta go there? When was the last time you even READ any of my entries? Just out of curiosity? Do you even KNOW what's going on with me and in my life?

No. You don't. So don't start talking about that which you know nothing about. It only makes you look more like a self righteous jerk.
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12 Feb 2009, 05:51
Post Count: 65
I read your entries though you took the childish act of blocking me because you are hurt by what I said though it was truth. I should have said something long ago because faithful are the wounds of a friends and deceitful are the kisses of the enemy. I am aware of your lose of a child though I cannot completely comprehend how it must feel even the smallest degree. Yet, every single time we have a disagreement you go off on these tangents about what a jerk I am and what a horrible Christian I am because I don't act like you. I never asked you to act like me, no, not once, if I have show me because I have never said that.

Stop being a child and discuss things like an adult even when you are in sharp disagreement.
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12 Feb 2009, 05:52
Post Count: 462
No, Jim. I blocked you because I don't have time or energy to waste on people who only think a person is a Christian if they behave in the same self-righteous way you do.
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12 Feb 2009, 05:53
Post Count: 65
Yet that is exactly what you prove because evidently I cannot be different than you and have different views than yourself. If you preach tolerance show it and don't be a hypocrite.
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12 Feb 2009, 05:59
Post Count: 462
Jim, what is the point? Seriously? It doesn't matter how much tolerance is shown to you. I am sick and tired of people like you getting so judgmental towards another Christian because they behave differently and live their beliefs differently than you. You basically called me a non-Christian because I am sticking up for the non-Christians in this thread. WHY should I put up with that kind of attitude? I don't have to prove anything to you. If you know nothing about my character and the kind of person I am by now, there's no point in me even bothering discussing anything with you.

Unlike some, I admit to not being perfect in my beliefs. I admit that I have a lot of growing to do. And I DO NOT claim to be a better Christian than another Christian simply because they do not show certain qualities the same way I do, unlike the way you have.

Now please, stop attacking my character with your accusations. I'm done explaining myself to you, and I'm done with this thread. The only reason I came back was because you kept attacking my character. My character is no longer of any concern to you.
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