![]() The Ryan ![]() Post Count: 415 |
What offends you?
I find that the older I get the harder it is to offend me, or shock me, or even get a raise from me of any kind. Things that as recently as last year would have had me diving in there swooshing my vocality, now rarely provoke my interest, let alone incense me like they might have done when I was in my teens. Things that once outraged me, now simply 'amuse' me. Things I might have once labelled "offensive" have become "whatever, yo!" So, what kind of things make you say: "This is offensive!" And have you found yourself mellowing or becoming more prone to feeling aggrieved as you get older? And Bloopers, do you find them easy to rile or offend? Why do you think this is or isn't? I ask because I'm genuinely intrigued! And would like to remember how it feels to be offended, yo! ;D |
![]() ~*Shannon*~ Post Count: 462 |
I've never really been one to become truly offended over most things. There are some things I get offended by, but it's more about being included in a generalization on a group of people (ie, women, Christians, single moms.....) to which I don't fit the specific generalization.
![]() Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
I am hard to offend. The only things that do offend me sometimes are AIDs jokes, and even then I have to be in an arsey mood to get pissed off.
![]() Doc ![]() Post Count: 507 |
Very little offends me these days. I let a ton of shit go because I don't really have the time or ability to care enough to deal with anything. Or maybe it is because nothing people tend to so surprises me anymore.
Far as offending your average Blooper... all you have to to is read Dear Anon to get the answer to that! :P :) |
![]() Doc ![]() Post Count: 507 |
Ahhhh fuck me and my typos. It is too early in the morning.
![]() Lunar Sea Post Count: 128 |
I'm very rarely offended by things. Sometimes I'm upset by them, but that's a very different reaction.
I do find casual racism offensive, particularly when it comes from friends or family members. That's something I'd call them on. I say casual racism as opposed to serious hardcore racism because that's more likely to concern and scare me than offend me. |
![]() Lady Elphaba Post Count: 386 |
It's really hard to offend me these days ;D I say, that's a good thing!
![]() brooke ! Post Count: 100 |
I get offended when people generalize about teenage moms, because the stereotypes are fucking ridiculous.
![]() T.A.I Post Count: 269 |
It's really hard to offend me unless you make a personal attack or sarcastic remark about me at the wrong place or the wrong time, and even then, it's extremely dependent on the circumstances and context of the situation.
....I guess dumb Christians who blindly believe without ever questioning or thinking for themselves offends me as well. We've got these amazing brains that are capable of so many things, and people would rather sit on a bench each Sunday and let verses from an ancient book that is becoming more and more out-dated (and culturally irrelevant) dictate their personal morals and values instead of deciding for themselves. |
![]() Gem♥ Post Count: 132 |
I think that statement alone offends me... You stereotype christians, which seems to be so wrong when you stereotype some other group, but when its christians, the stereotype sticks...
Your statement really just makes u seem naive, and uneducated about christians. |
![]() T.A.I Post Count: 269 |
It may seem that way, and indeed there is some truth to that.
However, I am quite aware of what one could call "forward thinking" and "progressive" Christians, ones that are quite unlike the "dumb ones" I stated in my previous comment. Several of my friends are devoutly religious. Some of them I have thrown in the "dumb bin", simply because they seem to lack a deeper understanding of what they learn each Sunday and fail to find an appropriate way to apply that knowledge in their lives, other then quote it to non-christians and feel a sense of undeserved accomplishment for it, as well as simply being a Christian because "they just don't want to go to hell." Other friends of mine have found a way to broaden their horizons and use what they gain from the Bible as a leverage point to see and experience more in life, and thus use it to enrich their own lives in the here and now, in a positive light. These ones get more of my respect than the former. However, to raise a rather childish question and point: why should I bother to learn about a group and waste my time trying to force some level of respect for another's beliefs and values, when that particular group has complete and total disregard for mine? I'm a homosexual. I entertain the idea of getting married one day, and living happily ever after with a man who makes my entire world complete. How is it then, that these "dumb, ignorant, fundamental Christians" that are said to make up a MINORITY of the religious following, have been managing to effectively block the progression of same-sex marriage? Either the "embarrassing minority" of the Christians isn't that much of a minority, or they simply are lucky to hold such pivotal positions in government. Either way, their lack of understanding about my wishes and the fact that I simply want equal legal status as straight couples and nothing more is just as offending as my generalizations about their closed minded practices and lack of agreement to a middle-ground. |
![]() Gem♥ Post Count: 132 |
Before I start talking, I must say that its refreshing to have a reply to a comment such as I made, that isnt some form of abuse, but rather an intelligent argument!!!
though in re-reading your reply, I dont have much to say to it. You seem open to both sides of the argument, enough to basically argue both sides :) As for the sexuality issues with christians, that pisses me off. Ive always said, as a christian myself, that if I could rewrite the bible, and omit just a couple of things, I would.. because something like that, in today's world, just doesnt make sense to me. I know that I can't do anything about the fact that christians believe that homosexuality is wrong, but its an individual choice I guess... and it sucks that the gov won't change, but thats how it is.. I guess Im ignorant in the fact that because it doesnt affect/effect (i never know which one to use) me, I don't think about it. At least I can admit I am ignorant about some things. |
![]() T.A.I Post Count: 269 |
"I would.. because something like that, in today's world, just doesnt make sense to me."
Those are the things that I'm talking about. There are things that don't make sense/can't apply or just don't have any practical application in today's world, and yet some people still feel the need to adhere to such values or beliefs, and there are some christians who treat the bible as LITERAL LAW as opposed to a guideline to live a healthy, happy, ethical and moral life. And I must say that I am ignorant about things myself, too. And you're welcome. I've tried to get out of the business of abusive or aggressive or "attacking" style comments. It's not becoming on a person nor does it lend much credit to show one as an intelligent person. |
![]() Gem♥ Post Count: 132 |
I do hate when people take the bible very literally.. it is not meant to be a literal.. 'sacrifice the animals' 'rest on sundays' type of thing.. at least not in my opinon.
![]() Kate.Monster Post Count: 113 |
the thing that offends me the most is when people say "That's so gay" and then come back at me and say, "Oh, i have a ton of friends who are gay, some of them are my closest friends." When in fact you probably could give two shits about that person because you're using offensive language! Ugh. Hypocrites....especially when they block you on bloop for no reason.
![]() The Ryan ![]() Post Count: 415 |
Haha! I have gay friends who say "That's SO gay!" Would that offend you? How about if gay, or straight people used "That's SO straight!" in reference to negative things?
![]() ~*Shannon*~ Post Count: 462 |
I have to say that I honestly don't understand the offensive feeling behind "That's so gay". If you think about it, gay didn't originally mean "homosexual". Once upon a time, it meant "happy". And it doesn't really make any sense as "That's so homosexual", so it's possible that the urban meaning of "gay" is changing once again. But that's just MO.
![]() Lady Elphaba Post Count: 386 |
Same! I don't see how saying "that's so gay" is offensive either :P
![]() Transit Post Count: 1096 |
Nigger wasn't originally a racist word either, but I doubt you would have a similar view on using this word in any context.
![]() T.A.I Post Count: 269 |
I almost never use that phrase, and if I do, my people around me know me well enough to know that it's being used in a highly sarcastic and campy manner.
What I love is when people say "that's so gay" or "it's being gay" and the like, and they say it around me. It's funny to watch their faces as they turn to me and are like "no offense" or "Ooops!" or something. Seriously? I was the kid who was called a faggot all through elementary school. I was the middle school social outcast. I've heard way more insults in my life, and nothing phases me. I'm just glad that they're making the negative reference to something other than me. :-p |
![]() Kate.Monster Post Count: 113 |
Well, I guess it also depends on the context. When it's being used in reference to something stupid, then it's offensive. It's a shame that something that originally was used to define happy is being used in a negative way and is unfortunately becoming synonymous with stupid.
Now if a homosexual person used it...you'd have to explain the context. Either it's to fit into the status quo or they were referencing something that they felt only homosexuals would like. |
![]() Lauren. Post Count: 885 |
The only thing I can think of that really offends me is what ~*Shannon*~ mentioned, the generalization of groups (Christians, for example) where I know a lot of people (including myself) that don't fit in said generalization. For example, if one Christian person chastises you because you're atheist, then that is the fault of that ONE Christian person. I tend to see a lot of people in that situation who go on ranting on the entire religion, instead of the one person that did it. Just because ONE person out of a group does something doesn't mean the entire group would do the same thing.
![]() starsmaycollide Post Count: 408 |
bah, I know. Making generalizations is what bloopers do best though. I don't think bloop could be bloop if people weren't constantly saying things they know little about. ;-D
![]() starsmaycollide Post Count: 408 |
Also I just realize you probably mean IRL, but there used to be so many dramas on bloop on RC with religious discussions, my mind went straight to that. :-P