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FireFox Isn't Working
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1 May 2009, 14:13
.Broken Angela.
Post Count: 114
Is anyone else having problems with clicking on their firefox and it wont come up? Mine was working fine lastnight and it wont work now. I've uninstalled it and reinstalled it and still nothing!
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1 May 2009, 15:36
Post Count: 1938
Clear your cache.
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1 May 2009, 20:48
Acid Fairy
Post Count: 1849
That's because Firefox is rubbish!
Safari ftw!
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2 May 2009, 01:39
Post Count: 28
You have got to be kidding.
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2 May 2009, 12:19
Acid Fairy
Post Count: 1849
Oh no, I have run it on three computers and it runs so painfully slow that it is beyond a joke.
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2 May 2009, 16:36
Zombie Steve
Bloop Owner
Post Count: 110
I agree. Probably the worst browser ever! I'd rather use IE.
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2 May 2009, 02:04
Post Count: 1010
I also have Firefox Splash. It's an add on you can get that tells you how long FF is taking to load. ^_^ I can't live w/o it now. :D
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3 May 2009, 03:32
Post Count: 242
Mine's working fine. Though, I prefer Safari, so I never use Firefox.
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1 May 2009, 22:09
Post Count: 217
Restart your computer?
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2 May 2009, 01:32
.Broken Angela.
Post Count: 114
I got it fixed..i had to go to the firefox safe mode it was something to do with a new update!
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2 May 2009, 02:05
i blame mac
Post Count: 136
I get a bagillion updates from firefox all the time but it has given me no problems. Wtf is safari?
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2 May 2009, 03:49
Post Count: 1010
Mac's internet browser.
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2 May 2009, 12:20
Acid Fairy
Post Count: 1849
Well Apple not Mac's, since you can run it on Windows which is what I do.
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2 May 2009, 06:38
Designs by Jess
Post Count: 27
Chrome > Firefox.

that is all.
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3 May 2009, 07:48
Post Count: 28
I'm trying Chrome out and I sort of like it. I haven't used it enough yet to really know. What's so great about it?
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3 May 2009, 22:07
Designs by Jess
Post Count: 27
Well for me personally, it starts up SO much faster, and it gives me a lot more screen space. [With a 23" wide screen monitor its not like I NEED space, but you catch my drift ;)]
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3 May 2009, 20:39
Radiant Designs
Post Count: 24
Agree so much.
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2 May 2009, 14:26
Greta Garbage
Bloop Community Organizer
Post Count: 309
not a big fan of chrome. I haven't had problems with my firefox.
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3 May 2009, 03:55
Beautiful Lies
Post Count: 402
designs by jess is correct.

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3 May 2009, 08:38
Post Count: 507
Have you solved the problem yet?

Also... Amaya pwns all if you code web pages or just like more control and options in a browser. There is no best browser really, just some have more bells and whistles than others. I can think of 5 right off the top of my head aside from Firefox and Chrome, yet are just as secure and not well known. It all comes down to user preference really.
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