![]() Ariel ♥ Post Count: 49 |
Look at what happens to this girl after she got a flu shot...it's terrible!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEN5KGwNGeo |
![]() Miss Post Count: 239 |
that is so sad :( but that's like a 1 in a million chance of that happening, i think it's safe for people to still get the shot.
![]() *Forever Changing* ![]() Post Count: 847 |
Not everyone has the same reactions, and while I will never give my children or me a flu shot, it does help people.
![]() Makayla Post Count: 751 |
That is so scary! It almost looks like she is faking because it's so weird how all of a sudden she is fine to run or walk backwards. It's horrible!
![]() Chris Post Count: 1938 |
Admittedly, I won't be getting a flu shot, I'm just going to fuck my shit up with Vitamin C this season.
Red Frag, is this a good idea, yo? |
![]() ~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
I'm not going to advise you. You know that. ;) But I have posted my opinion on the video further down the thread.
And vitamins are pointless and a waste of money if you eat a healthy diet! |
![]() Chris Post Count: 1938 |
Well I can rephrase it so you're not liable. Let's see...
Is an extra grouping of vitamins a day a good idea for anyone in general, or do they not work beyond what is necessary for the body to absorb? |
![]() ~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
I'm not a nutritionist. :P My understanding is that if a normally healthy person eats a healthy diet with plenty of fruit and veg (5 a day) then additional vitamins will probably not provide them with any significant additional protection.
![]() Chris Post Count: 1938 |
I sincerely doubt I have enough vitamin C anyhow, but I do take 2000mg a day rather than the recommended 1000mg, just in case.
I like to think the placebo effect is keeping me away from the nasty H1N1. |
![]() ~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
Haha. Well, it's not going to do you any harm, except to your wallet! So whatever makes you feel better! And if you don't eat enough fruit, it may be beneficial.
![]() ~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
Although I should say you should probably stick to the recommended dose.
![]() Chris Post Count: 1938 |
Probably a lot more than 2000mg though, right?
![]() Mishy Post Count: 42 |
It's one of those things that each person has a different tolerance for vitamin c. Some get it at 2000, others at 3000, and so on. It's rare to get it at 2000 though. It typically doesn't occur until the dosage is upped to somewhere close to 5000.
Regardless, there are studies that say that you don't get medicinal properties (in levels where it actually helps fight something, rather than aids you from getting sick) from the vitamin until you are close to your bowel tolerance. But just in case you decide to take a handful of the pills when you feel you might be getting sick, I thought I'd toss out the warning. (: |
![]() Chris Post Count: 1938 |
Hahahah, well I'd rather shit my pants and have a brick shithouse for an immune system than come down with the H1N1. Or does it not work that way?
![]() Mishy Post Count: 42 |
-snorts- It doesn't really work that way.
Your body can take and process so much vitamin c, and after that they call it "expensive urine", as you'll just pee it out. (and/or shit it out, as the case may be) There are studies that the excess vitamin c coming out in these ways help fight urinary tract infections, or bowel irritation, but it is not be absorbed to help your immune system at that point. |
![]() ~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
I didn't know that. I've learned something today. :)
![]() ~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
Lol, how very timely...
http://uk.news.yahoo.com/21/20091019/thl-vitamin-pills-health-risk-fears-d831572.html |
![]() MumORNurse Post Count: 4 |
Your body can get rid of excess water soluble vitamins but the fat soluble vitamins (ADEK) your body cannot, so too much would be a bad thing. I agree with Red Fraggle, varied diet, fruit and veg, and whole grains... just like the food pyramid tells you... I think it's www.mypyramid.gov you can put your foods in there and it will actually tell you what you are deficient in or what you eat too much of... it's an excellent resource!
![]() T.A.I Post Count: 269 |
It's my understanding that if you eat a healthy diet that satisfies most nutritional needs, any excess vitamins that you might take will just be passed out of your system because your body doesn't need them. At least that's how several of the biology and health teachers I've had in the past have presented it.
![]() Mishy Post Count: 42 |
The difference with vitamin c is, we are one of the only animals/mammals that are incapable of producing vitamin c within our own body. So we need to get it from other sources. And generally speaking, people don't come close to satisfying that with their diet. (as it would take six serves of fruit or vegetables a day to satisfy the recommended vitamin c dose per day)
Also, as a general statement rather than a reply, when taking vitamin c as a supplement, it is better to space the doses throughout the day, rather than take a large dose at once. It gives your body enough time to process each dose, and put more to use in your body, than giving it all to your system to deal with at once, where a good deal may be excreted out of you. |
![]() Mishy Post Count: 42 |
actually, take that first statement with a grain of salt. I'm not sure entirely how many animals/mammals can or cannot produce vitamin c. But I do know we are not among the ones that can. haha.
![]() T.A.I Post Count: 269 |
I'm well aware of this, actually :)
The body doesn't really absorb or process large doses of vitamins or minerals all at once, and a lot of it passes through. This summer I did that, and I can say that I've never felt so energetic and healthy and not tired or exhausted for once. In the mornings, I'd wind up taking all of my vitamins at once and just go on with my day, but I really never got better if I was sick or felt the "energy" that b vitamins promise. Then I started spacing it out once I realized that a high dosage at once = expensive urine. Breakfast was the vitamin and protein shake. Lunch got the multivitamins, and dinner was just generally healthy and light. On that schedule, I felt much more energetic and healthy. I wasn't tired or lethargic (recovering from Mono at the time). |