*Desolate Angel* Post Count: 10 |
A friend of mine sent this to me online and I just had to post it on here. Watch this video. It is unbelievable.
*Desolate Angel* Post Count: 10 |
Sorry that link didn't work. Here is the direct link.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mScGC7nFDxM |
[accepting.change] Post Count: 74 |
I'm not too sure what to think about this video. But, I'm still not getting a flu shot either way.
Beautiful Lies Post Count: 402 |
Didn't we already have a thread on this? Yep. we did.
*Desolate Angel* Post Count: 10 |
Sorry. Haha. Didn't realize there was a thread on this already. And yea. I thought the same thing. Not too sure about this video but either way, it is a turn off from getting the flu shot.
Chris Post Count: 1938 |
1 situation is preventing you from getting a flu shot?
Beautiful Lies Post Count: 402 |
Silly. Just let them be stupid and make their own decisions.
[accepting.change] Post Count: 74 |
First, I'm not stupid and second, I decided not to get the flu shot long before any of this came up.
Chris Post Count: 1938 |
So then really all you're doing is reinforcing a misinformed opinion using one single case that sprung up among hundreds of thousands (or even millions) of people who've already had the flu shot.
K. |
Beautiful Lies Post Count: 402 |
First, I didn't say you were stupid. Stupid people say they won't get the flu shot BECAUSE of this ONE SITUATION. I had responded to someone that said, "1 situation is preventing you from getting a flu shot?" So my response was geared at people that aren't getting the flu shot BECAUSE of what happened to this girl, not at people who aren't getting the flu shot because of whatever else. I'm not getting a flu shot, not because of this girl but because I don't want to get a damn flu shot and I'm stubborn. I'm not stupid either.
~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
It's only a turn off if you don't understand the concept of risk analysis. What happened to that girl is a one in a million chance. Flu on the other hand kills millions of people a year (although admittedly seasonal flu rarely kills young fit people, so I haven't had that vaccine. Swine flu on the other hand can kill young fit people, so HAVE had that vaccine. Also, I work with pregnant women so I'd never forgive myself if I gave it to one of them as it can be extremely dangerous in pregnancy).
love♥nik Post Count: 1010 |
Really? I heard that swine flu affects pregnant women, young children, and/or the elderly. I hadn't heard about the young fit ppl thing.... A few of my friends got it and they came out alright.
~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
Yes, well the majority of young people still will be OK. But swine flu is killing more young fit people (although the numbers are small) than seasonal flu does (very rare). It hasn't hit the northern hemisphere quite so much yet (although we've had young healthy people with swine flu admitted to intensive care here) as we're just heading into winter. And perhaps with the vaccine it'll never get too bad here. However, in Australia, during their winter several months ago they saw a surprising number of young fit people being admtited to intensive care with swine flu and even requiring ECMO (which oxygenates the blood outside the body as the lungs aren't working well enough), and some of them did die. The theory is that young fit people have stronger immune systems and a hyperactive immune system is responsible for the respiratory problems.
love♥nik Post Count: 1010 |
Yeah that's what I figured. The 2 guys I know that got swine flu had it for about a week, week and a half and then they got better really fast.
However the amount of children that's gotten it here where I live is very alarming. |
& skull. Post Count: 1701 |
already had a massive ass thread about this that spawned many entries on vaccinations. you really need to lurk moar.
Emily the Strange Post Count: 195 |
Ok...so....everyone's panicking over something that's ONE IN A MILLION? Really guys? Really?
Emily the Strange Post Count: 195 |
Emily the Strange Post Count: 195 |
lol seeing as though you know me pretty well, I feel fairly safe in believing I should not have seen the other thread.
*Desolate Angel* Post Count: 10 |
Nah. I agree. I don't mean this situation is a turn off from getting the flu shot. I mean, in every situation there are risks. It is just scary to think about. I feel for that poor girl. I don't think people are panicking so much about this. Like, I don't think people are worried the same thing is going to happen to them. I think people are just kind of shocked that this happened. Its so rare. But so sad at the same time. And I did apologize for posting this after there was already a post about it. I rarely have time to come on the threads so I didn't even notice. I just got this in an email and was like wow this is crazy. Poor girl. But as for the comments being made, I don't think it should be something to argue about. If someone doesn't want to get a flu shot, I don't think it is because of this. They probably have their many reasons. To each their own, ya know?
Estella Post Count: 1779 |
Well, it sounds like this girl already had the propensity for the neurological disorder, and it was triggered by the flu jab, rather than the flu jab just causing it out of the blue. It's the same for anything, as you say - there are always rare but possible serious side effects of any drug, including common things like Tylenol, if your body happens to have a particular vulnerability. Besides, the fact that this is a 'one in a million case' (probaibly even less than that, as I'm sure more than a million people have had the flu jab, and no other cases like this have been reported) means there is also the very real possibility that her dystonia was coincidental to the flu jab. If you read other news sources, she apparently became ill two days after the vaccinatopm, and her dystonia happened after this illness. This could have been an illness that she would have had anyway, regardless of the flu jab. Coincidences happen - by the law of averages, they have to happen. People do spontaneously get neurological disorders, and it stands to reason that sometimes this might coincide with a vaccination, just like it could coincide with them falling off a bike, or falling in love, or any number of things! But the only way that this could be reasonable linked with the flu jab is if there are a few more cases. Just one case tells you nothing. There is no statistical significance. The media is very naughty with its scare tactics and sensationalism.