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birth control
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3 Mar 2010, 17:36
Meghans Follie
Post Count: 433
most doc offices have a set time for call turn around, perhaps you ought to make an appointment to go in and talk to her
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3 Mar 2010, 17:52
being human.
Post Count: 52
i did thanks.
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3 Mar 2010, 22:07
Post Count: 160
I'm currently on Loesterin 24 FE or just called Loesterin. I used to take Yazmin many moons ago. Before the recalls....Of course I ended up getting extremely sick with Gallbladder disease and had 2 surgeries in 2008 or 2007. either or. Anyways What made me get on Loesterin was a few weeks ago.....after having gone through a certain problem I won't discuss here. It's on my diary but it's F/O. Moving on Before I had my "problem" I'll call it I was having extremely painful heavy periods that literally would last over a month. So my Dr put me on that. It seemed to have worked except I started my period a week and a half early and when I first started taking the pill it took a week to get me to stop bleeding. Which was the course I was on before this pill. I would not bleed a week and there I'd go again full force. It's not as heavy as it was before and not as painful. And since It's my first month I'll see how it does my second and I'm going back in 2 weeks anyways for an Ultrasound and some other tests for my female probs. But what Loesterin does is give you fewer and lighter periods. You have only 4 days of "iron" pills and then the rest are the regular white pills.

This pill hasn't had long enough to work it's full effect on me and It might not be the pill for me, as it's still too soon to tell. But the side effects have not been bad. I imagine for a normal girl with normal periods this would be great. The only drawback is the cost. My insurance I have currently with my job only coveres 10% of my Rx's and so at cost I have to pay $70. But I'm also part time and about to switch so once I'm on better insurance I won't have to pay as much. Of course he also put me on Ponstel for pain. And just FYI...Ponstel sucks and is expensive. It's $309 with insurance and some insurance it goes down to a whopping $250. I finally got good old trusty $5 vicodin and that helped loads more. But I'm getting off the subject here lol So if you get it I would call or have your family call your insurance provider and ask how much they cover on prescriptions that way you don't get a nasty shock when paying and I also ask for samples before paying because I hate to invest money if it won't work. My Ob.GYN usually give me a few months supply before I have to fill so you could ask for that too.

. He gave me also Ortho Novum to try if the Loestrin doesn't work. But we will see.
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3 Mar 2010, 22:09
being human.
Post Count: 52
i am starting apri now. its a medium dose that's inbetween lessina and ortho novum
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3 Mar 2010, 22:13
Post Count: 160
Oh cool beans. I hope that works for you. I am hoping I won't have to change. But the best thing about BC is that there are so many options and you can always move on to the next. My Loesterin is low dose too. I think what sucks for me is the higher I go the more nauseated I get and I vomit. TMI, I'm sorry, it's just the worst part of the side effects I get from BC Blargh boo hiss. I think from my conundrum I need a medium dose because this isn't working lol Good luck with the BC :)
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3 Mar 2010, 22:16
being human.
Post Count: 52
good luck to you too. i think the medium dose will work for me as well.
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7 Mar 2010, 22:23
Post Count: 2651
Why do you think that?
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5 Mar 2010, 04:59
- misseriin*
Post Count: 64
your doctor sounds like mine!
i'm on tri-cyclen and i hate it.
i feel blah, the sex drive is non resistant (which makes my boyfriend unhappy) AND i have been having extremely painful migraines. the migraines are connected and he won't switch me. my parent's drug plan covers all types of BC and he won't switch me even after I asked!
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5 Mar 2010, 06:15
& skull.
Post Count: 1701
here's a question, do all countries have the same brands of birth control? i've only been on the one brand, levlen ed, for five years. anyone heard of that or been on it? i've never had issues with it, but i'm pretty lucky with most side affect stuff. get it from my dad. my mum however probably gets every side affect listed lol.
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5 Mar 2010, 08:28
Post Count: 1096
I should think so, in the UK the NHS buys hormonal contraception from the US because the practices of gaining the hormones from horses is illegal here because of the suffering to the animals, so really, buying it from somewhere else is very hypocritical.
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7 Mar 2010, 22:21
lithium layouts.
Post Count: 836
I'm on Microlevlen ed. xD I think it's the low-dose version of your one. xD

I know that the States (and possibly Canada) have different brand names to us. Not sure about the UK though.
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7 Mar 2010, 21:52
- misseriin*
Post Count: 64
In Canada we have tons of different brands.
I think we have the same as the United States.
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8 Mar 2010, 08:58
xo heather
Post Count: 5
Every time I've went to the gynecologist, she has suggested a type of birth control OR asked me what birth control I would prefer. But keep in mind, I've been to four different doctors because one retired, the other went out of business, and the other moved. (I am unlucky with gynecologists.) I've found that my gynecologists haven't been helpful in spending time to talk to me about birth control options, nor have they been informative (besides the first gynecologist who retired). I think that doctors in the United States are too concerned with seeing as many patients as possible. My doctors appointments are fifteen minutes or less and many of my doctors tend to quickly answer my questions. I am so frustrated with gynecologists lately!
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