Miss Post Count: 239 |
p.s. i live in a small, religious town and we had a cross-dressing boy wear a dress to prom last year. and his date was a lesbian girl in a tuxedo. this stuff just isn't NEW anymore. people shouldn't act surprised when things like this happen
- misseriin* Post Count: 64 |
this is just ridiculous!
there was a lesbian couple at my sister's friend's prom and the CATHOLIC highschool didn't cancel it. so much for equality right? if I can take my boyfriend to prom, marry my boyfriend, adopt kids with my boyfriend....a gay couple should have all those rights as well! |
.like.a.drug. Post Count: 137 |
Well, ya know, cancel prom. That'll teach her to be gay!
Complete ridiculousness. |
kid at heart. Post Count: 108 |
The school is now being sued by the American Civil Liberties Union.
Link. If the link doesn't work, it's on cnn.com. |
& skull. Post Count: 1701 |
it sucks that the students will hate her for it instead of who should be copping all the flack over it. what assholes.
boardwalkk Post Count: 8 |
this is fucking disgusting.
If I were here I'd start a huge protest. |
.love.struck. Post Count: 492 |
This school needs to get over themselves. Seriously, WHO CARES!!!! What harm are they going to suffer? Oh that's right . . . nothing! I hate bigots. I don't understand why some people get so weird about homosexuality. Last time I checked they are still human beings. You can't judge a person based on their sexuality. I know a lot of gay people and they are the most real people around, I enjoy being friends with them. I'd rather be around people who are happy about life and have interesting things to say than homophobic people.
Winged Centaur Post Count: 301 |
I hope that full legal action is brought down upon the school and that they have to pay royally. Their actions were highly inappropriate and discriminating.
Makayla Post Count: 751 |
The word around town is the school's officials are planning a private prom just without inviting Constance. How pathetic!! Despite this being a really small area almost everyone I know is behind her & the ones that are bashing her are the older generation & the kids that are just following what their parent's have said. Not everyone is as judgmental & homophobic as this story has made it seem. It's just a small group of people..but unfortunately those are the people who run the town because they have all the money!
crazybeautiful; Post Count: 56 |
that is the most ridiculous thing i have EVER heard
CrystalShapedHeart Post Count: 11 |
I don't understand what this world is coming to. During my prom there were a couple of lesbian couple and no one cared...not even the teachers. Wow. :-/
.love.struck. Post Count: 492 |
If you think about it, our country is so behind. Other countries accept some nudity and homosexuality except us! I find that really sad. It's 2010 and we still base what we censor all due to religion. We are so far behind. AHHHH, lesbians, gays, oh my! The world is ending!
~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
This is true. I can't imagine something like this ever happening in the UK.
.love.struck. Post Count: 492 |
At the same time . . . we are okay with Priest touching boys BUT it's okay! They are men of God. Pffft, any man who has thoughts of touching boys or having a sexual relationship with men and going off to live in a church is fine because it will cure his homosexuality. I find nothing wrong with being gay. If it makes people happy then let them live their lives.
just samma; Post Count: 204 |
so ridiculous. so sad.
i have the email address of the superintendent of her school district. Both myself, my partner & my mother have plan to them. This has happened in Canada too, not to long back in fact. i just don't see the problem with it. i took a girl to prom, she wasn't my girlfriend, but everyone knew we were sleeping together & nobody blinked an eye. /sigh. That girl needs to plan a rally. word will spread like wildfire, hell she's already got Lizzy the Lezzy on her side. =] |
Let It Be Post Count: 226 |
I don't think it was mentioned in the article posted here (that or I read over it), but I read a different article about this that mentioned that a local venue (a bowling ally or something of that sorts I believe?) planned to hold a prom for free for these kids if the school refused to. Amen to that. Let this send a message to all schools in America that this type of discrimination is NOT accetpable.
Miss Murder Post Count: 33 |
God how pathetic. I went to a catholic school and there were lesbians and gays at my school, even a gay Religious Education Teacher and no one gave a shit. People need to get a grip and get over discriminating against gay/lesbians.