.miss.raditude. Post Count: 230 |
kein mitleid Post Count: 592 |
Believe it or not, mailboxes are not private property. The mailbox in front of a persons house is actually considered "Federal Property," due to legal rulings as the Postal Services uses it as a delivery/pick up location. Thus, "mailbox bashing" is actually destruction of federal property.
.miss.raditude. Post Count: 230 |
Oh, I believe you. If the city's postal service is as bad as ours, then sometimes it may take up to a week or so for them to come out there to fix the problem, thus leaving citizens without their mail. It's more a hassel, as well.
Music God CJ Plain Post Count: 550 |
It's lawsuits like this that make people scared of the law. The judges that sit on these lawsuits and allow them should be sued themselves. It's absolutely ridiculous that stuff like this is not only allowed to go through the system, it's more insane that these scumbags win.
The whole Fred Phelps vs The Father of the Marine who was killed is another case of insanity. |
jessi bear(: Post Count: 300 |
i'm not familiar with the case you mentioned.. explain?
.miss.raditude. Post Count: 230 |
It's not just this one, I don't remember where it was. But nonetheless, kids were trying to vandalize someones property, got hurt while doing so. When they got hurt they sued the property owner, and won. It's all over the place, not in one particular place.
Chris Post Count: 1938 |
Fred Phelps and his entire family of inbred fucks went to the funeral of a dead marine and started protesting, calling the marine a faggot, and that he's burning in hell, and that God hates him. Of course, his first amendment rights were protected, so there isn't a goddamn thing anyone could do about it.
Music God CJ Plain Post Count: 550 |
The father of a marine sued Fred Phelps and his band of Assorted Fucknuts and Inbreds, winning $10 million for pain and suffering and other assorted things.
The lower court then not only NULLIFIED the case, but REVERSED it and ruled that the Father of the Marine had to pay for Fred Phelp's lawyer fee's...amounting to close to $16,000. |
.miss.raditude. Post Count: 230 |
Music God CJ Plain Post Count: 550 |
I know, right? There is just no words to describe the contempt that I feel for that guy. I wish someone would burn his fucking church down or something.
jessi bear(: Post Count: 300 |
i think it should be illegal to protest at a military funeral in any way, shape, or form. if you want to protest, then do so, but funerals should be off limits.
Music God CJ Plain Post Count: 550 |
Music God CJ Plain Post Count: 550 |
Aiure Post Count: 308 |
In a perfect world, the family that cemented their mail box would be totally justified. Sadly, it's not a perfect world, and the legal system (all of them, not just America's) is full of loopholes and corruption.
.miss.raditude. Post Count: 230 |
Thank you! lol
Aiure Post Count: 308 |
My mom works for the Crown (in the provincial legal system)...she yells at me every time I tell her that much of the legal process is a waste of time. That stupid trials that don't need to exist in the first place are the reason why the courts are so backlogged. I bet, deep down, she knows I'm right, and that's why she gets so pissed. lol
.miss.raditude. Post Count: 230 |
I'm about to work for the state in the judicial system, and I CAN tell you it's a crooked system, and they SHOULDN'T waste their time with petty cases such as these.
Chèvre noble Post Count: 13 |
Put up a brick mailbox.
Winged Centaur Post Count: 301 |
Something almost exactly like this happened to a family I am friends with. Their mail box was repeated knocked down, so they bought a reinforced steel mail box. One of the kids arms WERE broken, and so his parents tried to sue. Because the mail box was a so-called "Standard issue" (they got it from Lowes), and the damage took place off property (from a moving car on the road), the family I know were not liable for the damages done to the boy, which of course he did to himself.
.miss.raditude. Post Count: 230 |
haha, I would totally want to find the kid myself, and break his other arm.
lithium layouts. Post Count: 836 |
Ha, how about a mailbox that shoots lasers at anyone within a 5 metre radius. xD Ahh. Fun times.
.miss.raditude. Post Count: 230 |
I'd feel sorry for the mailman :D