Aubrey; Post Count: 377 |
@ jellyka -- Still think you didn't read my original post.
The question was about whether Obama was born in Kenya or not. I never heard anything about people thinking he was born in Thailand, so I think that point is moot. My post, which I shall quote for you: "Say there was a Republican president who had German heritage and didn't show his birth certificate..." I didn't say "someone who lived in Germany". I said German heritage - meaning a German last name due to German parents, etc. Pardon me for not clarifying earlier. German was just the first nationality I happened to think of, but I honestly feel that if it were a (white) republican with a similar background to Obama (coming from a "different" heritage with a parent of a non-American nationality) then I don't think people would be making such a big deal out of it. You can choose to believe me or not, but I don't know why you're suddenly bringing that up when my post is from several days ago anyway? I think this whole argument about Obama's birth certificate is stupid anyway, and like the president himself said - it's not something we need to be focusing on as a country when there are a LOT more pressing matters. |
Jessica Post Count: 283 |
@aubrey: I think you're missing my point entirely.
I wasn't questioning Obama whatsoever, I really don't care about the situation. I said if if there were a president with German heritage, who spent the majority of his life living in another country, it would cause speculation. That's it. Although I did mean Indonesia, not Thailand. That's my mistake. |
Aubrey; Post Count: 377 |
@ jellyka
AND like I said, you misread my post. You're adding in bits that I didn't say! So I don't see how your argument is a valid response to mine if you're adding in variables that weren't there to begin with! |
Jessica Post Count: 283 |
@Aubrey: What argument? It was an observation.
Aubrey; Post Count: 377 |
@ jellyka
apparently I misunderstood your tone. |
starsmaycollide Post Count: 408 |
I don't know where you believe you read that, but you are incorrect. He spent a very short amount of time in Indonesia at a very young age, before moving back to the States and growing up in his grandparents' home in Hawaii. This is all explicitly explained in his autobiographical book. This kind of confusion is what helps fuel misinformation, so I think it's important to note.
Jessica Post Count: 283 |
@stars may collide: If you'd read further on in the thread, you'd see where I corrected myself.
I know the story. |
starsmaycollide Post Count: 408 |
I did read the rest of the thread- I saw where you meant to say Indonesia and not Thailand. My point was that he didn't spend a significant amount of time outside the US as a child, which is something I didn't see clarified.
Kryssy♥Nicole Post Count: 9 |
What gives you the authority to determine whether or not he's eligible to be the President of the USA? That's really what I'm just curious about.
Conservative Values Post Count: 51 |
i dont have authority. if i did, obongo would not be president. the constitution determined his ineligibility.
Kryssy♥Nicole Post Count: 9 |
So you don't have the authority but you continue to rant about how unqualified this man is. And essentially continue to spout off that the constitution determined it because of an issue with a birth certificate. Give me a break!
I'm disgusted that you spend your time and energy on trying to discredit someone instead of posing real issues. You(birthers) confuse me. You all claim its not about race but what I insist upon knowing is where were you with every other president? Why when the biracial man shows up to do the job do you have to try to destroy him by any means necessary? |
Aubrey; Post Count: 377 |
I would like to agree with everything you said here; you articulated yourself much better than I did.
Conservative Values Post Count: 51 |
it is not my fault the constitution renders him ineligible for the position. i didnt write it.
and i spend my time on it because someone who is unqualified and ineligibile to be the president is running this country into the ground. it is sick and no one seems to want to do anything about it. if i can not vote in the voting booths or with my wallet...then i have no problem voting with my second amendment right. |
Kryssy♥Nicole Post Count: 9 |
You still didn't answer my question. Why weren't you birthers around with ANY other president to demand to see their birth certificates? Why was it ONLY when the biracial man with the funky name showed up that it was a problem. Oh but you're not racist right?
And you claim he's running this nation into the ground, but in your diary it's all 'Trump 2012'. Hasn't be filed for bankruptcy numerous occasions? Yea he TOTALLY sounds like someone I'd want to run my country. Say what you will about the President but he can't do anything alone. He can't make us any better when he has idiots in congress standing in his way with their own agenda's to make sure that this nation receives no health care, firing our teachers and allowing the rich to continue to get richer. Politics is politics and they are ALL dirty but instead of ranting on a diary site and exercising your "2nd amendment right", why not go out and change what it is you don't like about this country? |
comment.layouts Post Count: 2 |
Trump running for the 2012 election? Gosh I hope he doesn't turn the white house into a casino.
Emily the Strange Post Count: 195 |
@Conservative Values: So what would be proof for you? Because I don't think anything would do. Everyone and their grandmother, with any legal authority have come forward saying he is american born. Why do you persist? It makes no sense.
Why don't you just admit that you don't like the president and you want a reason to oust him, but because there are NO reasons to oust him, your party has decided to make a reason. Just admit it you have no case. Come on. You'll feel better afterwards. |
Conservative Values Post Count: 51 |
i am not saying that what he released today is absolutely not his birth certificate...i just thought the fact that it had layers when you open it up in adobe acrobat was a little suspicious. look at my entry for the video.
Emily the Strange Post Count: 195 |
@Conservative Values: I read your diary frequently. I like how it makes me feel intellectually superior. :)
kein mitleid Post Count: 592 |
I think the only ample proof CV would accept is being present at Obama's birth.
SoA Post Count: 252 |
Ok question: did you even vote when the time came? Because if you didn't SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE
Conservative Values Post Count: 51 |
What makes you think i didnt vote?
SoA Post Count: 252 |
"if i can not vote in the voting booths or with my wallet...then i have no problem voting with my second amendment right."
SoA Post Count: 252 |
Okay that's weird the rest of my comment isn't there. The reason I posted that part of your comment is because that is what got me to ask you if you voted. I'm just curious & was wondering. The reason I'm wondering is because I was brought up to believe that if you don't vote you don't get to complain because you didn't do what you could to change it. If you voted, awesome. Again I was just curious. I'm not at all accusing you of not voting, just asking a question.
Conservative Values Post Count: 51 |
right because people always suffix their curiosity with "then shut your pie hole!"
just a polite question, huh? |