Transit Post Count: 1096 |
What about something light and that can reduce nausea a little, such as ginger biscuits or some ginger beer, surely it is best to eat something that you will digest quickly as I doubt giving birth on a full stomach is desirable situation either.
xXkiplissesXx Post Count: 1 |
I brought a bunch of snacks but didn't eat them.. the hospital had a help yourself kitchen so I took advantage of that. Lots of liquids water, juice, and I reccomend gatorade or powerade. If you're not allergic to peanut butter.. peanutbutter and graham crackers, I also ate a bunch of apples and cereal. idk about the throwing up though, I was on pills to control that because I lost 30 lbs from morning sickness
Mojo Jojo Post Count: 278 |
In both my labours, I couldn't eat. I had fast progression so I went from 0-60 pretty quick, and eating wasn't much on my mind. Drinking's more important in my opinion, but then I couldn't manage much of that either. I found I wanted VERY COLD drinks
Bittersweet Post Count: 56 |
With my first son I didn't want to eat at all, and I spent most of my labour on the toilet because I always thought I had to pee. Even after he was born I didn't want to eat. (Total: 13.5hrs, about 40or so mins of "hard labour")
My 2nd son is a whole different story. I was hungry while in labour and soon as I seen food I wasn't hungry anymore. Once he was born that was another story and all that I wanted was donuts and chocolate milk lol. (Total: 4hrs 45mins, about 20 mins of "hard labour). |