♥Mars.Foxx Post Count: 64 |
wow. maybe mandatory mental evals need to be done with people who have new babies. i cant think of anything else. i mean sure it sucks and seems controlling but dear god, if someone had maybe spoken to these people who had these babies, maybe something would have clicked that SOMETHING wasn't right?????????????? im not reading the article, just cant bring myself to, but were they crazy? on drugs?? normal people don't do that =[
Transit Post Count: 1096 |
@ *-.Stephanie.-* :
You didn't do all of those things with your daughter, yet you didn't put her in a microwave. |
American Post Count: 221 |
@Transit My wife did, and didn't microwave our baby. #justsayin
~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
@iWRITE: You've completely missed Transit's point. Her point was that those things (if you do them or don't do them) are irrelevant to the likelihood that you'll then microwave your baby (as Stephanie had suggested a relationship between failing to do those things, and then doing something crazy like microwaving your baby). She was pointing out that Stephanie's correlation between the two was ridiculous (not suggesting that actually doing those things would make you microwave a baby either!).
American Post Count: 221 |
@RedFraggle I realized that. My reply was tongue-in-cheek. Perhaps I wasn't very clear about that. From now on, I'll use #TiC as an identifier. lol.
Betch. Post Count: 111 |
i wonder what happened to the microwave. Just saying, i mean really.
Poetic Justice Post Count: 229 |
LOL... *shakes head*
.love.struck. Post Count: 492 |
I understand that being a mom is hard (I have a 10 month old) but how can anyone physically harm their children? If a woman starts to think bad thoughts like that, they should go to a doctor and seek some help. There is nothing shameful about telling a person. Society is more accepting and willing to help a woman out these days. I'm not way saying this is an excuse! I think what she did was just disgusting.