love♥nik Post Count: 1010 |
Being an individual is awesome, and kudos to that. However, using your individuality in your spelling does not make you an individual. All who see it will just see someone who can't or won't spell correctly. A few misspellings or typos are one thing and not noticed b/c everyone does that, constantly shortening every single word makes a paragraph of words very hard to read.
Your last 2 paragraphs are much easier to read and thus, people might actually take you seriously. And most of us have been here since we were your age. ;) It's only been about 10 years since Bloop's inception, we're not middle aged yet. Also, you mock these women for blocking you, but you blocked me. :P Don't call the pot black Ms. Kettle. |
K♥Blah Post Count: 65 |
Most of us here aren't middle aged....or insecure for that matter. We were just highlighting the fact that we could barely understand what you were typing due to the way you were constructing your sentences. I apologise for the fact that I probably went about it the wrong way but at least now you are making the effort and attempting to type like an educated person.
I think most of the people here on the forums don't mind the odd spelling mistake or two, like I mentioned earlier, but when you completely bastardize the English language, people such as myself will draw attention to it. The problem is - the way you were typing before - it detracted from the point you were trying to make with your original post, naturally we were going to care more about the way you were typing simply because we couldn't understand what you were trying to say. I'm sorry for my actions and if you felt that I was attacking you in anyway but please keep in mind that whilst we here on bloop aren't all "middle aged", some of us aren't teenagers and have respect for the English language. (I'd also like to mention that some of us here - actually, ALL of us here on bloop are sexy, attractive, strong-minded and wonderful people, we don't need to post pictures of ourselves in order to feel sexy or to have someone else call us sexy. While there is nothing wrong with posting pictures, there's nothing wrong with NOT posting pictures, we are who we are, we are comfortable in our skin.) |
love♥nik Post Count: 1010 |
Bloopers do tend to gang up. xD But then again... considering how long most of us have been here and seen who all has come and gone... it's understandable that we do. XD
Ladii Post Count: 4 |
No i dont do it to be individual i can understand it and thats all that matters. My enteries werent for all of you to judge and make rude coments on it. I even said that but all of you had to keep going. And yes i did block im srie i thought that feature was for people who post rude coments and offend you so you block them. Why would i not block someone being disrespectfull. I even wrote in my first entry i spell like this and idc if you dont like it you dont have to read and leav rude coments. Idc how long all of you have ben here its about respecting another person especialie before you know them. Its never u derstandable do all of you not have a mind to find out more before saying anything. I wana thank you for actualie giving points bt i do not find the behavoir of you fellow friends in any way repectible
love♥nik Post Count: 1010 |
"Just because thiers a confident young individual who dosent wana write like the majoritie of people do" that's where I got that you spelt the way you did b/c you want to be an individual. *shrug*
Lol I don't care WHY you block me, but then you can't whine about others blocking you for the exact same reason. I remember seeing your first entry and not being able to read any of it. If you'd written it first perhaps the way you're typing now, people would've been more understanding b/c they could actually read what you had said. And I don't mind giving points and yes, bloopers can gang up and while it may not be right, it is also something you should realize that that's what people do. When someone types like that people don't see individuality. Individuality is seen in prose, in art, in a way someone conducts themselves, not in the way someone types. When someone doesn't know basic grammar or spelling, it is seen as a sign of idiocy, which is not a fault, this can be remedied, or a sign of laziness, which is much worse. What you may see as individuality or as some you alone can read, others see differently. And you say that it's only for you well... no it's not. You made a public diary, which means anyone can comment on it. You made a public forum post, which invites the community to comment upon it. Sure they may have been harsh, but it is also something that you personally made public. If it was truly for you alone, then you alone would have been able to read it. I'm sorry people didn't say what you wanted to hear, but we've had a lot of fakes around here who type the way you did for mere attention, so little tolerance is usually shown. The way you speak affects the way others perceive you, which we all care about, no matter what we say about it. You seem much more intelligent in speaking this way and while there are a few mistakes, I can understand you, which is what I'm sure the others wished to do. If you wish to be understand by the majority, you must do so in a way that we understand. If I wrote in Chinese or Arabic, I would get the same "huuuuuhhhh" replies. |
Eye.Lee.Uh Post Count: 21 |
Nik is right.. I will admit that i behaved badly and i'm sorry.. and she's also in correct that we have had a lot of fakes and you can go to ANY diary website and anyone that types like the way you did (not now).. it just makes it hard for us to get to know you or even WANT to get to know you.
anyways.. again.. nik is right.. if you would've typed like this in the first place some people wouldn't be so quick to judge.. (this includes me).. - welcome back to bloop.. and have a great day - |
Eye.Lee.Uh Post Count: 21 |
meant to say "she is also correct" not "she's also in correct" (head slap)
Ladii Post Count: 4 |
I didnt wine about them blocking me i was pointing out if they are gona s things like that they shudnt be afraid of showin who they are. It is not my fault ur trust and of ur pierse isent fullie stable do to other individuals. I do realise thats what people do im in no way asking for your pitty i was giving my point of view and the facts. And sense you couldnt read it i will tell you that it said this is for me im leavi.g it bublic for anyone who can read it and for someone with similar experiences. I also wrote that people think im some bitch cheerleader r dumb for typen like this. Now as for my forum your ladies didnt even stay on the subject and how i spelled was more important in thier eyes even after i wrote what i ment second time normally.
love♥nik Post Count: 1010 |
Well that was mainly the point. No one will take what you say seriously if you did it that way the first time. Just like if someone in front of you was acting a fool and then all of a sudden was being serious, you would focus on him acting like an idiot.
Eh. I don't see why you couldn't type like that in the first place. I mean... I'm sure there's a place where you COULD type like that and people would understand you... but Bloop is a very small community and I honestly can think of 1 other teenager who writes here. I can even think of older teens (18-19). Everyone is in at least their young 20s or older. You say it was meant only for you but if that were honestly the case, then how would someone else know if they had similar experiences when they can't even read it? And you're right, it's not your fault that we don't trust... w/e it was you said. I don't know exactly what you meant but I can guess. Idk. Now it feels we're just going in circles. I said my bit. Eh. |
love♥nik Post Count: 1010 |
*can't, not can. >.< Srsly Doc, an edit button would be AMAAAAAAAZING. XD
& skull. Post Count: 1701 |
i can't be bothered trying to interpret your shit writing style, and i won't apologise for that. lesbians still get std's you know, so i don't think anyone of your maturity level should be banging anyone.
in the real world if you want to be taken seriously you speak like you grasp the language. people learning english as a second language make less mistakes than you do. if you want to use to forums, type like a human with a functioning brain if you don't want everyone to ask what the fuck you're on about. |
Ladii Post Count: 4 |
Lolz i would like to point out to all of you that the only argument u had is that i dont spell right. You didnt even argue anything. And if your so sexy y dont you put a picture up. Honestlie all of u ever did was be rude for no reason. I gues to feel better . Yal didnt even make any points. Its sad wemon ur age act like this. But it is a bit understandable from when i read yalz profiles before sm of you blocked me. Ik im 16 bt i dont have toresult to cussi g and pickin on people to prove my point wich all of you didnt in the first place. Just because thiers a confident young individual who dosent wana write like the majoritie of people do dosnt mean you have to become opinionated nand basiclie say i cant write. If ur something special prove it. Nt act imature
Eye.Lee.Uh Post Count: 21 |
I've already apologized for "attacking" you.. so I won't say anything more about your "typing" cause it's just one big circle with you
I agree an edit button or even a delete button would be Amazing GETTING BACK TO YOUR ORIGINAL POST: To customize your diary you are able to.. if you look to the right >>> you will see a box with "search" under it.. type in layouts.. (IF YOU CAN'T SEE THEM, that just means your new and the SYSTEM [not just the diaries, but the system] doesn't trust you} As for your circle suggestion --- there is something not exactly what you want but there is a LOVE and PASSION and under it is gay and lesbian - since you have mentioned that your are gay (awesome).. that would probably be the best circle for you..or even under the Misc or just under the "old" people section.. -- i know a lot of teenagers are interested in sex.. however there are some here that really couldn't care less.. That is all |
Unauthorized Post Count: 72 |
@ Lunar Fairy:
You almost made me have a sad. The other day, I searched for "layouts" and nothing came up. I was feeling very untrustworthy because of what you said. But what do you know, I tried again and there they are! Yay! I am glad my isp enjoys filling me with doubt and insecurity. |
Eye.Lee.Uh Post Count: 21 |
I'm so sorry unauthorized.. it wasn't suppose to make you sad.. but you know what.. sometimes i can be wrong and i'm glad to admit that :D..
Chris Post Count: 1938 |
This entire thread should have been one post long. Except everyone feels the need to jump at someone as if spelling and grammar indicates a level of intelligence.
I don't know why members of this community like to aggressively vocalize how much they don't care. All she wanted was a sex diary. |
Emily the Strange Post Count: 195 |
Because people are bored, Chris.
love♥nik Post Count: 1010 |
Lol agreed. With Danny gone, Tommy banned, Estella off doing her work... what do we have for amusement?! XD
& skull. Post Count: 1701 |
i'm sure she's intelligent, but she's sure as hell not a mature person. anyone that spells like this online, or speaks with a lot of slang or text speak in person i generally don't want anything to do with. it's not hard to communicate efficiently.
speak like a dickhead and get treated like one. |
Chris Post Count: 1938 |
ev: Define "efficiently". I type with proper grammar and such because I have a typing speed of 85 wpm on a good day. It doesn't take me any longer to type out an extra few letters, or an apostrophe or something.
if i typed a little slower, id probably type like this or something to this effect, with little punctuation and shortcuts on words (bc = because, yea = yeah, etc.) It just saves time, and I don't think it has anything to do with maturity. If you read her last response, you can see she types in a way that cuts time, but is also readable. She's capable of doing it. I think anything written coherently is pretty easy to read, unless you're at prittii levels of typing. |
& skull. Post Count: 1701 |
by efficiently i mean so that i don't have to spend extra time reading the sentence or asking someone to repeat themselves until i can interpret what they say.
how much time are you really saving speaking/typing like that? i think it does have to do with maturity and general laziness. i'm too lazy to capitalise, but "typin lik dis to sav time is ridic" looks stupid and makes me feel like i'm 12. |
K♥Blah Post Count: 65 |
Hey, I'm all for people using shortcuts in order to type faster or more efficiently, I mean occasionally I will do so, but I'd rather stick to using the correct terms. Each to their own. But when I literally can't read what the person has written, I can't translate what the person has written and it goes beyond a few shortcuts - that's when I have a problem. That's the issue I had with this original post, I said on multiple occasions - a few typos or missing punctuation marks isn't go to bother me - heck a FEW short cuts weren't going to bother me, but I just went back then to read a few of the old posts and I still can't figure out what some of the sentences say.
It's like my courses at University, we can't just create our own acronyms for the sake of saving time and efficiency - our lecturers and tutors wouldn't have a clue what we were writing about. |
Chris Post Count: 1938 |
"It's like my courses at University, we can't just create our own acronyms for the sake of saving time and efficiency"
Do you not see the problem with this? |