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Compassion seems to be absent in this "man of go
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12 Feb 2009, 06:02
Post Count: 65
Attacking your character...No I was stating the truth..What did I say that wasn't true? Anything I think for our relationship on line...when was the last time you left me a note....can you remember? Yeah neither can I. So don't try to lecture me on friendship and concern for another.
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12 Feb 2009, 05:53
Post Count: 462
Discussing things with you is like walking through a brick wall. There's no point because there is no way you're gonna get through.
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12 Feb 2009, 05:56
Post Count: 65
Show me where you have tried in this forum entry...Show me where I should re consider my thoughts. I haven't seen anything like that. If you disagree with my ideas, show me why, don't just say your view. Use mine and show me where I am wrong.
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15 Feb 2009, 03:26
Post Count: 1010
*clap clap to you* Props yo.
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12 Feb 2009, 05:44
Post Count: 65
If this man said anything unbiblical I would have called him out on that like I have wrote about my opposition to the other group she mentioned Westboro Baptists and their hate campaign. I didn't see anything like that in this article.
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15 Feb 2009, 03:10
Meghans Follie
Post Count: 433
sw my friend.. sheep and goats. We both know which he falls into.. matthew 25:31 -46..
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12 Feb 2009, 05:56
Post Count: 378
You Jimm....have successfully proven my point.

Thankyou for that. Instead of furthering the cause for your belief you have proven what I already know.

As for your statement above, please go and ask one of your fundametalist friends. I have no belief in your god and the actions of such.
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12 Feb 2009, 05:57
Post Count: 65
Some day you will.
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12 Feb 2009, 05:58
Post Count: 378
Don't hold your breathe.

You will end up..going home to your god if you do.
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12 Feb 2009, 06:00
Post Count: 65
That would be a good thing wouldn't it. Threatening someone with Heaven...not much of a worry there. :)
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12 Feb 2009, 06:01
Post Count: 378
Stop reading into my statement what isnt there. I am not threatening you. Merely stating what you believe will happen to you.
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12 Feb 2009, 06:05
Post Count: 65
Hey I am just trying to understand what is so hideous about that preachers statement and no one has yet to answer my question of why it is any more offensive then anything else that has been said and why this man couldn't feel he is actually doing a good thing by speaking out against sin and the possible judgment of God.
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12 Feb 2009, 06:08
Post Count: 378
If he is so convinced he should be pulling families out of crs..

Hell Jim....maybe YOU should. Lets see..if you were fleeing a 10 kilometre wall of flame with your family....if you would still feel it was gods will hmmm?
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13 Feb 2009, 04:59
Post Count: 65
The real question is if I was convinced it was the righteous judgment of God why would I get in his way or attempt to. God is the judge, God has the right to vent his wrath on sin and it is not my place to disagree or try to stop his will.
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13 Feb 2009, 13:30
& skull.
Post Count: 1701
so you'd let yourself burn? where's your survival instinct? didn't god give us all one of those?
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13 Feb 2009, 07:57
Post Count: 2651
You really can't see what is so offensive? How do you think the families of the dead (some of them children) feel when someone starts saying they were killed as some vengeful act of God? Are their hearts not breaking enough already? It's cruel and unnecessary.

Really, I did think you were more compassionate than that.
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13 Feb 2009, 12:47
Post Count: 65
I never said I cannot see why his statements would be offensive as I am sure that they are offensive. In fact I am sure they are offensive however that being said the Word has many times that man would find God offensive concerning judgment. I think of Jeremiah as he is told to preach to all of Jeremiah that they should repent before the judgment of God was upon them yet God reveal to Jeremiah that he wouldn't have a single convert. I think of when the Israelites in the Book of Numbers entered into sin with the woman of the Midianites and God had Moses destroy every man, woman and child. Isn't that offensive to man?

My point was not if this man was being compassionate, my point was why we have become so complacent with the fear of God that we do not believe God can and will punish sin in dramatic ways when he sees sin abounding. Why do we have NO FEAR of God and only see his grace and mercy and while I understand what King Phantom was saying concerning the dispensation of grace I am not sure I agree with that considering what God has reveal will happen in the Last Days unless of course he is stating that this would be the end of that dispensation.

All I was trying to do is to get some people to see it from that preachers point of view that maybe in fact he thinks it is being compassionate and caring enough to warn those people of their sin and the judgment of God. Are we so narrow minded we cannot see that this is the job of a preacher so to speak though I honestly believe he is incorrect and I don't believe God gives us visions like that today which not really for me to determine. In fact if he were not to proclaim that truth in his eyes it would be sin.

Just something to consider. As for those who are suffering it is awful but there is suffering everywhere in to be completely honest much worse in many places that we all over the world turn our backs on and don't get emotional about at all. In fact most of us don't even care in the slightest until the media shows us the pictures of the suffering. That is the cold hard truth. While we claim to be compassionate, we are selectively compassionate to those we feel some time of bond to or to those we are told we should. I am sure that statement is going to be offensive as well, but suffering is everywhere and much of it is so horrific that is boggles the mind.

i think of Jesus looking over the city of Jerusalem and says, O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not! Behold, your house is forsaken. And I tell you, you will not see me until you say, 'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!'" (Luke 13:34-35) He knew the judgment of God was going to happen, it says he was moved with compassion yet He did not try to stop God from exacting his righteous judgment.

Now if that makes me an idiot for trying to understand his viewpoint which I have said numerous times I disagree with wholeheartedly, yet I understand how he felt that it was his duty to proclaim that truth because as far as he was concerned it was the will of God and sin not to even if it offends many.

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12 Feb 2009, 20:59
Post Count: 300
are you saying god makes people sin to get his own personal revenge for their wrong doings? 9/11 was a result of people doing something terrible.
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13 Feb 2009, 04:09
King Phantom
Post Count: 34
Whether or not Jim has said such a thing, I'll point out that God doesn't MAKE anybody sin. And it's not called revenge, either.

The wages of sin is death. It's not something God does, it's something that is a consequence of sin. God has told us this. It is up to us to decide if we believe it or not.

And, just because this man from Australia does, who is anyone to condemn him? Or to put him down? It is his belief and he has not tried to force you, or anyone else, to believe it. He has made his statement and, because of it's spiritual reference to a tragedy being a consequence of our own actions, people have started throwing stones. Which, in fact, only proves to us as Christians that the bible is ever more true given the fact that it says such things will happen.
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13 Feb 2009, 13:36
& skull.
Post Count: 1701
i think that saying we deserved to be horribly burnt because of some law that bugs a certain religious group is a rather gigantic put down, and that this man is open to some fairly big put downs in return. the fact that he could say this smack bang in the middle of this makes me wonder if he has any of the christian love and understanding you hear so much about. hell, where the fuck is this man's tact? does being a christian give you license to say unpleasant things during awful times and allow you to get away without being told you're an uncaring bastard? i think not.
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13 Feb 2009, 04:56
Post Count: 65
No I didn't say anything of the sort...the scriptures teach us that God tempts no man with evil so we sin by our own free will and the consequences of that sin lies with us. As I also stated many believe that these are the judgments of God upon our nation, nations of the world for their sin and for their unbelief.
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12 Feb 2009, 01:08
Post Count: 378
I am sitting here wondering how long before the beloved Westboro Baptists pick up on it..I will get on a plane and burn them at the stake myself if I have to.

Call it payback and ridding the world of bad rubbish.
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12 Feb 2009, 02:05
.Blue Bella.
Post Count: 743
That is just... fucked!
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12 Feb 2009, 04:46
Post Count: 65
Do you not believe that the anger of the Lord kindles over the death of the unborn? Didn't Jesus speak of the little ones and it would be better for a milestone to be tied around their neck...speaking as to the judgment of God? While he may not be man of compassion let us not flatter ourselves with the idea that God will not punish the wicked and the wicked deeds of abortion.
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12 Feb 2009, 04:47
Post Count: 65
God has put many a people to death for alot less than the death of the millions of unborn why would he hesitate to do the same today?
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