31Oct1517 Post Count: 134 |
As a Christian who rejects paedobaptism, I must confess that I'm a bit amused by this story since I don't consider those "baptisms" to be valid anyway. On a more serious note, I consider these "de-baptisms" to be a blessing for the visible church. By all means, let the apostates come out of the closet.
.Blue Bella. Post Count: 743 |
Another money making scheme if you ask me... and if people are stupid enough to pay for it, then... more fool them I guess.
I was baptised at 3 months of age. I clearly did not understand what was going on, and what it all meant. I follow no religion now, either. I don't believe in god, and I don't label myself a christian, just because I was baptised. So I'd say that my baptism was pretty much invalid anyway! It clealy means sweet bugger all! My daughter won't be baptised, much to the disgust of my family. The same family that don't attend church, or follow any kind of religion or have any belief in anything. I think it's all about havng people come and fawn over the baby. Don't need a baptism for that. My parents just want to keep up with the Jones' and look like they're good christian people, which they aren't. If, when she is old enough, my daughter wishes to follow a religion and maybe get baptised, I will support that fully. It is her decision and it has to be based on her beliefs, not mine. I think it would be very hypocritical of me to take my daughter in to a church as a baby and have her baptised. Just as I believe the same with me getting married in a church. It won't happen. I agree... "Renouncing baptism is a matter between the individual and God," a 3pound piece of paper isn't going to change much at all! |
& skull. Post Count: 1701 |
i got baptised and then had a conformation [where as a teen you say all the vows that were said for you as a baby] and i don't go to church any more. i kind of want a church wedding, but only because of what my dad does. lol. however he's also a celebrant and so he can marry me wherever.
i also sort of want my kids to be baptised, but i think that's just because it's seems like the thing to do and my family would like it. but i agree, if you're aren't planning on setting foot in a church it's kind of pointless. |
Meghans Follie Post Count: 433 |
exactly! In this line of thinking, one could also buy another 3pound piece of paper stating that they are saved and waltz into heaven provided they had the right one in their pocket at the right moment.
Fiat Post Count: 288 |
This is one of the reasons why I won't be baptizing my children. Biblically speaking, there's no indication that infants were baptized in Christ's same (except for some obscure verse that refers to "households" being baptized...not good enough evidence for me, personally). I was baptized in the Catholic church as an infant and didn't have any say in it. I didn't become a Christian until I was 16, and by then my family was no longer Catholic anyway. :P I decided for myself to be baptized again last summer at the age of 21, and it WAS a matter between myself and God at that point. Now I kind of want to de-baptize myself from the Catholic faith, lol. (j/k - I wouldn't waste my money.)
After our daughter is born in another 8 weeks or so, we will have a church ceremony called a baby dedication during which my husband and I will publicly commit to raising her in a Christian home. And she still gets to wear a pretty little dress and have a party afterwards. :) |
Fiat Post Count: 288 |
^ should read "Christ's TIME" not same. sorry.
& skull. Post Count: 1701 |
i think i'm a bit confused. what denomination are you? are there denominations where you don't have to be baptised while you're practising them? as far as i know, most christian denominations have baptisms, and you do them. then later when you're an adult you do it again, but you say all the baptism vows yourself.
why wouldn't you want your child to be baptised if it's part of the faith? |
Fiat Post Count: 288 |
I attend an Assemblies of God church. They do not practice infant baptism. Actually, many Christian denominations today do not practice infant baptism. Instead, we believe that while all Christians are commanded to be baptized, it should be done of one's free will - not by force or out of unbiblical tradition. At my church, we baptize people of all ages, from young children to adults - but all of them have made the decision themselves. If my daughter decides at the age of three that she wants to be baptized, then that's when it will happen. Obviously, I'd make sure she understood what her baptism means and it's significance.
I mentioned that I just got baptized last year. I should have gotten baptized immediately, but instead I put it off for selfish reasons, which I regret. |
& skull. Post Count: 1701 |
never heard of it. lol. but i only really know of the very old school denominations. catholic, protestant, anglican [church of england], jehovah's witness etc.
i don't know much about baptism, like i know it was in the bible, but i couldn't tell you if it specifically said you should do it young. i guess because it was just done so much and no one ever considered their kid might not want to follow that particular faith it just stayed that way. |
Meghans Follie Post Count: 433 |
Seventh-day Adventist's do not force baptism either to be a member of the church. Once apon a time they did, but not since the 90's.
& skull. Post Count: 1701 |
i think it seems to be that most denominations don't seem to push the issue anymore.
some people get their kid baptised because they were, but they show no interest in the church what so ever. a lot of anglican clergy here are telling people who ask about getting baptised that they must attend church five or so times before they can get baptised. lol, so not a lot of baptisms being performed round here ;D |
.November.Butterfly. Post Count: 210 |
thats so lovely.. the baby dedication. really nice idea.
Catch May If You Can Post Count: 157 |
i agree with beautiful lies and &skull. If you no longer have feelings towards your faith anymore, just ignore it. I'm sure god doesn't need you to have a piece of paper to notice if you no longer believe, and if you really no longer believe, then it doesn't really matter does it? just go about your life and choose not to believe, its a choice and doesn't need documentation. However, i guess its more of a closure than anything.