[danielle electra.] Post Count: 62 |
& btw, I've never heard of "druggist" either.. We always call them pharmacist.
~*Pagan*~ Post Count: 378 |
If the first shot was fatal then the other dont matter in the bigger picture....but ever heard of EXCESSIVE FORCE people?
-Mal- Post Count: 25 |
Yeah the first shot was fine to me. But then he went and got another gun and shot him more times. That is insane. Why get the other gun? The guy didn't even have a gun and was on the floor shot in the head. I would at least charge the man with aggravated assault in the second degree.
kein mitleid Post Count: 592 |
Not guilty by cause of mental defect. He was temporarily insane with rage -- these assholes came in, tried to rob him at gunpoint, and he reacted. At least that's how I'd see it, and if I were on the jury, I'd stick to "not guilty" the whole way.
~Just the 3 of Us~ Post Count: 98 |
Per merriam-webster online:
Main Entry: drug·gist Pronunciation: \ˈdrə-gist\ Function: noun Date: 1611 : a person who sells or dispenses drugs and medicines: as a: pharmacist b: one who owns or manages a drugstore |