.Amber. Post Count: 260 |
I was just thinking the same thing. it's VERY possible - that they didn't have enough service to connect a call
Catch May If You Can Post Count: 157 |
honestly, if they were ABLE to call 000 they should have, but if only the 1 signal was available i can see using facebook, but only trying facebook and not attempting 000 first is one of the stupidest things ive heard.
Mr.Cyanide Post Count: 37 |
Facebook? Fuck that, i would have updated my Twitter. Stupid kids and their facebook... I would rather have written a full blog about it, rather then making a facebook update.
queenbutterfly Post Count: 425 |
Honestly, I would have updated bloop! I would have been like, "Hey, this is queenbutterfly. I'm stuck and I need one of my besties to call 911!" ha ha. ;-D
~*Pagan*~ Post Count: 378 |
Yes :p I know o someone in a drastic situation who updated bloop :P
Damnit steve...we need to get bloop some media attention!! |
~*Pagan*~ Post Count: 378 |
Yes :p I know o someone in a drastic situation who updated bloop :P
Damnit steve...we need to get bloop some media attention!! |
-Neurotically Yours Post Count: 16 |
I can't say it surprises me. People seem to have lost the ability to think logically long ago. They should have gotten into a position to get them out and then mocked them for half an hour or so before they pulled them out.
-Mal- Post Count: 25 |
I live in the states and if we can't make a call our texts and internet don't work on our phones either so I'm not sure.
Jessica [Private] Post Count: 1751 |
Oh I can. Theres lots of times where I don't have enough signal to call, but I can text to update facebook/twitter.
~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
I was going to say the same thing. If I don't have good enough reception for a phonecall, I can't use internet either (although if I'm lucky i may manage to send a text).
Transit Post Count: 1096 |
I don't know if you know, but in the UK even if you don't have signal on your mobile you can still call 999.
seasongster Post Count: 58 |
doesn't surprise me. we had a guy drive his teenage son to the crisis unit (children's services, so an office full of social workers, not emts!) in the middle of the night last week because the kid had drank a lot and 'taken something'. he was breathing but unresponsive and foaming at the mouth! like wtf were you thinking call an ambulance or drive to the HOSPITAL you moron!
& skull. Post Count: 1701 |
i wouldn't mind knowing how they got into the storm water drain in the first place. why were and 10 and 12 year old alone? i probably wouldn't give my 10/12 year old a phone either, but i wouldn't let them wander around on their own in case they thought exploring a storm water drain was a good idea [believe me, it isn't. i know from personal experience, though i was only slightly older upon discovering this].
Mamas☮Memoirs Post Count: 21 |
yep my 11 year old stepdaughter has a myspace and facebook and has for the past 2 years! I turned her into myspace letting them know her real age and they deleted her profile but then her 'mommy' let her get another one and puts her age as being 16!!!!!!! how stupid right??!! I give up...apperently I have no say!
crafty writer Post Count: 4 |
seriously? oh my gracious. 10 and 12 year olds should not have a facebook profile for starters. I agree for that age to maybe have a cell phone, but on tight tight restriction and used in emergencies only. But posting on facebook instead of calling an emergency line... seriously? Is this what is happening to today's society?
Nuriko Post Count: 11 |
I can't help but wonder if they weren't exactly looking for help but announcing "hey, guess what, we're lost in some storm water drain!"
prettylittlekitty Post Count: 78 |
Ummm..... it would of been a whole lot easier to just dial their form of 911.... like the article said. Wow. lol. Probably just an attention getter I think.
Rebelle.Society Post Count: 6 |
Yeah you should always be able to dial 911 regardless of anything. I don't know how that works, but it does. Regardless, wtf, my kids will NOT have cell phones at all until they are old enough to understand the concept and pay for it themselves basically. I'm not going to get stuck and screwed paying their text overages!! And if I were to allow my kids having any at all, it would be the crappiest pathetic cell phone ever, without texting/internet ability. And they'd get a max of 20 minutes a month or something, unless my kid was a moron and got into all of this trouble all the time. Which would be utterly ridiculous. Just saying. Haha.