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Hospital Forces Lesbian to Die Alone; Judge Give
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8 Oct 2009, 18:09
Hope Rising
Post Count: 42
Oh geez, it ate the other half of my post! I was saying that shouldn't have happened. No one should have to jump through such hoops to see a loved one that is hopitalized. Sexual orientation shouldn't even come into question in such a setting! It's just nonsense. But in America we have laws that have caused this to happen.
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8 Oct 2009, 18:19
Post Count: 2651
You've got it backwards. The law GIVES them the right to be treated as next of kin. The hospital chose to ignore the law. The fault is not with the government, but with the hospital who chose to ignore the papers. If such laws did not exist, and such papers were not provided, it would have been even harder for this couple to be recognised as a couple.
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8 Oct 2009, 18:58
Mary Magdelene
Post Count: 506
I think the important thing here is to recognize that she agrees with you that this woman should not have been forced to die alone simply because the state doesn't recognize her union with her partner. You may disagree on the reasons behind why she was denied that right to have them there, but your feelings on the situation itself are the same.
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8 Oct 2009, 18:23
Post Count: 2651
It is absurd, but the reason that the government has had to step in and make such laws is because otherwise hospitals can be as prejudiced as they like and do whatever they want. The people to blame are the ones who are abusing their power, like the hospitals, not the government for trying to give these people the rights they deserve.
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8 Oct 2009, 18:46
Aspiring Boxer
Post Count: 169
This makes me so sick. I can't imagine going through that. I have a partner. She is the love of my life. I plan to marry her, regardless of what the government thinks of us. This just scares me to death. For a short time there I thought that I might know that couple because they used sign language and they live in the same town as me. But I don't recognize the names... I really feel for their family. :(

And why the heck did the judge dismiss it?!
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8 Oct 2009, 19:12
Blitch. [+1]
Post Count: 82
This family lives in the same town as my boyfriend does. It's so close to home. I am pretty sure that had they been home this wouldn't have happened. This poor family. :(
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8 Oct 2009, 20:43
Aspiring Boxer
Post Count: 169
You're right, I HIGHLY doubt that this would have happened in Olympia or Lacey, the people here are VERY open minded because we have a huge gay community. I hope that the family gets justice.
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