![]() Unauthorized Post Count: 72 |
Wow. I'm glad we are all.."Damn kids!" this and "Damn kids!" that and "Crotch-fruit Demon Spawn!"
Seriously..just wow. No sense in being so cruel..Remember the days when points could be made without insults or name calling? I do. For me, this all boils down to respect. If this so called 'ban' could be introduced correctly, it wouldn't cause feuding. If the non-parents wouldn't judge parents, and vice versa..well, we'd be making progress. but instead, these types of articles cause everyone to jump up and scream nonsense. Both sides. It's ridiculous. I still stand behind my earlier reaction, in that this still does not 100% sit right with me. But, as I will be largely unaffected, it doesn't really matter. I live in the middle of nowhere, I don't think this concept will find its way here. If this continues to spread, and the opinions elsewhere are similar to the opinions here...well, I'll be standing by for Kid Pride Parades. Also, to be honest, I lol at crotch-fruit. I'm sure I shouldn't have.. |
![]() kein mitleid ![]() Post Count: 592 |
@Unauthorized: "Remember the days when points could be made without insults or name calling? I do. "
That never happened on here. Never. There was never a day when there wasn't name calling. I've been here since pretty much the beginning, under different names over the years, and there has always been name calling and insults. It was even worse back then, if I remember correctly. The whole scrolling Reader's Choice list always had call & answer style entries, just non-stop flames. Maybe you're being reminiscent of how you think things *should* have been back then, but they were actually worse. |
![]() Unauthorized Post Count: 72 |
I was not around back then. I was just generalizing. I'm sorry. I'll not try to lighten the mood again. Lesson learned.
![]() Beautiful Lies Post Count: 402 |
Unauthorized, you have to admit that 'crotch-fruit' is hilarious. That's why I typed it :D.
![]() derdoppelganger Post Count: 26 |
+1 for crotch fruit.
![]() Beautiful Lies Post Count: 402 |
Also, just throwing this out there... I've worked retail for like 10 years now. It's made me hate children because SO MANY children are ridiculous. I get that there are well behaved children, I know a few of them (and by few I mean 2), but the truth is that 95% of children are horrible little creatures. Yes it's because their parents are morons and don't care a lot of the time, but unfortunately that's the way it is.
I just don't understand why people have to bring their damn kids everywhere with them? When I was younger we rarely went out with my parents for dinner. Mom also went grocery shopping on the weekend when pops was home so he could watch my sister and I. I get that not everyone has the luxury of having dad/boyfriend/parents watch the children but cmon. At least when my parents did have to take us somewhere it was a kid-friendly place. |
![]() Unauthorized Post Count: 72 |
@Beautiful..it was. Especially because I remembered what I used to tell strangers that would reach out and try to poke at my son when he was a newborn. It's funny, everyone knows babies come out of vaginas, and it doesn't bother them. Unless you actually say as much....anyway..
Don't get me wrong. I hate children that aren't my own. The majority, I should say...I think some people only congratulate you for having a baby so when they have one or twelve, you can congratulate them on their new arm decoration(s.) The instant that child gets the boob out of his/her mouth and sets foot on the ground, nobody cares anymore. Too many parents want babies. Not growing children. Babies. They want the recognition for it. That's where the problem starts. I truly think, sometimes, those parents take the unwanted children out with them just so others can 'see' how miserable they are. Pity seekers who don't care how disruptive and annoying they are, they just want attention, like they received when their brats were babies.. I always thought that fancy dinners were for adult celebrations, you know, romantic outings or a financial success..I wouldn't want to have my son disrupting the mood for myself, let alone others. I don't think he would anyway, but just having him present would present extra hassle and distraction..cutting his food and what not.. Grocery stores banning children would be the huge problem for me. But I think it's kinda against Walmart's policy to consider a thing like that. And that's all we have here. I think I'm good.. |
![]() starsmaycollide Post Count: 408 |
I'm confused. Aren't grocery stores and most restaurants 'kid friendly' places to go? Your mom probably liked going alone to get a break, but it's not as if it would inappropriate for you to go with her.
I get the original point of this thread about some businesses creating bans, but what do you mean by asking why parents take their children "everywhere"? Is "everywhere" the grocery store, too? |
![]() *Forever Changing* ![]() Post Count: 847 |
She stated "Lately, complaints about screaming kids are being taken seriously, not only by airlines, but by hotels, movie theaters, restaurants, and even grocery stores." If there are going to be grocery stores, and the like do place a ban on children then they are no longer kid friendly. I take my babies everywhere except class (and thats a whole nother argument) or on date nights. I go on date night MAYBE once a month, but when I do, I dont take them. If we go out to eat other then a date night, its a kid friendly casual place, not fine dining. Kids do not need to go "everywhere" your kid might be cute, but that doesnt mean bring them to class and let them disrupt my test. *Some* parents think the second they have a child it means they must be attached at your hips at all times and that is simply not the case. If you are in class, at work, at a fine dining establishment, an adult movie, or similar places, your children simply should not be with you. I am sorry but a three year old DOES NOT need to watch an R rated movie because you couldnt "afford" a babysitter. AGAIN ALL MY "YOUS" ARE GENERAL ;)
![]() Unauthorized Post Count: 72 |
*To clarify..I totally wouldn't make my kid march like a retard in some nonsensical parade. I just get the feeling other mothers wouldn't care as long as they felt they were heard. Also, not dissing Gay Pride parades before that assumption is made.
![]() starsmaycollide Post Count: 408 |
I've worked with the public enough to understand why people like this People are often idiots in public in general, and it's way worse when they let their kids run around like crazy. I completely agree people should get to eat in peace.
At the same time though, there are times when people should not be so judgmental, too. I once worked with a teenager with Autism, and the looks/comments we would get from people out in public were sometimes really rude. (And he wasn't misbehaving. When he did, we would always leave the store just as I would have with any child .) Also, honestly, nothing was worse for me than when my infant cried on an airplane. Trust me, it was worse for me than you. But I am not going to apologize for bringing him, either- because when babies are very young, it's not so simple to just 'get a babysitter' like with bigger kids. We were going to another state, our son had to go with us, period. There were other empty seats on the plane, and yet someone sat next to us anyway. I wish he hadn't , but that was his choice. Again, I have worked around obnoxious kids. I get what people are saying. At the same time though, I think there's a big difference between taking a child on a plane versus an expensive restaurant. A kid doesn't need a fancy steak, but sometimes, they do have to travel. That's just how it is. I guess airlines can set up adult only flights if they want, if people want to pay for that, more power to them I suppose. |
![]() kein mitleid ![]() Post Count: 592 |
I've seen quite a few statements essentially in the vein of "that's not fair." Welcome to life.
![]() Shar Post Count: 36 |
I guess as a single mom to a special needs child I'm not entitled to go to the store/restaurant/airline with my child anymore because yes sometimes he gets freaked out?? There are some people that can't afford to pay for a babysitter when they need to go somewhere. It might be an inconvenience to you that he's screaming but maybe you should stop thinking omfg that stupid kid won't shut up, he must have shitty parents, all the time. Maybe he's got something wrong with him that causes him to scream like he does. There are quite a few adults that should be banned from public places, but I don't see us doing that to them.
![]() Beautiful Lies Post Count: 402 |
Shar, that's because when adults get rowdy and obnoxious you can kick their asses out. Most parents would FLIP THEIR SHIT if you tried to kick them out because of their screaming banshee child. True story.
![]() kein mitleid ![]() Post Count: 592 |
If you can't afford a babysitter, what are you doing eating out at restaurants where this sort of ban is enacted?
![]() Shar Post Count: 36 |
They weren't just talking about fancy restaurants. "Lately, complaints about screaming kids are being taken seriously, not only by airlines, but by hotels, movie theaters, restaurants, and even grocery stores."
I'm not sure how they do it where you live, but every once in a while we do get invited to go places, and paying a babysitter to take care of a child with adhd and autism is kind of expensive. But if you don't like it, you're more then welcome to pick up the tab. Thanks so much. |
![]() *Forever Changing* ![]() Post Count: 847 |
Our movie theaters ban kids under a certain age after 10 PM which again I completely support...sorry your child should be at home and in bed after 10 PM. I have brought my kids to Red Lobster ONCE, and although my daughter LOVES seafood, I don't feel its appropriate for them to be there. That is where many people go on dates and to escape their babies (me included) and I wouldnt want to ruin it for them. Kids will always be allowed in Walmart, but I would pay extra AND hire a babysitter to go to a grocery store that didnt allow them. My children have thrown a few fits in the store, followed by me bringing them to the car and going home, hiring a babysitter and shopping on my own. I cannot stand the sound of a screaming child, hence the reason it is unacceptable to throw a tantrum in my house.
I understand there are reasons many children throw fits or "act up" but as a common courtesy to other people if I had a special needs child, I would still leave the store with them if they began to cause a scene. I was taught a higher respect then most people however, and I was taught that its only polite to not annoy others with your screaming and crying. When I was 2, I threw a FIT in Walmart, like the falling on the floor screaming fit, because I wanted a toy. My mother left right then and there, drove me the 60 miles back home, and went back to the store. I didnt step foot in the store again until I was 6..and I never threw a fit again. (BTW those were general "yous" not directed at any one specific person) |
![]() kein mitleid ![]() Post Count: 592 |
Uh, pretty sure the grocery stores they're talking about are more like Whole Foods and some of the more expensive and upscale hotels. Again, what the heck are you doing going to those places if you can't afford a babysitter? Prioritize.
Thanks so much. |
![]() starsmaycollide Post Count: 408 |
Just to clarify, I am genuinely curious-do you mean she shouldn't go to Whole Foods with her child? I am just saying, there's a big difference between a fancy restaurant with a bar, or a 2 year old in an R movie, and needing to afford a babysitter in order to visit Whole Foods.
![]() kein mitleid ![]() Post Count: 592 |
What I mean was: Whole Foods is a ridiculously expensive grocery store. If you're going to shop there, but can't afford a babysitter, obviously you need to get your priorities straight. (You in a general sense, not singling *you* out in particular.)
You know, Walmart sells food, and there are plenty of cheap alternatives. Not being able to afford a babysitter to shop for groceries (for what, like an hour?) and shopping at Whole Foods -- what, do you take the bus there, pay with food stamps? Priorities..... |
![]() Winged Centaur Post Count: 301 |
Grocery stores are very different from a restaurant experience, as well. You can move away from the screaming child in a grocery store. The cart has wheels. It rolls. Away. Your options are much more limited in a restaurant. It may not be a viable option to move to a different section of the restaurant, especially during peak busy hours. No, you're just stuck there with a screaming child and parents who are obviously deaf.
Same thing for movie theatres and first class. The loudness is unavoidable, and therefore the best option is simply to remove the noise. But yeah, who shops at Whole Foods anyway? |
![]() Moonlight Shadows Post Count: 90 |
Just a note on this - yes the cart has wheels.. but if the kid is screaming its head off, that shit carries. Massively. It's also a known fact that if one is screaming, another somewhere in the vicinity will also join in.
Sometimes, there really is just no escape. And Whole Foods has an awesome selection of gluten free foods thats hard to find anywhere else :-p |
![]() Sensitive Girl Post Count: 21 |
I completely agree with you, Shar. Sometimes people can't do it any other way, they HAVE to take their kid along. Of course, you don't HAVE to go to upscale restaurants, or fly first class. And sometimes, it happens that a kid has special needs although you can't tell by just looking at them. I'm talking from experience here, my daughter is one of these children. And I'm sorry, but I have no other choice but to go to public places (grocery store, government agencies, post office, public transportation etc...day to day life things, pretty much), and I can't always leave her with someone else while I go. She is allowed to go places just the same as anyone else. And when she "misbehaves", I do whatever I can to get her to settle down, but sometimes, no matter the amount of work you put in to do that, it does not work. I take preventive measures though, such as when we're at the grocery store, she's sitting in the cart. She's 6 but I know she'd run around and I wouldn't be able to do my shopping properly. You know what? I get funny looks because she's tall and in the cart. I would get looks if she was running around. There's no winning. I even kept her in a stroller as long as she would fit in one (up til she was about 4 yrs old), so she'd be contained. If I want to do something with her, it'll be in a kid oriented place.