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Pet Peeves.
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13 Mar 2010, 23:52
Post Count: 492
I can't stand women who think they are know-it-alls when it comes to being a mom. I could careless if you have 5 kids, spitting and yelling at people because they do it differently, doesn't make them experts. It just makes them look foolish and immature. I also can't stand women who are extreme PRO breast feeders. I seen so many insane women attack other women because they choose to not do it too long or bottle feed and breastfeed at the same time. They attack them and call them bad mothers. It makes me think they are insane more than trying to prove a point. Oh and never say cover up with a blanket while feeding, lol. They go insane but it's kinda funny to watch them makes fools of themselves.
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14 Mar 2010, 00:21
Acid Fairy
Post Count: 1849
Oh super pro breast feeders irritate me too!
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14 Mar 2010, 00:51
*Forever Changing*
Post Count: 847
Those nazi breastfeeding moms have driven me to the point of such depression I couldnt do anything. After I had my second I couldnt breastfeed her and I got on Cafemom to get help for it, and just support, and they told me I was the worst mom ever, that I should just give my child away because I was feeding her the equivalent to rat poison. I already had slight ppd, but after they got through with me, I was so disgusted with myself I couldnt look at or hold my daughter for months. My husband had to quit his job to take care of the baby because I was worried I would hurt her.
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14 Mar 2010, 09:42
Post Count: 492
Rat poison?! Really? If formula was that bad then why would hospitals and baby companies make it? If breastfeeding is unsuccessful, then we have to use formula! What do they want, for the babies to die of hunger? I'm sorry you had to deal with stupid (BAD word inserted, like one of the worse names you can say) women like that. Karma is real. One day they will or have got something done back to them. Formula feeding doesn't make anyone a bad mom.
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14 Mar 2010, 22:17
*Forever Changing*
Post Count: 847
Haha, some people dont understand that not everything works for every person. They would rather see a baby starve to death then eat formula.
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17 Mar 2010, 00:48
lithium layouts.
Post Count: 836
We had a seminar on nutrition for neonates last year, and our clinician-lecturer told us about a case where a mother was feeding her 6 month old KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN. Like, I know you're meant to start introducing solids at 6 months, but KFC? Really??????
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17 Mar 2010, 02:23
*Forever Changing*
Post Count: 847
I dont start solids at 6 months. I want to let their stomachs get more developed and stronger. I am not going to preach about it hahaha, its just not what I do.
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15 Mar 2010, 12:21
Post Count: 25
fuckin' breast feeders are ignorant. breast feedin' is disgustin & unhygeinic. stupid people dont realize all the shit thats in their bodies that their givin to their babies.
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14 Mar 2010, 00:59
lithium layouts.
Post Count: 836
During student elections at our uni, we often get people with nothing better to do standing there handing out fliers as to why THEIR candidate is the most superior. One day during election week will see me accumulate up to 10 differently sized and coloured pieces of paper. What's worse is when you refuse to take their stupid piece of paper, and they shoot back with a catty remark, e.g. 'fine, don't take a stand' or 'I can see you don't care about student unions' or 'well, good on ya'... seriously. FUCK OFF. xD
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14 Mar 2010, 01:12
*Forever Changing*
Post Count: 847
You should reply "And I see your canidate doesnt care about the trees he/she is killing by printing up all these unneeded fliers" hahaha
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14 Mar 2010, 10:48
Post Count: 279
Oh then you wouldn't survive in our uni elections! =P They practically stick their badges on you then start talking endlessly about why you should vote for their candidate! If you just keep walking they start walking with you! If you tell them you ARE voting for their candidate and you don't need convincing they want to escort you to the voting booth to make sure you're not lying =P It's crazy!
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14 Mar 2010, 08:28
Tam I Am
Post Count: 311
Oh man after being at work I found a few more.

People who are too lazy to pick up their feet when they walk and shuffle them along the ground so their shoes make scuffling noises.
Coming in behind co-workers who don't do their jobs like they are supposed to do.
Being at work and having people know you hate being at work and ALWAYS asking the same fucking question.. "How's work going?" If that dumb bitch ever asks that question again I'm gonna punch her in her face. I swear.

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14 Mar 2010, 13:52
Acid Fairy
Post Count: 1849
Haha I'm guilty of shuffling my feet, but only if I am wearing flats. I can only walk correctly in heels ;D
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14 Mar 2010, 08:41
.Blue Bella.
Post Count: 743
1) People who drive right up my ass on the highway, even though I'm already going over the speed limit, trying to intimidate me to move (when I usually have no where to go!)
2) People who constantly tell you how much things cost, or how their new (*item*) is better than the one you have because it is the latest model or cost more, etc
3) Dirty laundry being left on the bathroom or bedroom floor when there is a laundry basket in there!
4) Tiny ass font in entries, in bright colours
5) Excessive blinkie and ticker usage in entry layouts (I am talking more than 2!)
6) Strangers arguing with me about my daughters age, and whether or not she was premature (she wasn't, but I had women in shopping centre baby change rooms ARGUE with me that she was because of her size!!! SORRY I DIDN'T GIVE BIRTH TO A WHALE!)
7) People who think it is their business to talk to me about breastfeeding (ie whether I do, why don't I, etc)
8) Those lovely people in shopping centres who are walking along in front of you and just STOP. DEAD WHERE THEY ARE. I mean WTF, move over to the side and stop... if not, don't look at me all crazy coz you stop (and worse, most step back) and I walk in to you!
9) When you ask people a question that requires a yes or no answer and they can't even manage that
10) People who are in line at a takeaway store or cafe or wherever and they've been in line 5 mins to think about what they want to order... then they get to the register to place an order and STILL DUNNO WHAT THEY WANT!
11) Misspelling of my daughters name... even though I usually mention it in every entry I write!
12) Being told I should be trying for another baby, or constantly being asked when we're having another baby. Lexi is 9 months old.... I HAVE a baby thanks!
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14 Mar 2010, 22:19
*Forever Changing*
Post Count: 847
Hahaha, I am soooooo guilty of number 5, but I love it.
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16 Mar 2010, 07:36
jessi bear(:
Post Count: 300
when people drive on my ass, i fuck with them on purpose. it makes me soo mad, haha. if they wanna be right on the rear of my car, they can deal with my shit or go around. haha.
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14 Mar 2010, 13:25
Let It Be
Post Count: 226
God, soooo many things fall into my pet peeves category!! I could probably write a book if I had enough time to think about it.

---Bad drivers all around, so many people clearly should have never received a drivers license. The test needs to be 1000x harder because it seems like everyday it's 50% idiots on the road risking other peoples lives! Also people who can't park, or back out of parking spaces.
---People who talk on their cell phones loudly in stores. My boyfriend will often times mock their conversation or pretend he's part of it ;D. And people who talk on their phone while checking out at stores!!!!! Rudest thing EVER, I hated it when I was a cashier. You are suppose to be having an interaction with another person, and you very well may be spoken to or asked questions by the cashier, so GET OFF YOUR DAMN PHONE FOR FIVE MINUTES!! Incidentally these are usually the same people who can't figure out how to use the debit/credit machine. Because reading simple instructions is very, very, hard.
---People with bad manners ON the phone. I work in a call center now and sometimes people will just hang up out of the blue instead of taking the 5 seconds to say "Actually I don't need any service, thank you" (and no I'm not a telemarketer, these people are calling me for help). People who rush me through calls, even though I'm only on the phone with them for MAX 4 minutes, and all the information I'm asking for is vital, yet they act like they need to argue me and tell me I DON'T need certain information.
---People who are bad parents and clearly display it wherever they are. If you're letting your three year old run to your car in the parking lot 10 steps ahead of you and you're making no effort to correct them, you're an idiot AND a bad parent. And people who don't remove their overly upset/whining kids from public to let them calm down. And people who let kids run wild in restaurants.
---When you're talking to someone, or someone asks you a question, and then after you answer they keep staring at you like you're suppose to tell them more. A woman who sits behind me at work does this and I seriously avoid talking to her sometimes because of it.
---Racism, classism, sexism, discrimination and injustices in pretty much all forms.
---Most republicans. No explanation needed ;).
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14 Mar 2010, 13:40
Let It Be
Post Count: 226
OH and one more....I saw other people mention earlier in the forum that they hate when people smoke in public near entrances etc (understandably, I wouldn't argue that)....but on the flip side, I hate it when I'm being a respectful smoker, standing AWAY from buildings, blowing my smoke up into the air or away from other people, and yet I still get comments from strangers oh so kindly informing me of the risks, as if I don't already know! And as if they actually give a fuck how/when I die! STFU because you're just being a pompous ass. Once I was actually shit on by a stranger while I was just BUYING cigarettes. Mind your own business much?
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14 Mar 2010, 23:29
*Forever Changing*
Post Count: 847
If you wanna smoke more power to you, because chances are that person talking crap is probably doing something to cause cancer to themselves. The only time I say something to someone is when they are clearly being disrespectful. If I walk by you with a baby in my arms its not okay to blow smoke at me. On the flip side if you are doing what you want and arent harming anyone, then go for it.
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15 Mar 2010, 19:38
Let It Be
Post Count: 226
Exactly, I think sometimes people assume too quickly that a smoker is going to be rude before they've even done anything disrespectful. I'd never ever blow smoke at someone with a baby, in fact I'd probably step back or at least move my cigarette as far away as possible. I hate it when I see other people smoking while pushing a stroller or walking with a child. And it's not so much that I WANT to smoke, I'm just helplessly addicted and haven't yet found the willpower to quit. Hopefully soon though ;). I've had people say stuff to me who are stopped in traffic in their car while I was walking and smoking, clearly I was doing no harm to them and not even within several feet of them, but they still felt it necessary to give me their 2 cents anyway.
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23 Mar 2010, 05:53
[mandie knickers]
Post Count: 157
That shit annoys me too, dude. Like, I get it that I'd be bothering you, if I was all up in your face or in the doorway or something blowing smoke up your ass, but when I'm standing ten yards away from you and the damn door, blowing the smoke AWAY, don't fucking come to me with your, "Oh my god, you're totally going to die because you smoke" bullshit. What I do is none of your business. Hell, you're gonna die too, ya know. Most likely from someone less understanding and with less patience than me shoving their fist down your throat. haha. NOT my secondhand smoke. haha.
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14 Mar 2010, 22:29
Post Count: 1010
.... I hate it when ppl have HUGE LONG convo's in a restaurant. If someone calls me randomly and I realize that it's about to be a long drawn out convo (that's serious, if they just wanna talk I always say lemme call you back b/c I'm having dinner), I always walk outside so I'm not bothering ppl w/ my conversation. Or if I need to make a call when I'm eating w/ a friend and I know that it's going to be longer than a minute or 2, I walk outside. I hate it when ppl don't have the same courtesy. >___< B/c I'm sorry, it's not only rude to the person you're w/ b/c you're ignoring them to talk on the phone, but also to everyone else who has to listen to you talk.
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23 Mar 2010, 05:55
[mandie knickers]
Post Count: 157
ah, the only time i do this is when my boo calls from japan, but then again, i go away from people to talk to him.

unless, of course, i'm at work, then the rest of these people just have to deal with it. but i tend to tell him to hang on, deal with the customers, and then resume the conversation. our conversations are really only like twenty minutes though. haha.
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14 Mar 2010, 16:55
Post Count: 2651
People who are lazy and park in disabled spots (who are not disabled)
People who expect others to fix all of their problems and won't take responsibility for their own lives.
Impatient people who drive up others bumpers (don't they realise that if that person has to brake suddenly, they'll be right in the back of them?)
Poor spelling and grammar
Americans who call themselves Irish/Scottish when what they MEAN is they have Irish/Scottish heritage and are in fact Irish-American (not the same as being Irish)
Even more annoying than the above... Americans who call themselves Irish and know NOTHING about Ireland (even the most basic things like the fact it's divided into Northern Ireland and the Republic and one is part of the UK and the other isn't)
English people who say "England" when they MEAN Britain (e.g. "the English government")
People who think Scotland is part of England (usually Americans)
For that matter... poor geographical knowledge in general
Ignorance and a lack of desire to learn

I'm sure I'll think of some more, given time...
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14 Mar 2010, 23:58
Post Count: 1010
*lolz* OMFG all of my "Irish" American friends do that. They call themselves Irish but they're like 6th generation American. XD I'm 2nd gen Taiwanese and I still add in the American after Taiwanese. xD

Slight confusion: ... when talking about British gov't you always say Britain? Not... England? I'm slightly confused... although I guess... that would be b/c Britain governs more than just England but... Idk, it's all quite muddy to me right now. XD

And as for this American, I know there is a Northern Ireland and one is part of the UK and that Scotland is NOT a part of England. XD
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