Jessica [Private] Post Count: 1751 |
I'm actually pretty good at that, sadly enough.
My school had a zillion different ethnicities, and immigrant kids; so I got good at it, mainly because I always wanted to know where people were from. |
*Forever Changing* Post Count: 847 |
I love cultures, and I was always amazed by the Spanish culture in high school I guess its only natural I married a Spanish-American, but I cannot tell, I grew up with all white kids.
Madeline Rain Post Count: 151 |
Greek is not a race. Neither is Spanish. Just like American isn't a race. These are all national origins. As an example, what do you call a white, South African person that was just naturalized as a U.S. Citizen? White African? African American would be the correct term. Of course, nobody is going to call them that, because in our culture, African American has a different connotation.
Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
A white South African is normally called an Afrikaner. They are mainly descended from Dutch immigrants at the time of the Boer War. Just so ya know! (My rents lived in SA/)
Jessica [Private] Post Count: 1751 |
Where I live we'd call a white person from South Africa a South African. We have quite a few people from that region that live in my city.
Although a black person from South Africa, would most likely just be called African. The reason I used Greek as an example is because the Greek people that I know, have a darker skin tone. They're not white. If anything they look closer to being Hispanic than anything else (I only know one Greek family, so I have no idea how accurately that applies to all people of Greek descent). But Greek people aren't classified as Hispanic. I believe they're classified as white. |
lithium layouts. Post Count: 836 |
I know quite a few Greeks and they're all pretty white. xD Like, you wouldn't look at them and wonder about their skin tone. Same as most Italians I know (and I know a lot xD).
Jessica [Private] Post Count: 1751 |
Then I stand corrected! ;D
Guess my friends are just weirdos ;) |
Jessica [Private] Post Count: 1751 |
Oh and I totally know what you mean about Italian people ;D
My brother's friend's family is Italian, and they're all as pale as I am. It's pretty amusing. |
lithium layouts. Post Count: 836 |
You know me, I'm full-blooded Italian. But apparently I'm so pale that one of my friends always asks me 'are you sure you're not a vampire?' Dick. Hahaha. xD
Jessica [Private] Post Count: 1751 |
Si. Quite pale ;D
But then again so am I. My dad's very dark, and my mom's super pale. Guess who's skin I get? :| |
lithium layouts. Post Count: 836 |
I find it strange that you guys differentiate between Hispanic and white... over here, the only people who aren't white are those from Africa (excluding the Dutch-descendent South Africans) or any of the Asian countries. Pretty much everyone else (Europeans and those from the Americas) is considered 'white'.
*Forever Changing* Post Count: 847 |
I guess people do it because Hispanics are a huge population here? I dont know honestly, I dont see the difference.
{-Pride-} Post Count: 3 |
Wow.. I know this was MONTHSSSSSSSS ago. And I'm sure you've forgotten all about this. But I just wanted to say that people need to stfu. No one should be telling you that you two have no business being married. If that's the case, I'm going to have to get married to somebody's who black, german, puerto rican and native american. Don't find that too often. They say it says it in the bible. That's a damn lie!!!!
T.A.I Post Count: 269 |
I think it has something to do with a personal comfort level or viewpoint on it.
You're not against mixed marriages or couples nor could you find any reason why you would be, but the thought of you being in one is unnerving for whatever reason. I also think it has a bit to do with standards of attraction. Personality and internals aside, let's be honest here. For most of the people in the world, there has to be *some* level of physical attraction to someone in a relationship. There are people that I'm close friends with and have connected with on levels that few others have, but when it comes to my physical attraction to them, I just can't, because of their ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Whatever it may be, it's just not hitting the right buttons and it didn't get my engines running. I think how you were raised family-wise also has something to do with it. My family is filled with people who are open, warm and caring. But when it comes down to relationships? Mom's side is polish and irish. If they're not white and catholic, they frown on it. It's just their tradition, and after being raised in an environment with a double standard like that, it just becomes the norm for you. I dunno. People are weird. |
Makayla Post Count: 751 |
But see I've been in an interracial relationship. My parents raised me the same way & made it hell for me when I dated a few guys that weren't white in high school (actually they forbid it) but even though I was raised that way it doesn't mean it became normal for me to think that way. Thank God I had enough of my own mind to see beyond skin color. :P
American Post Count: 221 |
@Makayla "you are placing judgement on someone just because they are dating someone whose skin color is different. And that my dear is racist."
Seems to me she is placing judgement on a situation (not people) because they are each dating someone of a different race, not a race other than her own. If she said "I hate interracial dating because blacks don't deserve whites!" (Or vice versa) then I could understand the judgement you've placed on her, but until then - it just seems like unfounded accusations against her. I'm not against interracial marriages, nor am I racist - but I'm smart enough to recognize that a disagreement w/ interracial marriages/dating isn't inherently racist in and of itself. Just as someone being against gay marriage doesn't make them a homophobe or mean that they hate gay people - just that they want to preserve the current definition/state/institute of marriage. When someone makes a comment on a thing, it doesn't mean they hate the people that do it, just that the thing is ever done in any case. That's how it should be. Otherwise, everyone would go around hating everyone because they do stuff different than how or what they do. No, people can disagree with a person's actions or a group of people's actions without hating the people. |
Jessica [Private] Post Count: 1751 |
Being against inter-racial relationships makes you intolerant.
According to Webster: Intolerant 1 : unable or unwilling to endure 2: a) unwilling to grant equal freedom of expression especially in religious matters b) unwilling to grant or share social, political, or professional rights : bigoted |
Toffee Sprinkles Post Count: 87 |
So in an ideal world, what would you like for biracial people (let's use black/white) to do? Would it bother you to see that person date someone who is either all black or white, or would you rather see that person in a relationship with another person who is black and white?
Tam I Am Post Count: 311 |
People can't control who they fall in love with. It's just not for me and I don't agree with it. I'm not saying people like that are wrong. I just don't agree with it.
Toffee Sprinkles Post Count: 87 |
I completely understand where you're coming from, I was just curious, that's all.
Chris Post Count: 1938 |
You're saying two completely different things in this post. One of them is somewhat reasonable. The other one is the bigot inside of you. Can you guess which side that is?
.Blue Bella. Post Count: 743 |
1. It is racist.
2. Because of the fact that it bothers you, YOU are racist. 3. Why the hell, should anyone bother you. That would be like me saying "Oh, look at that fat chic and that (whatever) guy", it bothers me because she's fat. What a negative person you are to be bothered by someone elses relationship based on the colour they are. |
queenbutterfly Post Count: 425 |
Perfectly said; seriously.
Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
But people can be bothered by things they can't explain. Ugly people bother me. I have no problem with them, but they annoy me. Spiders bother me. Chavs bother me (etc...)
Estella Post Count: 1779 |
Haha - but you are a bit of a bigot, Acid Fairy! ;D But then most people are a bit of a bigot in one way or another. Most just aren't aware of their areas of bigotry. Because some types of bigotry (such as racism) receive a lot of media attention, so people are aware of that as naughty bigotry, but the subtler kinds they are not aware of. Like, I have observed Bloopers say 'But that's just wrong!' about all sorts of things, for no real reason other than it doesn't sit right with them because it's something they are not accustomed to!