Chris Post Count: 1938 |
Twixie: Look, I'm sorry for snapping at you. Had kind of a rough day, and I shouldn't have responded with half of the aggressiveness that I did. Let's start over.
Check out the link here. There's some good information. Scientists end up disagreeing about marijuana in general, let alone whether or not it is okay to ingest it during pregnancy. I'm just here to cross off smoking from the list. Smoking anything, even a piece of random grass on the road, is harmful to your baby, as well as your lungs, simply because you're setting something on fire and ingesting it. I'm not sure about the vaporizer, or the pot brownie idea, but I know for a fact that smoking anything while pregnant is dangerous as any other hardcore drug. The link mentions stunted growth and nervous system damage. |
Twixie Post Count: 17 |
Thank you. I appreciate discussing the topic with intelligent people. Yes, the smoking part seems to be the worst aspect of it, and that's why, if this quitting thing doesn't work out, I'll look into getting a vaporizer or brownies or something. I haven't explained this extensively, but I have permanent health problems from some dark times dealing with an eating disorder, coupled with speed addiction. I'm not proud of the things I've done, but I've tried to clean up my act. I quit smoking cigarettes recently (I will admit I smoked after I found out I was pregnant, but quit shortly after) and haven't had any processed foods since I got the two lines on the stick. My doctor offered to prescribe Marinol for anxiety, but that's just chemical marijuana, and I prefer to stay away from chemicals. My doctor's main concern seems to be weight gain for me and the baby, and she has told me that if I can't keep food down I need to contact her immediately so she can reassess my situation.
Thank you for the link. |
Chris Post Count: 1938 |
Twixie: P.S. I mean to read the comments. The article itself is probably just crap from some pro-"family" group. Read the comments and you'll see some real-life experiences with it.
davidsengel82 Post Count: 18 |
Drama queen much?
Chapter 4 lyts. Post Count: 2 |
I wouldn't do it. Smoking is bad for pregnancy, like everyone has said, and even though there aren't a lot of things studying the effect of pot on the fetus I still wouldn't do it. It could be bad even though some people have done it and had healthy children. People do lots of other drugs while pregnant and some of their babies come out prfectly healthy, but then again some come out with complications. The few who have healthy babies are lucky.
I wouldn't risk it. I had really bad morning sickness when pregnant with my daughter. There are other ways to cope with it because it doesn't last for the whole pregnant sometimes. And if smoking is your only pleasure, I'd have to say try to find something else that you find brings you pleasure because it's not all about you anymore. What goes in your body also goes to your unborn baby. |
.erica. Post Count: 56 |
^^^And that response was from me. I was logged on to the wrong diary.
Emily the Strange Post Count: 195 |
I don't think it matters what anyone posts. If she wants to smoke pot, you'd have to have something big to prove. I mean, Lithium Layouts has a solid reference to not smoke pot while pregnant, and she still doesn't see it as definitive.
Be ready for an asthmatic child who takes a bit longer to grasp common concepts. Hope that high is worth giving that to your child. Actually, what you could do is just repetitively hit your stomach. You know, really make sure you do some damage. Maybe you could kill it before it has to deal with you as a mother. |
Fiat Post Count: 288 |
This is unreal! Absolutely unreal. Good for you for not aborting - now reach for the stars and give your child a healthy life too. You've gotten more than opinions here - you've been given facts too. Since they don't seem to support your habit, I suppose you'll be ignoring them. This is one situation where I think government interference (i.e. child services) should be involved.
Jessica [Private] Post Count: 1751 |
@MadeToShine: I completely agree!
Twixie Post Count: 17 |
While I appreciate your opinions, I do not appreciate the name calling and insult throwing. I guess I didn't think smoking was such a big deal. I just graduated college and all of my friends did it. I'm pretty sure a lot of us graduated with high GPAs too. Even now, if I go to New York and hang out with my friends, they all smoke, and nobody is a big drinker. I will speak to my doctor tomorrow regarding the use of pot during my pregnancy. I might not be mother of the year but I don't want my child taken away from me.
queenbutterfly Post Count: 425 |
@Christina - I read this whole thread waiting to see what you would say! Well said!
@Twixie - My love, what are you doing? You came to this forum for advice and as mothers, daughters, children we are offering up FACTS and TRUTH. I too, thought about an abortion, I too thought I wasn't "ready" to have this second child I'm caring. But you know what? You made that choice when you had unprotected sex. I MADE THAT CHOICE when I had unprotected sex. (Even on birth control, without a condomn there is a risk!) And smoking, anything, while pregnant is harmful to you and your child! I suffered severe nausae in this pregnancy and didn't even need medication. I simply found natural ways to deal with it; so there are ways out there! I will be praying for you - and also that someone will report you if this baby is not properly taken care of so that you can get help and the baby can get proper care! |
queenbutterfly Post Count: 425 |
@Tiffani - I love you! ;-D
Chris Post Count: 1938 |
Twixie: You haven't answered my question -- if you aren't sure if smoking marijuana will harm your child, why would you risk it? No one is being dense here, YOU are.
Twixie Post Count: 17 |
I'm not sure talking on my Blackberry will harm my child, yet I can't get away from the damn thing! What's your point?
Chris Post Count: 1938 |
Twixie: Uh, because you're not consuming/ingesting the Blackberry into your body. Are you literally retarded?
Chris Post Count: 1938 |
Twixie: So that's definitely a yes. You ARE literally retarded.
Twixie Post Count: 17 |
Better find the definition of the word LITERALLY, Mr. English major. And way to be offensive to those developmentally challenged.
Chris Post Count: 1938 |
Twixie: I do know the definition of the word "literally" and I am starting to think that you actually are literally retarded. Hence why I said it. Hey man, I can be offensive to the developmentally challenged all I want, but don't begin to judge my character when you're basically spoon-feeding your unborn child chemicals and fire.
~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
@Twixie: If you're expecting ANY doctor to tell you that cannabis during pregnancy is safe, you're delusional. (Perhaps that's the cannabis ;))
HorrorVixen XO Post Count: 869 |
everyone should know that you shouldn't argue with an addict. and yes, TWIXIE you are an addict. just sayin'
Toffee Sprinkles Post Count: 87 |
I don't think you should take/use any drugs (painkillers, caffeine, marijuana, etc.) until you've spoken to your doctor and find out what is and isn't safe for your baby. There may not be countless studies that prove marijuana usage during pregnancy is harmful to your child, but that doesn't mean there aren't any risks. Why would you be willing to take a chance like that before getting your doctor's opinion?
Me, I'm Not Post Count: 93 |
Just jumping on this, because well, I can.
Derrrr gee George, lets smoke pot while pregnant. Yeah, real smart move. Though I like pot, I haven't smoked in five years, because of the fact that I'm a RESPONSIBLE ADULT. Oh yeah, and parent. As much as I |
Me, I'm Not Post Count: 93 |
damn bloop.
I love pot. I love my kid more. good luck. (that's pretty much what it said.) |