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No-Kids-Allowed Movement Gains Steam
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30 Jul 2011, 02:18
Post Count: 36
The only way many special needs children start acting right in a certain situation is to experience it over and over again until its familiar and a comfortable place. So yeah they're gonna scream, but by leaving the store it gives them the sense that running or escaping is the best way to deal with a situation, but by staying and showing them its not that scary of a place you teach them to grow and learn. I've been inconvenienced many times by many people without children, they just do it in other ways that is looked at as normal and acceptable because we're adults and we're supposed to deal with things like this. So now we're picking on kids. I don't take my kid to places during massively busy times, I sit in the corner whenever possible and many places have TV's so we request a seat where he can see one. I don't complain when someone else's kid is throwing a fit at the movie theatre, cause shit happens, we were all kids once.
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30 Jul 2011, 02:25
*Forever Changing*
Post Count: 847
I do not think its appropriate for anyone to inconvenience anyone, whether it be cutting someone off in traffic, being a complete asshole in a store, or just simply being inconsiderate. But like it has been said many times in this will be removed from a business for acting up. My husband and I were kicked out of Wal Mart when he turned around and told the guy behind us in line to quit ramming his cart into my back because we were causing a scene. It is not acceptable for people to do that if a child is acting up because people scream discrimination.

Kids are not going to be banned from every place known to man, if you want to take your kid somewhere then take them to a child friendly version. Everyone is screaming what about my special needs thoughts...your special needs child is not better then my child, so why should we make exceptions for special needs kids when we don't make those for well behaved children. WE SHOULDN'T. Kids should not go every where their parents go, simple, special needs or not.
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30 Jul 2011, 02:30
Post Count: 36
Some people don't have the luxury of just leaving their kids when they have to go somewhere. But most people don't think of that.
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30 Jul 2011, 02:32
Post Count: 36
I'm not gonna argue it anymore, I've said what I have to say. Everyone's situation is different. I never said my kid was better then your kid, but while some kids can help the way they act and behave others don't have that option. They can't control it. But then maybe that's there fault too right.
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30 Jul 2011, 02:45
*Forever Changing*
Post Count: 847
Everything I said was not directed at ANYONE but at the GENERAL population of parents. If ANYONE cannot afford a babysitter then THAT PERSON should not be eating out or gong to where the kid bans are in effect. Its really simple. People should be allowed to eat a meal IN PUBLIC in peace without a screaming child. Its really simple.
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30 Jul 2011, 03:01
*Forever Changing*
Post Count: 847
There is even a place you can eat KIDS FREE @ Disney ;)
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30 Jul 2011, 03:03
*Forever Changing*
Post Count: 847
Dont know why i didnt link it here
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30 Jul 2011, 05:33
Winged Centaur
Post Count: 301
I see nothing wrong with having adult-friendly places of business. In the way that I avoid kid-friendly places (such as Chuck-E-Cheese...but only because they won't let me in the balls!), parents with children can avoid adult-friendly places.

Like R movies and adult shops, there are places that are inappropriate for children to be. Why would you pay for a first class ticket for a small child anyway? I was highly confused when there were kids on my honeymoon cruise. Really? People paid for KIDS to go on a CRUISE? The cruise line we were on did NOT discount children tickets, yet there were children. I imagine the babysitter would have been cheaper for that one...

Anywho, the places that will be banning children are likely places that children shouldn't be anyways, such as especially fine dining, first class airlines, nice hotels, etc. There are plenty of nice restaurants that are "family" oriented, such as Outback.

When someone is spending money on a nice experience, they don't want that experience (and money) wasted and ruined by loud kids. They don't deserve it. It is the responsibility of the business to provide a pleasant experience to their customers, and for places whose target audience is adults, that means banning the buggers.
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31 Jul 2011, 00:24
Post Count: 83
Something about this article just makes me feel.. Uneasy. It just doesn't feel right to me. More than anything, I think the parents need to have better judgement. Taking an infant to a movie or a fancy restaurant isn't a good idea. Everyone should know that. And I'm totally for the airplane thing. But grocery shopping? What if you don't have a choice? What if you're a single parent with no other options than to take your baby with you? Or what if you have a kid with behavior problems? My brother is autistic, and he's 17, and even now, he has the occasional meltdown. And occasionally, it's in a store. Sometimes kids are bratty, sometimes they throw fits and absolutely, parents need to deal with their children. But we all know what kids are like. We were kids at one point. Is it so hard to just suck it up and deal with it?
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31 Jul 2011, 02:24
Post Count: 425
I agree with you; except, I used to take my eldest to a movie all the time when she was an infant. Best time to go when they are under 5 months. They SLEEP through the entire thing. If she were to wake up I'd instanty nurse her (if she was hungry) or rock her (or change if she needed it) and she'd be fine!
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31 Jul 2011, 17:11
Post Count: 31
I agree about the movie thing. My daughter was like three weeks old and we went to HarryPotter. We went to a late showing on a Sunday night. She slept through until like the last bit and I just nursed her. She never cried.
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1 Aug 2011, 05:01
kein mitleid
Post Count: 592
That's not fair!!!

Boo fuckity-hoo!
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1 Aug 2011, 05:04
Post Count: 160
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1 Aug 2011, 07:23
Emily the Strange
Post Count: 195
So, the moral of the story is: some kids learn to bitch and cry like a champ, because their parents are the pro's. Lol

Quit'cher bitchin. Your kids have already fucked over the amusement parks, water parks, and arcades. At least let me eat dinner in peace.
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1 Aug 2011, 08:17
Post Count: 160
Thank You!! lol
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20 Aug 2011, 06:22
Moonlight Shadows
Post Count: 90
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1 Aug 2011, 20:53
Post Count: 72
At the very least, you know, parents should check into restaurants and see what the menu looks like, see if they even serve food their children would personally eat. While we were on vacation, we went to a 'fine dining' restaurant (I use that term loosely, based on the area) by mistake. They had a kid's menu, but it was very limited, kind of tacked on the end like an afterthought. Nothing Alex eats, had I known, I would have stayed away. That should hold some weight in terms of decision making..I paid a significant amount of money for Alex to eat bread and sip water.

For me, that screams waste of time and money. Even though Alex was very agreeable and not disruptive to others, that is still way too much hassle for no valid reason. Not to mention, I wasn't about to make sure I was full and not worry about Alex. That just involved an extra stop on the way back to the hotel..finding Alex a child-friendly meal. Because we inadvertently stopped somewhere too fancy for him, I had to pay for him to eat twice. Which wasn't a big deal, get what I'm saying. Sometimes, it's not even worth it anyway..

You can fight too heavily for your parental rights for no reason. If your kid wouldn't eat the food, you don't really need to take them. Just saying, personal experience. Because if there is nothing on the menu that appeals to your kid, that's more likely to cause them to fuss..and even if your child doesn't normally act out, being hungry in a restaurant that does not cater to his/her appetite, might just be the final straw..

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1 Aug 2011, 22:33
Emily the Strange
Post Count: 195
Maltodextrin- not too terrible. To my understanding, it's extracted from corn or wheat, and is a type of glucose used as a flavor enhancer. Autolyzed Yeast Extract- So...marmite. A little different from MSG, but the same result. Silicon Dioxide- Don't want to eat Silicon Dioxide? Don't drink water, don't eat whole grains, don't eat leafy greens. Hell, just don't eat. It's naturally in most of the foods you eat. Sodium Phosphates- they're salts of phosphoric acids. When used in food, it's a big pile of harmless.

Just because you don't know what these big scary words mean, doesn't mean they're bad. Research is our friend. ^_^
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1 Aug 2011, 22:39
Madeline Rain
Post Count: 151
I don't eat MSG and try to eat as many whole foods as possible. Just because you choose to put that crap in your body, it doesn't mean it's not crap. And srsly? Those condescending comments only reflect fear and ignorance.

And I shall leave before this thread gets any more hijacked.
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1 Aug 2011, 22:42
Emily the Strange
Post Count: 195
@MR- I wasn't being condescending, I was being honest. How many people actually look into what these food additives are? They're harmless. Well, for common people. Obviously those who over indulge, or are morbidly obese are at risk for every kind of cancer and horrible thing known to man, so they're bound to have something come from it. People hear "science words" and assume that if you don't know what it means, it's bad, when that (in my opinion) is a failure of the school systems for not teaching people basic chemistry.
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2 Aug 2011, 07:07
Post Count: 1010
@Emily I agree w/ that. B/c my parents own a Chinese food restaurant sometimes ppl hear the word MSG they're like, OMFG IT'S SO BAD FOR YOU DON'T PUT IT IN THERE!!!!! >.< No it's not. Yes it is used as a preservative, but we don't use it that way. We use it to enhance the flavor of the food, which it DOES (trust me, only salt in something vs. something w/ salt AND MSG tastes so much better. And I am rly only referring to Asian style foods as I don't put MSG in other styles so that I wouldn't know about). We use a TINY amount. Salt is also a preversative but we don't see ppl freaking about salt being in their foods. >.< Makes me so angry that ppl get so worked up over something that in moderate use, is harmless. Same w/ ppl thinking Chinese food is fattening. Um. It's fattening b/c all you get is fucking fried general ckn that's cooked in a sugary, salty sauce. THAT's fattening. Most Asian ppl don't eat like that which is why most Asians aren't any where near as obese as Americans are.

Now if someone says that they're allergic to MSG that's totally diff. and understandable that they wouldn't want it in their food.
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2 Aug 2011, 14:06
kein mitleid
Post Count: 592
Fear dihydrogen monoxide!
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2 Aug 2011, 15:33
Beautiful Lies
Post Count: 402
Yea, you better fear that dihydrogen monoxide! It's a horrible thing and SO bad for you!!!!

Also whats the difference between taco bells 'beef' cooked in grease and a family restaurants USDA beef cooked in a shitload of grease? To me those both equal "shit food." But what do I know right!?
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2 Aug 2011, 15:40
Emily the Strange
Post Count: 195
Hey, Ruby Tuesday's grease is family sit-down grease. It's totally different, Meesa. ^_^
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2 Aug 2011, 16:11
Beautiful Lies
Post Count: 402
Thank you for clarifying Emily. I greatly appreciate it! It's the quality of the meat that matters, not how it's prepared at all!
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