.Amber. Post Count: 260 |
I HOPE to god you're just kidding. Because if you're not I think that you need to have factual information as well, because your kidneys can't fall out of your vagina. Please, have a look at this picture and be educated...tell me how those bean shaped organs could possible fall out of a hole that belongs to a system your kidneys arent even IN. http://images.inmagine.com/img/purestock/prs140/prs140072.jpg
Your best friends mothers body must be blown the fuck out. JesusCrackers. |
Transit Post Count: 1096 |
The way in which the kidneys are attached to the liver make this physically impossible, yes the vagina can turn inside out, which can happen to any woman, it is not dependent on child birth. A woman who lives near me has had 11 children and zero physical problems. So I'm thinking its probably you thats going to get sand bagged.
Betch. Post Count: 111 |
LOL it's not your kidneys falling through your vag and just dangling there! lol okay that's my bad, alright, i should've phrased it better. And truthfully idfk exactly what happens with that, what the exact process is, i'm not an OBGYN nor do i claim to be, but i know it's no good for you. I just go by what my friend told me about her mother. I know that it's similar to a hernia, or something of the sort, my saying "your kidneys fall through your vagina" it's just...a totally obscure and vague way of me saying "excessive childbirth is not good for one's organs after an extended period of time." So, i am sorry if the phrase confuzzled one.
.Amber. Post Count: 260 |
There's just not enough statistical information to support that (excessive childbirth not being good for your organs, I mean.) I'm sorry.
.Blue Bella. Post Count: 743 |
Every woman is different. Some womens bodies CAN tolerate numerous pregnancies and child birth. My grandmother had 10 kids, not a single gynocological problem and her kidneys were exactly where they were meant to be when she died, at an old age, of non-pregnancy related issues! My mother on the other hand was told that if she had any more kids, carrying them would cause a lot of complications and child birth would probably kill her... and that was after 2 kids.
Love, Rebekah Post Count: 85 |
You know, they may be sheltered but they love their family and they support each other. They help one another and wouldn't do anything to hurt another member of their family. Whether you believe in God or not and whether you agree with how they are living their life, you should admire the fact that they actually LOVE each other and that they don't abandon each other, which is more than I can say for a lot of other families.
j'dore hailey&ryan Post Count: 70 |
very true...
.love.struck. Post Count: 492 |
The mother who had the 18 children, she has to have a weak bladder and stretched out ab muscles. I don't think women are made to carry that many babies. Yes, our bodies are made to carry babies but there is a certain limit. Maybe I'm vain, but I care about what my body looks like. I would be a very depressed person if I had a flab of stretched out stomach muscles. I need to feel good about my appearance in order to have confidence.
.Amber. Post Count: 260 |
Well, there's a very large difference in people. You are an example of one - she is an example of the other.
Having children, is her confidence. They make her feel beautiful. I was very upset about the way my body looks after I had my daughter (sorry hunny, if you haven't had a child yet, you're in for a surprise, because 1 child, or 18 children - it all looks the same) ... but it certainly didn't stop me from having another. When children are the light of your life, it doesn't matter. |
Kate.Monster Post Count: 113 |
I can't find the wedding episode ANYWHERE! But i can't even imagine the torture of just holding hands until marriage. There is so much sexual tension between them, it's fantastic. You could tell throughout the episode how much they wanted to kiss each other.
.love.struck. Post Count: 492 |
I think it ridiculous that so called religions say you cannot kiss a significant other or sometimes hold hand. I'm sorry, but it is human natural to have that attraction when your dating someone. Kissing doesn't always lead to sex. If it does then oh well, it is their decision. No religion or parents have a right to say what their child OF AGE can do. That's just me though. I never regretted having sex before marriage. I made smart decisions in my life.
King Phantom Post Count: 34 |
If they're living in their parents house, they should live by their parent's rules. If that means they have to endure a few church services, or not have sex until they move out/get married, I don't think that's asking too much for free room and board. A child should respect their parents when under their roof.
Of course, most people are too ignorant to actually do it. |
.love.struck. Post Count: 492 |
I'm talking about the whole scenero. Yes, They live with their parents, but I'm talking about when they had supervised visits. They are married, they should be allowed to show some affection, even just a innocent cuddle and kiss. I mean they are having a child. How did the parents she got pregnant? They have to be pros at making babies by now.
King Phantom Post Count: 34 |
Now this moves to common courtesy. so, they are married and officially "allowed" to do these things. Now, it's up to the house rules, as someone has already said. If said home owners (parents or not) ask (or you happen to know that they don't want you to) that you don't do certain things, I think you should respect that.
And no, "The Ryan," that doesn't have ANYTHING to do with Germany in 1438, okay? So..shut it. Although, I figure that calling you names has incurred your wrath and so I can expect some high-horse, yet adequate, tongue lashing that inolves a lot of "Brit" cliches and phrases and other terms that mean something different than us Americans. But, just save it. I take it back. Twit. Dang it. There I go again. I'm sorry. I take that back too.... |
The Ryan Post Count: 415 |
So if you're living in Germany... and it's 1939... and you don't agree with what the mother-land is doing, you should just accept the dictatorship... ormove out? Don't point out the fact that things are awkward, or strange, or unacceptable? Just fuck off with no arguments? That sounds like a GREAT maxim for life! ;D I'm sure if people had always lived like this the world would be an even happier place than it is now!! hahaha
King Phantom Post Count: 34 |
Hah, just like you to take something and apply it to something that doesn't even relate. I said parent's house, not a whole nation, twit. If I lived back then, I may have a different philosophy. Or not. Who knows? Living in a nation that's a dictatorship is alot different than living in a parent's house. Get over yourself and write something relative.
The Ryan Post Count: 415 |
Gosh, yo! Whether it's a parent or the leader of an entire nation, I don't think anybody should be allowed to get away with playing dictator! ;D It is a very shit parent or leader that simply orders about their charge.
King Phantom Post Count: 34 |
Oh yeah? you gonna just let your kids tell you what to do, then? That's okay if that's what you want, but my kid will follow my rules. That's why they are in place. If we made it okay to just break the rules they don't like or agree with, they'd wanna do that on bigger scales. And if you had your way, all of America would go to anarchy.
No, rules are there for a reason. And in someone's HOUSE, you abide by them. That's just common courtesy. |
The Ryan Post Count: 415 |
I'm just saying that I think no rules should be set in stone.
They should be open to discussion, especially as children get older and their needs and responsibilities change. I can not stand those parents that are all "BECAUSE I SAID SO!" and "TOUGH! MY RULES!" If something is banned or prohibited then the child needs to know why in reasoned terms, and if this continues to make your child feel dreadfully uncomfortable or confined, or they simply disagree with it, then it should be talked about, and alternatives tested and found. Simply saying "SHUT THE FUCK UP OR GET THE FUCK OUT!" will only breed hatred and rebellion and all sorts of nasty shit. |
.Blue Bella. Post Count: 743 |
Sure, it is human nature... I couldn't cope with their religion myself... but this is their life and their choice to remain a part of their family and religion. You don't regret having sex before marriage, or kissing obviously. They probably don't regret the choices that they made. I am in my 20's, pregnant, haven't lived at home for nearly 8 years and I'm still not allowed to have sex under my parents roof, and they don't appreciate us being 'all over each other' in front of them... or in front of any kids that may be around. And they're not religious in the slightest... it's just their house rules.
grunge. Post Count: 247 |
Maybe they got married so fast just so they can have sex!
Transit Post Count: 1096 |
I have noticed that a lot of people who wait until marriage to have sex get married extremely young and only after a year or two of knowing each other.
The Ryan Post Count: 415 |
Very true. I guess that's what they and their families are used to, and what they find acceptable.
I can just imagine the reaction though if I phoned up some chick's dad who I barely knew and said, "Hey dude! I'm just calling to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage! ... Yeah, we met once and I said hello to her! Who gives a damn that I don't know anything about her? I like GOD, ok!?" ;D To me that is no basis for an engagement. But if it works for the Duggars, more power to them! |