Jenna bean.... Post Count: 40 |
I think if they want to raise their kids in that kind of sheltered life, thats cool. Its no harm to society.... so, no problems here. i dont think they should make the big kids take care of the little kids... but thats only a few minutes of each day of their lives we see on tv.... and theres no way in hell shes been in labor that many times... she has what, 2 sets of twins.... and, for being stretched out, shes had 2 c-sections... so.... yeah. not that much. but i do think, they need to slap a patch on her ass and slow it down... bc yes, after you turn 35-40ish.... you are more at risk, to have children with problems.... mostly, down syndrome.... like Sarah Palins son... he has down syndrome.... which is prob because she was a little over 40 when she had him... hey... i understand having kids after 40... but there are a ton of risks, and i mostly only understand it when u have 0, 1, or 2 children already... but, 17.... your football and cheerleading squad is set! too bad they will never play those sports... but, eh... to each their own.
~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
I'm getting a bit tired of hearing people say women shouldn't be getting pregnant over the age of 40 because of the risk of Downs Syndrome for two reasons...
1) The chance of actually having a child with Downs Syndrome when the mother is over the age of 40 is still only 0.7% (and the chance of genetic abnormalities total is only about 3%), so while it's a higher risk than if the mother was 20, it's still not HIGH. the majority of pregnancies in women over the age of 40 will not result in a child with Downs. 2) There's far worse things that can happen than have a child with Downs Syndrome. There is a large variation in functional ability between people with Downs, and I've worked with some amazing children with Downs, and some adults with Downs can manage to live largely independently. Having a child with Downs is not the end of the world. |
Fiat Post Count: 288 |
I agree with this. Pregnant women in their forties are becoming the new popular target for criticism, which makes no sense to me at all. We're not talking about elderly women here! And you're right - Downs Syndrome is not a death sentence.
.Blue Bella. Post Count: 743 |
And it's sad that they are becoming such a popular target, because most of them have had careers so that they can properly look after and provide for a child as well. Unfortunately it's getting harder and harder to have kids younger (not that it's stopped me, lol). My (adoptive) mum was 41 when my youngest sister was born (this was after having her tubes tied, and it reversed!), Jade has no defects AT ALL (unless you count her attitude lol) and now that mum has worked most of her life she can stay home with Jade and enjoy her, something she wishes she could have done more of with the rest of her children.
Transit Post Count: 1096 |
The only thing though I say as someone with a much older parent, when that child is 18, she'll already be 60, so its likely she wont have parents into early adulthood.
Jenna bean.... Post Count: 40 |
Im sorry if it sounded like having a child with Downs is horrible. Its not. They live to have normal lives working and raising their own families like anyone else without downs.
seasongster Post Count: 58 |
amen to that. my favourite clients were always the downs clients - people with downs generally have a really sunny personality. there is a HUGE variability in the level of disability that downs syndrome can produce - some people with downs have no disability at all, just the facial features.
.Blue Bella. Post Count: 743 |
Well done to them for raising their children independently and not relying on goverment payouts.
I also say well done to them for teaching their children to be responsible and take part in family living. I started doing chores and stuff when I was really young, because it was helpful and it taught me that I was capable of doing things for myself. We have 7 kids in our family... Though I've only lived at home with 5 at one time... anyway besides the point, we grew up helping each other. Let me tell you, there is NOTHING wrong with that. Helping our parents and helping each other is a GOOD thing. And it also helped us bond with our siblings. My biggest concern is that with such a high number of pregnancies, she is putting HER LIFE at risk. That is not good. Why would she risk her own health... risk the worst happening, that could essentially take her from the children she currently has? |
•º. Spoon .º• Post Count: 128 |
i dont know why people gripe about the duggars. they are at least not living off of state money, they own their own business and can suppor their children. although im sure she is to busy with being pregnant to care for all her children and rely on her older children to take care of them. their poor eldest children im sure dont have a life outside their family in changin diapers and doing house chores their whole lifes
valencia Post Count: 41 |
I would not be able to have that many children,I do want like 8 children but 18 I don't think I am strong enough for that. More power to her if she can handle it. It is good the kids had chores. In my family it was just me and my brother but me and him had chores,and when my mom was sick I took over the cooking and baking and still am to this day. So it is great that the older children help out.
•º. Spoon .º• Post Count: 128 |
i am not saying chores are bad, ive always had chore to do also but it just seems as though they have so many children that the chores are endless and although their family is like a friendship they wouldnt have time to get ready to go bring them to a friends house or have time for games like soccer and whatnot due to all the chores being done and all the children to take care of. its great she can have that many children and care for them and love them all without being psychotic like some parents would be. lol
valencia Post Count: 41 |
I didn't mean to reply to your post,I just pushed it so I can post a comment.
•º. Spoon .º• Post Count: 128 |
ahaha its okay ! lol
Cassie Catastrophe Post Count: 6 |
im not sure if this is the right show...but,
didnt they have a daughter who they shunned for not being who they wanted to be? or doing something they didnt like. i believe she also has a child... dont yell at me if Im wrong.. im just not sure. |
starsmaycollide Post Count: 408 |
I think I remember seeing that on a show about a similar family, but I don't think it was the Duggars...because it seems like that involved their oldest child and their grandchild-and the Duggars oldest child is a son who has no children yet.
That is going to bug me until I figure out who that was, though. |
Cassie Catastrophe Post Count: 6 |
i thought it was another family too..but i searched some channels, and I could not figure it out. ugh.
let me know if you find out. |
Toffee Sprinkles Post Count: 87 |
It's the Jeub Family from "Kids by the Dozen" -- I love TLC ;D
valerieeeee Post Count: 274 |
this is a huge stretch, but are you referring to the westboro baptist family? they probably would shun someone for not being who they wanted to be.
Cassie Catastrophe Post Count: 6 |
no, that one I know its not lol. but good guess. Im pretty sure it was some family on TLC...with kind of the same concept as the duggars as in they were religous and had multiple children...
& skull. Post Count: 1701 |
damn how they are still fertile? and yeah ok the pill may have freaked them out but holy shit condoms much? lol.
The Mama Post Count: 51 |
I dont have a problem with them having a bajillion kids, but what I DO have a problem with is their tv show. I mean if you're going to live a good hearted, christian life, why do you feel the need to have a television show? They are exploiting themselves for publicity at this point. OK, you made a show a few years go introducing yourselves and at the time, your 15-16 (whatever kids), but now that you have a SERIES its a little much.
Wife♥Mommy Post Count: 74 |
They have a tv show so they can keep having kids. They need to support them somehow. I watch Jon & Kate Plus 8 and have met Kate Gosselin. She is a down to earth person. She also admits that neither of them work, their income is the show.
valerieeeee Post Count: 274 |
you met kate gosselin? that's so cool! how did you meet hr?
Minda Hey Hey™ Post Count: 330 |
Kate is my hero! Haha. I still don't get why people are so bent out of shape about the duggars. Sure, I couldn't have 18 and I'm sure because of health reasons she should be careful if she has anymore but people are acting like it's affecting them and it's not. They aren't living off of welfare and kids seem fine. Doesn't mean I agree with their way of life but we all live differently--nothing wrong with that.
Minda Hey Hey™ Post Count: 330 |
I mean *Duggars. I sure wouldn't want someone writing about me in the Dear Anonymous diary because I have horrible English ;).