Miss Post Count: 239 |
that's more logical to me than what most people say when they explain their stand on abortion
Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
Completely agree. I am 100% pro choice. It doesn't affect YOU if someone else has an abortion or not. Live and let live.
ninga Post Count: 27 |
after reading through the first 3 pages of this thread and finding nothing more than an normal abortion debate, im going to respond to the thread at hand :)
sounds to me that perhaps this woman saw the ultrasound guided abortion and grew a conscience. suddenly it hit her what they were doing and she suddenly had a problem with it, though she had worked there for what, 10 years. the last 3 paragraphs kinda say it all..... so now, she is spewing crap....may or may not be true. funny how people just assume it is true :P how bout this: if you are pro-life GREAT! if you are pro-choice, GREAT. you have your reasons for your choices, and no matter the opinion you hold, as long as you are not pushing it on anyone, its all good. dont buy into everything you read. there is always two sides to every story. |
Lovin'MyLittles Post Count: 322 |
As much as this is "sad" and "disgusting" to some.. let's face this. Planned Parenthood is a BUSINESS. All businesses have quotas. It's how they make their business flourish. It doesn't mean that Planned Parenthood is PUSHING abortion on women. I have been to a planned parenthood SEVERAL times. I found out I was pregnant at a planned Parent Hood. No one FORCED me into making any decisions. They simply asked if I wanted information on anything, if I had any questions, and I took the information I requested and I was out the door to deal with it on my own. No follow up phone calls to check, etc. And to my knowledge, while PPhood DOES have a sliding scale - it does NOT have a sliding scale for abortions. It is a set amount, and they don't budge from it. It has a sliding scale for gyno. exams, birth control, and other services.
I think what's happened here, is this lady has developed a conscience for what she's been doing. She feels guilty and is now trying to justify this to herself. She's trying to make herself feel better for it, and she's stirring up crap for PP. The funeral homes have quotas for how many coffins they sell. I'm sure they aren't out killing people to meet their quotas. Vets have quotas for how many animals they see - but I'm sure they aren't out DRAGGING people's pets in for check ups. LOL People just jump on anything abortion related and like to cause a big stir. |
Minda Hey Hey™ Post Count: 330 |
To be honest I think that's where this is headed, abortion talks always start some kind of drama. In any case, I'm PRO LIFE [yes, yes let me go to hell now ;)] but I think that's gross to meet a "quota" for something such as abortions.
Minda Hey Hey™ Post Count: 330 |
I mean PRO CHOICE! whoopsie. It's early and I'm tired, that's my excuse.
.like.a.drug. Post Count: 137 |
What people don't understand is that pro choice doesn't equal pro abortion.
Quotas for abortions is disgusting. I've never particularly been a big fan of PP. |
Miss Post Count: 239 |
it actually does mean pro abortion, seeing as pro life and pro choice both concern abortion. pro life means you are against it and think nobody should be allowed to have one , pro choice means you are for it and think somebody can choose to have the abortion if they want. it just sounds nicer than pro abortion, and that's probably why it's called that.
Mnemosyne Post Count: 69 |
I don't agree at all. Pro-choice means you're for the ability for women to choose to have an abortion. That's why it's called pro-CHOICE. It doesn't mean I contact my pregnant friends and say, "Hey, I LOOOOOVE abortions! Girls, let's get together and have abortion parties! Pro-abortion all the way, y'alls!!!" I'm pro-choice but it doesn't mean I think abortion should be used as a method of birth control the way some girls use it, but I believe that women deserve the right to choose whether or not they have an abortion and they should never be afraid that they may have to go through an unwanted pregnancy.
Someone can be pro-choice and never want to have an abortion or believe that girls really shouldn't have abortions, but they believe that women should be allowed to choose for themselves whether or not they have one. They may not agree morally with the decision, but they agree that it's a woman's choice. I have friends that make that point to me all the time. |
Miss Post Count: 239 |
never said it meant running around screaming about how much you love abortions. it makes no sense that you think girls shouldn't have abortions, but you still support it (oh, if they WANT to) so you don't think girls should have abortions but as long as they really want it that's OK? lol
"They may not agree morally with the decision" this is called a disagreement. and usually somebody who disagrees with abortion, is called pro life. it's contradictory to say that you don't support something, but you support other people doing it. it really just doesn't make sense to me |
~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
Why doesn't it make sense?
I would never smoke personally either and I believe smoking is stupid. But I still respect that it's others own choice if they want to smoke. You don't have to believe that someone's choice is right to respect the fact that that choice is theirs. |
Miss Post Count: 239 |
right but we're not talking about smoking, we're talking about abortions. two completely different things so i'm not going to comment on that.
~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
I was using it as an example to point out that your statement isn't logical. It was just an illustration of the fact that you don't have to agree with someone's choice to respect that it is still their choice (as you suggested that if we don't support abortion we should not respect others decisions to have an abortion).
Mnemosyne Post Count: 69 |
First off, it makes perfect sense. And, secondly, I never said that. I said that SOME people do. I did say, however, that I don't approve of girls having abortions a dozen times just because they're too lazy to get birth control. You wouldn't believe how many girls don't want to get birth control JUST BECAUSE they don't want to get a pap done. 8|
Teehee, "not agree" typically does mean disagreement. But it's not true that "somebody who disagrees with abortion is called pro life". The point I may was that they may disagree with the choice to terminate a fetus, but they believe women deserve to choose for themselves. (Again, pro-CHOICE) I know PLENTY of people who think that way. In response to your last statement, I never said that. But I've mentioned that at the beginning of my response. :) |
Mnemosyne Post Count: 69 |
point I may = point I made
Hehe, silly typo. |
~*Jodi*~ Post Count: 162 |
I actually agree with this completely. I am pro-choice but I am not pro-abortion. They are completely different. I would not have an abortion unless it was medically necessary to terminate, but I believe that everyone should have the ability to make that choice for themselves. It is not up to me to tell someone else what they have to do in their lives. It is up to them to make that decision.
I don't agree with late-term abortions (as people have plenty of time to make that decision before it gets to the end of the pregnancy) and I do not agree with people using it as a means of birth control, but I do feel that everyone should have the ability to make that decision on their own. It's about freedom of choice and liberty. It's not about whether or not abortion is morally wrong or ending a life. Of course the people know that they are ending a life when they have an abortion, but it is their decision to make - not mine to make for them. It is simply not right to force people to do something like that, when it's not your life. I wouldn't want someone TELLING me what I HAVE to do - so I don't feel it's my place to TELL them what they HAVE to do. That's their decision. People should have more freedom of choice; not less. We should be able to make decisions for ourselves without someone forcing us to do something that we simply don't want to do. Once they start forcing people to do one thing, they'll be forcing them to do another thing. It's a slippery slope. I'm not comfortable with the government taking away any of my own personal rights. There are some things that are between us and "God" (the Universe, their Maker, or whatever they believe in) and are simply nobody else's business. |
~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
Not true.
I am pro-choice. I doubt I would personally have an abortion and I think abortions should be more restricted. I don't think they should be performed after 18 weeks (preferably 12 weeks) and I don't think women should be allowed more than one abortion (except in event of a threat to her life). I certainly don't believe any woman should be allowed to have an abortion, at any time, just because she wants one. So how can I be pro-abortion? Pro- suggests that I am FOR abortion, that I like and encourage it. And I'm not. But I do think women should get some degree of choice in the matter, under certain restrictions. |
Miss Post Count: 239 |
but if you believe a person has the right to choose, couldn't they CHOOSE to have more than one abortion if they really wanted? lol see this is what confuses and doesn't make sense to me.
~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
Not necessarily. Lots of choices in life are under certain limitations.
Makayla Post Count: 751 |
"I don't think women should be allowed more than one abortion (except in event of a threat to her life)."
I couldn't agree with this more! Did you know statistically speaking though, 47% of women who get an abortion worldwide every year have had AT LEAST one previous abortion. Also only 1% of abortions are performed because of rape or incest. And only 6% are performed because of health risks either to the mother or the child. 93% of abortions are performed because the child is inconvenient or unwanted. |
~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
I have to admit I'm not sure about those statistics. In my job I have seen many many girls come into hospital for abortions, and I'd estimate that only maybe 10% of them have had previous abortions. Obviously that's only a small selection of the number of girls worldwide who have abortions, but it is definitely not the case at my hospital that almost half the girls have had abortions before (and the girls who do come in are encouraged to get either a mirena coil or implanon implant at the same time as the abortion to prevent the same thing happening again).
And within that 93% you have NO idea what the reasons are why that woman has made her decision. Maybe she already has several children, maybe she already has a disabled child who demands all of her attention. She may not see any way that she can cope with another child. I do not believe it is my position to judge her on that... who am I to judge whether SHE can cope or not? |
Makayla Post Count: 751 |
She may not be able to cope with another child. But there are plenty child-less couples out there that would love to take care of that baby instead of it having to die. Plus I do not judge other people, it's not my place to do so. I just believe it is wrong.
Makayla Post Count: 751 |
I agree with you, you can use a nice word but it is what it is.
Mnemosyne Post Count: 69 |
Maybe it's just me, but that reads like a VERY biased (i.e., pro-life) article.
~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
I'm being lazy, and just copying and pasting my comment from the Bloop News Diary...
I'm pro-choice but I do think there needs to be more restrictions on abortions, and I do think this is disgusting. Abortions are never an ideal situation and they should never be treated as a money making scheme. We should be trying to reduce the number that are taking place, not encouraging them. This is one example of the problem with a private healthcare system though... there's too many people who stand to benefit financially from other's suffering. At least in the UK where we have a national health service, no-one benefits financially from abortions (well at least not from those done in hospitals, although some are done in private clinics). |