grunge. Post Count: 247 |
Yeah this girl I work with is MORMON, and she got married after being with the guy for about 6 Months, and she got pregnant 3 months later because they don't believe in birth control I believe. Everyone in the store thought she was crazy, I still do.
Kate.Monster Post Count: 113 |
Yea, it's a bit out there, but we have to respect their decisions. It is a bit cute in a way and I can understand why waiting until marriage is very romantic. :0) I know i personally wouldn't be able to because i like my boyfriend a lot, lol
.love.struck. Post Count: 492 |
Yes, it is romantic if you think about it. On the other hand, it has to suck losing your virginity on your wedding night. No matter how comfortable you are with that person, it is still going to hurt. It will remain uncomfortable the first few times after that. I'm no slut, but I think you should try it out sexually with the person first before marriage. Its like testing a car before you buy it.
Kate.Monster Post Count: 113 |
Agreed :0)
monoboo Post Count: 36 |
i hate when people say this. cars and people really aren't comparable.
Fiat Post Count: 288 |
Didn't hurt me at all, thanks to my gynocologist who was extremely uh...intrusive a few weeks before. That was a nice perk in the long run though...
something amazing. Post Count: 105 |
The only thing I wish the Duggars (and other large families... and people with yards in general) would do is grow/raise their own food. Overpopulation isn't just for pets. More humans=more deforestation to grow food and build housing plus the strain on our all ready dwindling water and food sources. I don't care how many kids these people have, but I can only assume they are a huge energy waste. Seriously, 2 or 3 loads of laundry a day is a LOT of water. From what I've seen (I don't watch the show often), they have a huge expanse of land. They also have 18 slaves... I mean kids. They could have a really great farm. If they all ready have one, then that's really awesome.
.love.struck. Post Count: 492 |
I agree with you there. They should grow their own food. A lot of kids are similar to over population of animals. That many kids means more use of water and other materials. I still don't think people should be allowed to have 18 children anyway.
something amazing. Post Count: 105 |
My fiance and I aren't really wanting kids any time soon. We really want to focus on getting our house, solar power and setting up our garden. He wants me to raise chickens for eggs and slaughter, but I'm vegan... so that's weird. I would love to start petitioning the Duggars to start growing their own food.
valerieeeee Post Count: 274 |
the duggars do grow some food, but not enough to support and feed themselves completely, but one show did show them growing some things.
Betch. Post Count: 111 |
I agree as well. lol @ 18 slaves hahaha. It's whatever though we're all gonna be sucked into the sun in about 10,000 years anyway, death to earth. In the meantime thought it'd be nice if people would stop dumping their non-biodegradeable trash all over the place. If not for global warming then for cosmetic reasons.
Ice Vampire Post Count: 90 |
this is all i need to say... "Buford Grove Baptist Church"
♥bruisedroses Post Count: 30 |
They should live in my country! The government are giving incentives to encourage people to give birth!
Lexie💜 Post Count: 107 |
I think its great that there having a baby....about time Michelle aint the one
JellyBean2331 Post Count: 4 |
All I have to say is(and I thought of this after I left to go to town) what makes them so different from families 50 years ago when it was normal to have a lot of kids??? So what if it isn't the 1950s or whenever it was popular to have lots of kids. I don't know why we have to put down for things we do now that people have done long before us.
something amazing. Post Count: 105 |
There are a lot of major differences between nowadays and way back when. Mainly, the advancement of birth control. I think things changed when women started educating themselves and saw that they were more than a baby making machine. While most see having children as accomplishments, others see a college degree or world traveling as accomplishments. It is commonly said that less educated/lower earning people have more children than higher educated/higher earing people. I have seen this and I have seen contradictions (you can watch Idiocracy to see this theory in action), so who's to say who is right? My personal belief is that the world is overpopulated and I don't know if I actually want or need to have biological children when there are children waiting in foster care.
.love.struck. Post Count: 492 |
I agree! Anyone one who has babies after babies are nothing but a baby making machine. Your body needs a break. I'm still convinced that her bladder is weak and she has a horrible stomach from the many children she carried. The world is overpopulated. People need to think what a reasonable amount of children is.
seasongster Post Count: 58 |
why does it matter to you what her stomach looks like or if she pees a little when she sneezes? i'm confused. if she's happy with her body, why do you have any right to comment? would you like to post a few body shots so we can critique your body and judge your life choices by the effect they've had on your physique?
grunge. Post Count: 247 |
They are just curious it seems as if to what her body must look and feel like.
.love.struck. Post Count: 492 |
Why does it bother you that I mentioned it? I'm just saying, after 18 children, a woman's body has to be hurting at that point.
seasongster Post Count: 58 |
it bothers me because this is the first point many people go to when criticizing michelle duggar, like her only value is if her body is in perfect condition. since she's been 'stupid' enough to have so many kids, she's somehow devalued herself - that's the implication. it's not that she's contributing to over-population, or that she could have adopted needy children instead, or that she's supporting multinationals through shopping at big-box discount warehouses, or any number of other legitimate criticisms... the real tragedy is that her stomach is probably quite loose by now?
.love.struck. Post Count: 492 |
Then don't read what I have to say. Plain and simple. Its my opinion and I'm not going to not say it because your bothered by it. She is overpopulating. Other people have commented the same things as I and your only attacking me? Maybe they should of thought about adopting some of those kids instead of bringing more into this world.
seasongster Post Count: 58 |
i'm not 'attacking' you. i asked you a question, which you've ignored. why does it matter to you whether her stomach is flat or not?