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Country Differences.
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25 Jun 2009, 13:04
Post Count: 2651
To be fair, the last time I landed in Australia was 2004, so perhaps it's a new thing?

I've flown to various European cities, Canada and the US in the last 2 or 3 years though, and have never had my bags x-rayed going INTO a country. But I do think Australia are probably stricter than most other countries, judging by my experience with my boots!
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2 Jul 2009, 07:04
.Blue Bella.
Post Count: 743
I landed in Australia in 1998 and had to declare food...

Always always always tick that box.. gets you through customs quicker ;)
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2 Jul 2009, 09:26
Post Count: 2651
We didn't. Our friends had to wait for us while we had our boots chemically cleaned!
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2 Jul 2009, 07:02
.Blue Bella.
Post Count: 743
Kiwi's just don't think!!! (I can say that, I am one :P)
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25 Jun 2009, 14:21
Post Count: 210
i think they stopped salting the chips/fries because they want to reduce the amount of salt in food generally. though last i knew mcdonalds still salted? but burger king definately don't.
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25 Jun 2009, 21:01
Acid Fairy
Post Count: 1849
McDonald's salt their fries here. Definitely.
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25 Jun 2009, 21:03
Post Count: 1096
I think it must be done by region, they don't salt in Lincolnshire, don't in Wales either.
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25 Jun 2009, 21:05
Acid Fairy
Post Count: 1849
Gosh how strange. Well the last one I went to was in Worcestershire and they definitely do. They do in Birmingham too. Weird.
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25 Jun 2009, 21:07
Post Count: 1096
In our McDonalds though, the Wales one, you can't get the panini things or any promotional burgers or McFlurrys.
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25 Jun 2009, 21:50
Acid Fairy
Post Count: 1849
They do paninis?! Good lord I have been missing out ;D
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25 Jun 2009, 21:51
Post Count: 1096
They're like melt things, also, its McDonalds woman, all your missing is a heart attack and food poisoning!
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28 Jun 2009, 21:07
Acid Fairy
Post Count: 1849
The only decent paninis are in Starbucks anyway!
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25 Jun 2009, 05:54
Post Count: 56
Well I live in Canada. In 2007 I went to Richmond Virginia for my cousins wedding and I noticed A LOT of differences just driving from Ontario - VA

1 - They sell, Jelly Bellys & Guns in the same store. This store also has a drive thru ATM.

2- In VA you couldn't turn LEFT coming out of a driveway. You have to go to the next light and make a U-Turn. That was the highlight of my trip, the U-Turns

3- Toll Booths. In Ontario we have one hwy that you must pay on (the 407 in Southern Ontario), but you don't pay a teller, shortly after your visit you get a letter in the mail saying how much you owe.
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26 Jun 2009, 02:10
The Ryan
Post Count: 415
You just reminded me of another thing different in the UK! We don't have tolls. We pay an annual sum in road tax. Though there is a bridge toll on the way into Wales. That's the only one I've ever seen back home!
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26 Jun 2009, 08:55
Post Count: 1096
The M6 toll as well, but you can just go onto the M6 instead, which makes the M6 toll like the least used motorway ever!
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28 Jun 2009, 21:09
Acid Fairy
Post Count: 1849
Haha, have you SEEN the prices they charge? No self respecting Brit is going to pay that much to use an effing ROAD!
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28 Jun 2009, 21:25
Post Count: 1096
Its something like 7 quid for a car isn't it? We always take the nearest turn off which takes you back on the M6 just after all the toll booths, seems who ever set the whole thing up is, well a bit retarded. The Bridge at Bristol has a toll as does the Humber bridge, well I know it used to.
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28 Jun 2009, 22:17
Acid Fairy
Post Count: 1849
Yeah we took the wrong turning in Hull when I was looking at the uni there - went over the Humber Bridge and then we had to come back - cost us £5 in total! After that my dad bought a sat nav ;D
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30 Jun 2009, 22:16
Post Count: 2651
I think I paid £4-something.
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30 Jun 2009, 18:20
Post Count: 2651
I paid it once, because my sat nav took me to it! I remember thinking I was sure I'd driven down there before without paying though.
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28 Jun 2009, 21:08
Acid Fairy
Post Count: 1849
There's a toll bridge in Bath!
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30 Jun 2009, 18:19
Post Count: 2651
There is a toll on the M6 near Birmingham. The Scottish bridge tolls have been abolished by SNP but I'm not quite sure how they now plan on paying for their maintenance or for this new Forth Road bridge they're building!
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26 Jun 2009, 08:58
Post Count: 1010
God they sell knives and guns at a damn beach store. It's crazy.
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27 Jun 2009, 22:37
Post Count: 102
the new toll road about 45 miles from us is that way....which most of them in texas are going that way where they send you the bill if don't have to toll tag on your car
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26 Jun 2009, 02:08
The Ryan
Post Count: 415
I just got back from a garage ("gas station!") in Florida. AND WE HAD TO PAY FOR THE FUEL BEFORE WE PUT IT IN!!!
Does this happen all over the states?
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