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Geography quiz
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13 Apr 2009, 23:10
Lady Elphaba
Post Count: 386
1. Portuguese.
2. German ;D
3. French, German, Dutch.
4. English, Maori.
5. French, German, Luxembourgish.
6. Dutch (and English).
7. English, Gaelic.
8. Welsh, English.
9. Irish, English.
10. English, French.
11. Portuguese.
12. Spanish.
13. There are 11 official languages.. Afrikaans, English, Zulu, Ndebele, Swati, etc..
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14 Apr 2009, 02:56
Post Count: 571
I took this away and pasted it back on. Wont look them up till Ive done it.

1. Portugal - Portugese, but I think they have another one. Kinda like Peru has Spanish and Quechua
2. Austria - German!
3. Belgium - not sure.
4. New Zealand - English and Maori!!
5. Luxembourg - Sounds German though.
6. The Netherlands - Dutch!!
7. Scotland - Scottish!! (haha english)
8. Wales - Welsh and English
9. Ireland - English
10. Canada - English and some French
11. Brazil - Portugese bit of Spanish in there too.
12. Mexico - Tequila... Spanish.
13. South Africa - Um.. not sure actually. Swaheli? (spelling is prob wrong, and I took a guess. I remember hearing it on George of the Jungle :P )
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14 Apr 2009, 12:21
Post Count: 2651

1. Portugese
2. German
3. Dutch, French, German
4. English
5. Luxembourgish, French, German
6. Dutch
7. English (only 1% speak Scottish Gaelic)
8. English (21% also speak Welsh, and it is still the first language in parts of north and west Wales)
9. English (only 3% speak Irish Gaelic)
10. English (only 22% speak French as a first language, and mostly in Quebec)
11. Portugese
12. Spanish
13. 11 official languages - Zulu (23.8%), Xhosa (17.6%), Afrikaans (13%), Northern Sotho (9.4%), Tswana (8.2%), English (8.2%), Sotho (7.9%), Tsonga (4.4%), Swati (2.7%), Venda (2.3%), Ndebele (1.6%).

No.13 is sort of a trick question, as 60% of WHITE South Africans speak Afrikaans (and 39% English). I would also have given Afrikaans and English as my answer. So I am learning too. :)

And for the record, the majority of Scottish and Irish people can't speak a single word of gaelic. We speak English, and only English (except for in some remote areas of the highlands and islands where gaelic is still spoken). In Wales, Welsh language is still a compulsory language in school up until the age of 16, so most Welsh people speak some Welsh, but it is only the first language in certain parts of North and West Wales. For the majority of Welsh people, the first language is English.
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14 Apr 2009, 19:32
Post Count: 492
I knew all of them except for South Africa. And you can learn a lot in American schools depending who your teacher is. Believe it or not, but there are still actually some teachers who really teach these days. They will go out and beyond from the usual lessons. I was lucky to get 5 in high school.
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14 Apr 2009, 20:24
Lady Elphaba
Post Count: 386
I thought they also spoke Maori in New Zealand ;D
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