PakistaniDiva06 Post Count: 31 | |
PakistaniDiva06 Post Count: 31 |
Sorry guys, the video I posted didn't work for whatever reason. Anyway here is an article I found on the subject instead. This piece was written by Jim Dalrymple.
"Flatulence applications are one thing, but sometimes you really have to scratch your head and wonder how certain apps could possibly make it through Apple's approval process. The release (and subsequent removal) of an iPhone app called Baby Shaker this week has Apple in hot water with angry parents and children's groups, who are demanding answers from Apple. Developed by Sikalosoft, Baby Shaker features a crude drawing of a baby, and the object of the game is to stop the baby from crying by shaking the iPhone until red X's appear over the baby's eyes. The description of Baby Shaker read: "On a plane, on the bus, in a theater. Babies are everywhere you don't want them to be! They're always distracting you from preparing for that big presentation at work with their incessant crying. Before Baby Shaker there was nothing you could do about it." Patrick Donohue, founder of the Sarah Jane Brain Foundation (dedicated to children suffering from Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury) was so upset with the app, he wrote a letter to Steve Jobs and other Apple executives. "As the father of a three-year-old who was shaken by her baby nurse when she was only five days old, breaking three ribs, both collarbones and causing a severe brain injury, words cannot describe my reaction," said Donohue. "You have no idea the number of children your actions have put at risk by your careless, thoughtless and reckless behavior!" Macworld spoke with Jennipher Dickens, the communications director for the Sarah Jane Brain Project, about the app being removed from the App Store. "I'm very relieved that it's been taken down," said Dickens. "I would still like clarification from Apple on how it got up there in the first place. It's horrifying that they were selling it." Dickens is well aware of the dangers of Shaken Baby Syndrome. Her son Christopher was shaken by his biological father when he was only seven weeks old. Her son, now 2, has irreversible brain damage. We tried to contact Sikalosoft, but the company's Web site is currently offline. Representatives from Apple confirmed that the app had been removed today. We've openly wondered at Macworld how some iPhone apps make it through the approval process at Apple while others have been rejected. In this case, common sense lost." |
Chris Post Count: 1938 |
Agreed with Acid Fairy.
Don't give a shit unless real babies are being shaken via iPhone. |
Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
To be honest I find that pretty funny. Morbid and a bit sick, yes, but that is some people's sense of humour.
Do people really think that people who download this app are really going to shake kids in real life? Gosh give me a break! That's using the same logic that makes people think that all kids who play violent computer games are going to end up being murderers and what not. There are always going to be things around that piss people off and offend them. Jokes about people with terminal illnesses offend me, but do I kick up a stink every time one is featured on the TV? Um no because I have better things to do. I don't have an iPhone and I can't BELIEVE you have to buy apps! As if the phone isn't expensive enough! Gosh what a waste of money. |
love♥nik Post Count: 1010 |
They have a lot of free ones. ^_^ Most of mine are; I have about 5 that I paid for and those are like Tetris, Scrabble, and Bejeweled. And they were all under $5 and I had a gift card. XD
Moonlight Shadows Post Count: 90 |
oooo tetris! nice! and im obsessed with Bejeweled ;-D
Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
Ahh if there are free ones that makes a lot more sense!
love♥nik Post Count: 1010 |
Haha, yeah there's over a billion apps (after not even being open for a year @_@) and most of the ones that I get are free b/c I won't be chuffed into paying for something I'll only use every once in awhile yanno? XD
Bella. Post Count: 26 |
Okay. I sort of disagree with you. This IS morbid and not funny in the least. People have been sent to prison for killing people cause they got the "idea" off of a game.
So what is going to stop people getting the idea of "Hey, I can shake a baby on my phone and they'll shut up, why not do it in real life???". There are some screwed up people out there. They don't need to influence them anymore than they already are. |
Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
If they were that unhinged, I am pretty damn sure (a) they won't be able to afford an iPhone/iPod touch (hell, I can't!) and (b) they would think of it on their own anyway.
love♥nik Post Count: 1010 |
1st off, I've never seen this app nor would I ever dl it b/c I don't find it that funny. However, if someone is already predispositioned to be violent enough or mentally unstable enough to shake a baby to death, I don't think this app would send them over the edge. There are video games, songs, movies, hell, even tv shows (Fringe, CSI's, even Bones sometimes) that have more violence or the result of violence that would push someone over the edge more than this game, imo.
Yes, it's in bad taste and it's kinda stupid, but dark humor will most likely always exist in our sociey. *shrug* |
Eat Yellow Snow Post Count: 216 |
OMG!!! That is so fucked up!!!
love♥nik Post Count: 1010 |
While I don't find this funny, nor do I believe it's that big of a deal. I agree w/ Acid Fairy. I wouldn't get it for my iTouch but it's not that big of a deal to me. Not funny at all, but I don't like the fart apps either so yeah. XD
Beautiful Lies Post Count: 402 |
I'm relieved that I'm not the only one who found it a little funny.
I agree with Acid Fairy. I really don't like babies or children at all, but I would NEVER hurt one! C'mon, it's just a stupid app. |
mixie Post Count: 196 |
The first thing that came to mind is: if this is an issue how do killing games get through? Some people seem so oblivious of the conditioning they've undergone!
valerieeeee Post Count: 274 |
queenbutterfly Post Count: 425 |
I'm shocked. I can't believe how many of our bloopers are finding this funny, and saying, "C'mon. I would never really hurt anyone." I honestly had this whole speech planned out; but you know what? If you don't see how wrong this is, than there is seriously something wrong with you.
Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
Gosh that's so silly, saying there is something seriously wrong with those of us that don't have a heart attack at the slightest moral outcry. I wouldn't use it but Jesus there are worse things in life. Like it ACTUALLY HAPPENING. Get some perspective here!
Why not instead of them lobbying this, and perhaps putting money into it, they actually do something for charities based around shaking babies? Surely that is better, to raise awareness over it? Then that would make the app a brilliant idea! |
mixie Post Count: 196 |
Wow that is a good idea! impressive ^_^
Personally I wouldn't get the app anyway. I don't even have a modern cell phone lol people make fun of me that I still have a "flip" cell phone. |
mixie Post Count: 196 |
Just a question, do you think this is worse than Grand Theft Auto? Why or why not?
queenbutterfly Post Count: 425 |
I don't think either of them is worse than the ever. Grand theft auto is just as bad as this Baby Shaking App. I would never allow my children to be exposed to either of them.
canceroustears Post Count: 210 |
I think that the baby shaker app could be a stress reliever.
I know I would love it as Im sitting there gritting my teeth while, on a bus, a baby has been screaming its head off for the past hour. I would love to have that application. |
The Mama Post Count: 51 |
I see no humor in this application, and as a mother, am just as appalled.
Emily the Strange Post Count: 195 |
hahahaha. I wish I had seen the app. I would have tried it out. Of course, this apparently makes me a terrible person. That's ok, I'm sure they'll get over it while playing grand theft auto, or assassins creed, or viking, or any of the other games that graphically detail the demise of another human being. ^_^