![]() Mary Magdelene Post Count: 506 |
Story Created: Apr 29, 2009 at 12:14 PM EDT Story Updated: Apr 30, 2009 at 8:16 AM EDT PEORIA, Ill. (AP) — A judge has found a 24-year-old Peoria man guilty of first-degree murder in the death of his son from an infection brought on by a nearly week-old dirty diaper. Peoria County Judge James Hadid on Wednesday announced his ruling 10 minutes after the end of James Sargent's three-day trial in the death of 5-month-old Benjamin Sargent. Prosecutors say Sargent left the boy without food or water in a car seat for several days. On Tuesday, a pathologist testified that the child's back and bottom had begun to decay, causing the infection that killed him. Hadid called James Sargent's actions heinous and cruel. The judge rejected claims that the father was overwhelmed, grounds for an involuntary manslaughter charge. The boy's mother is also charged in the death. ========================================================================================= Overwhelmed? I get that infants are demanding, but so overwhelmed that you neglect the poor thing for a WEEK, not feeding him and letting him soak in his own urine and feces FOR A WEEK??? |
![]() ninga Post Count: 27 |
we ran this story in our paper this morning...made me sick to read it. my copy editor has been following it closely as well. how awful! some people just shouldnt be parents, ever.
![]() [danielle electra.] ![]() Post Count: 62 |
Ugh. I hate that people like this have kids. That's horrible.
![]() Makayla Post Count: 751 |
I just looked up more information on this. The baby was left in a snow suit for 8 days without food or water. He also had a 3 year old sister in the house which was removed. The parents were playing video games the whole time. I think I am going to go barf now. How sick can these two human being get?
![]() queenbutterfly ![]() Post Count: 425 |
This is more horrible than I can described. Being a mother of a 16-month-old daughter I know what it feels like to feel the pressures of parenting. However, this pressure does not bring on this in morale behavior. I hpe they go for the death penalty.
![]() Lauren. Post Count: 885 |
This makes me sick to my stomach. I think they should strap him in a chair and let him sit there for days without food or water, strap a depends on his ass, and let him sit and wait for HIS back/bottom to decay.
![]() love♥nik ![]() Post Count: 1010 |
A week?!?!?!!?!? How the hell can you leave a baby in a diaper for a week?!?!?! Yeah it's not a walk in the park changing a diahrea diaper but god! They should make HIM sit in his own stool for a week, see how HE likes it. -__-
![]() Makayla Post Count: 751 |
Words cannot express how I feel about this situation. Honestly, I cannot imagine a person who could or would do that. Do they have no heart? I mean how does one live with oneself? I simply do not understand how cruel some people can be. That baby deserved a chance at life. This garbage deserves to be put in a hole to shit & piss on themselves until they starve to death. Let me be dishing out the punishment for people like this, and maybe they will think twice before they do something like this. I mean if they are so lazy and cruel to do this to their own child, then he should have be given up for adoption to someone who would love and care for him and give him a chance at life.
![]() sumamen ![]() Post Count: 180 |
I don't normally agree with the death penelty..but this may just be an exception.
![]() prettylittlekitty Post Count: 78 |
The poor baby. He didn't deserve to live a life like that. He needed to have parents who can actually take care of him. Yes a baby is overwhelming. I was 19 when I had my son and didn't know what to do! But I took care of him and he is a hyper bouncing 6 year old. I have another baby on the way and this story makes me so sad. The poor poor baby. At least the baby is in a much better place.
![]() »Olivia« Post Count: 90 |
Oh my...that's just wrong. Why are people like that able to have kids?? There's so many amazing people in this world that can't naturally become parents, but yet scumbags like them have babies and do that to them. That's horrible. DEATH PENALTY!! New form!! ROT HIS ASS IN DEPENDS!!!!
![]() PakistaniDiva06 Post Count: 31 |
This saddens my heart. I can't imagine what that poor baby felt. The very people that are suppose to love and protect him, starved him and let him sit in his own soil. At least now he is with his heavenly Father. What has this world come to?
![]() Endless Love ![]() Post Count: 102 |
This is absolutely heartbreaking!
![]() Lady Lazarus Post Count: 126 |
This is one of the most vile, disgusting cases of child abuse and neglect that I've heard in months.
This little boy didn't stand a chance, he was completely defenceless. I think the most heartbreaking thing is that these little children die with absolutely no idea what love is. They're short lives are filled with nothing but cruelty and misery. More needs to be done to protect these children. It seems at least once a month there is a case of child abuse/neglect resulting in a fatality in the news. |
![]() Catch May If You Can Post Count: 157 |
i am disgusted by this...and i think im about to cry..
![]() .Blue Bella. ![]() Post Count: 743 |
Overwhelmed. He wanted a lighter sentence based on the fact he was over-fucking-whelmed? Welcome to parenthood cock head!
An extra couple of hours in a diry nappy is overwhelmed. Not a week! |
![]() ღMiss.Melody ![]() Post Count: 28 |
i agree with lady blue bella "welcome to parenthood cock head!" if you didnt want to be overwhelmed by the things children demand then wrap your fucking dick in a condom and practice safe sex! its just ridiculous that he actually thought that his lawyer(not sure if he had a good one) would be able to sell that he was overwhelmed and wanted a lighter sentence....if your overwhelmed CALL SOMEONE ELSE! dont just neglect a child because your a piece of shit! gosh im pissed right now. this disgusts me and he should rot in a seat and see how it feels. that poor poor child. and the mother! oh wow the mother, she should rot in hell too....where was she for 5 days that she couldnt help the dad out? either she was there or just didnt give a shit like him....both are gonna get the shit kicked out of them in jail..which is good!
![]() Makayla Post Count: 751 |
I'm thinking this is the same story were the parents left the child in his carseat sitting in the crib while they played video games. If I remember correctly the grandmother had dropped the baby off and he was sleeping so they put him in the crib with his carseat so not to disturb him. Then the parents just never got him out for a week. Then the grandmother came back to discover what had happened. I'm not sure if it's the same story, I hope it is, bc something like this happening twice is repulsing much less once.
![]() ~Just the 3 of Us~ ![]() Post Count: 98 |
They played video games the entire time?? You can't tell me that child wasn't screaming for a long while off and on. I am about ready to vomit! :(
![]() Finally Mrs. Bailey Post Count: 181 |
This is sick.
If the guillotine (sp?) were still around, I would wish these parents to go straight to it. Better yet, let's put them in Depends, strap them in a chair with hands and feet tied so they can't escape or undo the diaper, and see how they like it. Sick? Cruel and unusual? Hardly. |
![]() Mary Magdelene Post Count: 506 |
I had two children. My first one was a very quiet and easy baby. With my second one, though, it WAS overwhelming. For the first few months, I had to hold him ALL the time or he'd cry. *I* had to hold him, no one else would do. And yes, I got overwhelmed. But so overwhelmed that I would let him sit in his messy diaper for hours on end, LET ALONE a WEEK? So overwhelmed that I wouldn't feed him? It's pathetic that he and his lawyer ACTUALLY THOUGHT they could get away with that plea. I MIGHT be able to understand, as one commentor said, letting him sit in his messy diaper for an extra hour (though still it's not acceptable, IMO), but an ENTIRE WEEK???? And now with this information that they were playing video games? COME ON!!!
There are people who CAN'T have children who would have loved that child so deeply. There are GOOD PEOPLE who struggle with getting pregnant or even giving birth to a live baby, and yet these people were given one of the greatest gifts and they neglect him? It's beyond pathetic, it's beyond cruel. Whatever punishment they give these people, I hope it's harsh. No punishment will ever equal what they did to that baby, though. |
![]() i blame mac Post Count: 136 |
Dude needs to be shot. No one deserves to be treated like that, especially children.
![]() The Narnian Ninja Post Count: 44 |
i just.i dont even have words to desribe this what the hell is wrong with these people?he was just a baby. yes,there overwhelming,an can be a handle-ful.but good God.how can someone do that to there own child??? |