love♥nik Post Count: 1010 |
The ducklings are all a bit tired and take a rest on a log. A nervy little duckling who got stuck on a floating log and couldn't quite pluck up the courage to take the plunge was rescued by her mum. The tired little fella had been taking a rest on the log with his four siblings, but when it was time to get back in the water again our friend got a bit scared. Apparently suffering some sort of stage fright he acted just a human child, almost about to jump in, but pulling back in the last minute. Ducking hell! Mum's called the rest over but this one is quaking under the pressure. But like scenes at every swimming pool across the country, mum came over to give the worried little baby a helping hand. Swimming over to her offspring she helped him jump onto her back and swam him to safety. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Mum's come to the rescue. Hope he doesn't act like water on a certain back. SOURCE Saw this on 1 of my lj comms and nearly died from the cuteness. xD |
Aspiring Boxer Post Count: 169 |
Awwwww!! That's so cute! I just got ducks a few weeks ago-they are kind of like little dogs, they wag their tail and follow you around. So cute!
Lauren. Post Count: 885 |
LOL. How many do you have? I have two pekin ducks and they were absolutely PRECIOUS like that as babies! Now they're grown and eat more, crap more, quack more..but they're still nice to have ;).
Aspiring Boxer Post Count: 169 |
Aww Pekin ducks are pretty! I have 4 muscovy ducks-a breeding pair and two ducklings. I'm in love with the ducks because they are great slug eaters. ;-D
Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
Heh I read that yesterday. British newspapers love stories about ducks. A duck got trapped in the reservoirs near my house and two fire engines were sent out to rescue it, along with a troupe of divers. My dad took some photos of it and sold them to The Sun for £800 ;D
love♥nik Post Count: 1010 |
Holy shit! XD That'd be nice, take a few pictures of ducks and makes oodles of money. XD
Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
Haha yeah, paid for our plasma TV ;)
Miss Post Count: 239 |
that duckling will never learn to be a man that way.
Lovin'MyLittles Post Count: 322 |
♥Mamato5 Post Count: 26 |
Oh my goodness that is just the cutest thing!:-D
xoxo♥ Post Count: 160 |
that is precious. I used to have baby ducklings and they were precious. They would follow me everywhere and quack like crazy. We used to take field trips to the back yard and they would eat flowers lol. I also used to fill my bathtub up with lukewarm water and they went crazy. I had 2. After they were mature and had wings I took them to the duck pond park by our house and released them. They were shy at first but went in together. They were male & female. They never looked back once they entered the water. I was so happy. :) I love ducks. I just had to share my story lol
Sarah* Post Count: 63 |
Awwww (to both the original story and Jellybeans duckies
~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
Awww... so cute.
Mami 2 ♥ 1 Post Count: 361 |
awwwwwwww a thread that made me smile for once.
- misseriin* Post Count: 64 |
awe this is so cute :)
Hayley McBayley Post Count: 76 |
Oh my goodness, that is so cute!
Love, Rebekah Post Count: 85 |
This is too sweet! I love it!
prettylittlekitty Post Count: 78 |
That was so cute. :) Thanks for sharing. I loved it.