BloodSplatteredAngel Post Count: 25 | this is where the main story is located
BloodSplatteredAngel Post Count: 25 |
Moonlight Shadows Post Count: 90 |
i honestly doubt this will do anything, sadly.
BloodSplatteredAngel Post Count: 25 |
you're likely right but it got through to my brother so it at least saved one life
~*Pagan*~ Post Count: 378 |
there was a nasty fatal here a few weeks ago..young woman went under the rear of a stationary truck...she was texting at the time.
~*Pagan*~ Post Count: 378 |
I just watched it, the child screaming for her mummy and daddy to wake up was awful.
BloodSplatteredAngel Post Count: 25 |
that's the part that killed me "why won't Mommy and daddy wake up" I believe the baby was also killed the way the pupils contracted makes me think that.
Jessica [Private] Post Count: 1751 |
That's what got me. I was perfectly fine until I saw that baby.
Anything with babies, and I'm instantly freaking out. Like when I got in my accident (no phones involved ;)) where the lady made a left turn in front of me, and wasn't supposed to, so I hit her. The first thing I thought of was 'oh my God please tell me there isn't a baby in that car.' Thank God there wasn't. I don't know what I would've done :( |
BloodSplatteredAngel Post Count: 25 |
I understand completely. stff like this happens FAR to often.
Lunar Sea Post Count: 128 |
I tend to approve of hard hitting footage like this. When you make the decision to drive dangerously, you ought to know what you could be causing.
Let It Be Post Count: 226 |
I saw this a couple days ago, it definitely adds an element of reality to how fatal and devastating a crash can be because of something that seems so minor. The only thing that I don't like is that an accident like that could have happened from any distraction, looking for a CD or a cigarette or anything. Obviously everyone does some amount of multitasking while they drive, but people just need to learn how to put driving as the priority over their other distractions. If I'm going to answer or look at my phone while I'm driving, I always keep my eyes on the road and pay attention to what is around me.
My state passed a law that will fine people for getting distracted by anything, from a dog in their lap (good god I hate that 8-|) to food to cell phones, which I think is smarter than just bagging on every single person who may touch their phone while behind the wheel. This is the article about what they're doing in Maine, I thought it made a lot of sense. |
BloodSplatteredAngel Post Count: 25 |
I agree . It shows just how easy it is to be distracted and the repercussions. Wow I like that idea there is actually a law on the books here to make it Illegal to talk or text while driving
Lunar Sea Post Count: 128 |
I'm a terrible person. While I absolutely approve of this advert and all ones like it, and can't stand people who drive irresponsibly, this made me laugh:
Don't text and drive whilst listening to Queen |
BloodSplatteredAngel Post Count: 25 |
Ouch. I kinda wanna smack the person who made that video-smacks them for the hell of it-
& skull. Post Count: 1701 |
unfortunately, ads like this don't work. sure, they work for some people, but a lot just think: "that won't happen to me". it only works on the people that probably wouldn't do it in the first place.
BloodSplatteredAngel Post Count: 25 |
Yeah I know unfortunately . i hate people who think that they're above this because they are " so much better at texting and driving than anyone else"
& skull. Post Count: 1701 |
it's sad that it doesn't work. we have similar ads here by the TAC. but graphic stuff just doesn't work well on everyone. i mean one guy down here was caught speeding and doing donuts in his car with a mate, after having lost an arm in a car accident he got into earlier by speeding. even personal experience doesn't get to some people!
BloodSplatteredAngel Post Count: 25 |
unfortunately some people just lack braincells and common sense
..toxique.. Post Count: 4 |
i watched the video three times, am i too freaking blind? i dont see the baby at all.
BloodSplatteredAngel Post Count: 25 |
Right after the kid asks why won;t mommy and daddy wake up it shows a shot of the baby briefly with extremely contracted puils
BloodSplatteredAngel Post Count: 25 |
At 2:05 - 2:10 they show the baby . Sorry it was RIGHT before the little kid asks why won't Mommy and daddy wake up
..toxique.. Post Count: 4 |
i watched one of the clip videos not the full thing on youtube, thats why i didnt see the baby! Thats so sad the poor baby. :(
BloodSplatteredAngel Post Count: 25 |
it really was, that made me cry
Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
Why WOULD someone text and drive? Driving zaps all of my concentration, I physically wouldn't be able to do it!
BloodSplatteredAngel Post Count: 25 |
because people are stupid. I can't text and drive so i'm safe but i've seen alot of people texting and driving