Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
If you are British or on Twitter, you are bound to know what this is about. For those who don't, here's the lowdown:
A journalist in The Daily Mail (a horribly right wing newspaper, known for moaning about immigrants and Muslims mainly) wrote an article about the recent death of Boyzone singer, Stephen Gateley, the day before his funeral. The article's headline was originally Why there was nothing 'natural' about Stephen Gateley's death'. It has since been changed to A strange, lonely and troubling death... You can read said article here Now this exploded on Twitter with many celebs posting it, such as Stephen Fry and Derren Brown, and Twitterers have been calling for Moir's blood. Marks & Spencer pulled their ads from the page and the paper has now pulled all advertising from the page. It has become the most complained about newspaper article ever to the Press Complaints Commission (the head of which is the editor of The Daily Mail!!) I just wondered what everyone's take on this is? I hate The Daily Heil, always have. I think it is a disgusting newspaper full of bigoted opinions, and this article just proves how stupid the journalists they have in their employ really are. While most comments on that page are sensible, if you click to read the worst rated comments... well gosh. I am saddened to live in the same country as these heartless idiots. |
Super Logica Post Count: 148 |
I think Charlie Brooker's response in the Guardian summed it up beautifully.
At the end of the day, no matter what a journalist's personal opinion is, even being a columnist does not give you the right to debase actual science (such as the coroner's report) nor to encourage hate. Also, it looks like that article has changed since yesterday. It's longer and has more photographs now. |
Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
Ahh yes I read that, it was due to be printed on Monday but they pushed it forward. He is brilliant.
I believe in free speech and all but a newspaper printing such tripe is terrible. |
~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
Good for The Guardian. Perfectly said.
Sensitive Girl Post Count: 21 |
This guy just wrote a whole load of bullshit... I am not surprised this raised hell. I can't believe they actually published this....
I thought I was just biased because I really like the boyz, but I guess it's not just me.... |
Mishy Post Count: 42 |
Well obviously there is no way that there was not foul-play surrounding his death, because he was gay. It is impossible to imagine that a gay celebrity could die of anything but drug abuse and meaningless sex with a bunch of strangers. One, but more-often both, of these things are always at the root of their deaths.
I'm not even sure why people are condemning this article. He was only telling the truth. Showing things the only way they are able to be presented. As embarrassing, lonely acts of desperation, mostly at the hand of the sexual orientation they chose. -scoff- How pathetic. Whats worse is, obviously people feel this way, and its allowed to be published and mentioned as a reasonable opinion. |
Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
Omg I started reading this and was like WTF?! Haha oh god ;D
Mishy Post Count: 42 |
-laughs- aw sorry. I work better under sarcasm, and I forgot sometimes people can't hear my tone. -snorts-
~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
What an absolutely disgustingly ignorant article. His poor family... like they're not in enough pain without having to read such lies.
The autopsy found he died of natural causes, most likely an undiagnosed heart defect. Sudden death syndrome is NOT that uncommon. I've seen at least one healthy young person in my short career who was lucky enough to survive such a collapse, simply because they were lucky enough to be in a place at the time where someone could start CPR. Had their heart stopped during their sleep, they would have certainly become yet another statistic, just like Stephen. Sadly those who survive such events are in the minority. In fact my mum's colleague just lost a 20-something year old daughter in the same way. She'd been out, had a few drinks (but according to friends was by no means drunk, and tests confirmed no drugs), went to bed, and never woke up. It HAPPENS. To assume that because Stephen was gay, or because he'd had a few drinks, or because he'd smoked a joint, that there must be suspicious circumstances (despite coroner's report to the contrary) is absolutely absurd. |
Sensitive Girl Post Count: 21 |
Well said, Red Fraggle.
My heart really aches for his family and friends. I was able to hear his funeral service broadcast online, and I couldn't do anything to stop the tears. Especially as his fellow band members read their eulogy.... my heart really broke. He will be sorely missed. |