Transit Post Count: 1096 |
Ours has the little intercom thing so only people who should be there can get in, but if you just say you are there to collect contraception they let you in.
Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
See ours has a bell and you ring it, stand there for a few minutes, ring it again... ad infinitum. It's severely retarded!
lovingquality104 Post Count: 35 |
the lower class can most likely get medicaid, middle class/high class can probably afford birth control. all parties should be able to afford condoms. it takes two to tango ;) both combined should be able to afford some kind of protection. however i am pro-choice.
~*Jodi*~ Post Count: 162 |
I agree with you on that. Everyone can afford condoms. Health departments give them out for free. Girls under 18 can go get free paps at a health department and get free birth control of any kind. Guys can get free condoms. They also give free STD tests and HIV tests... but only to people under 18. There are clinics out there that base the charges on your income (if you don't have insurance) so it is cheaper, but even then not everyone can afford to go get the STD tests, exams, and birth control. Those prescription assistance plans by the pharmaceutical companies are ONLY for people who have no insurance, and some insurance companies don't pay as much on birth control as they do other medications. But really, if someone doesn't want a child, they CAN find a way not to have a child without having an abortion. I would like to think that people are not using abortions as BC and are only having them when all else fails.
I think that they should have condom machines in the bathrooms in high schools, whether religious people want them there or not. I'm not anti-religion, but I am against religion getting in the way of common sense by way of some absurd thinking that if there is no BC then there will be no sex. There are people who think that if they don't provide the kids with birth control then they will not have sex - and that's been proven false time and time again. Those are the ones who are more likely to end up pregnant because they don't have access to BC. My mom got pregnant with me at 16 when she was on the pill. She had to make a decision about me - to have me or to have an abortion. I'm glad she had me - I think I'm pretty damn fabulous and try to make a difference in the lives of people that I know... But she could have easily made the other decision, especially since the sperm donor was dating another girl (the head cheerleader, no less) and wanted zilch to do with me back then (that was over 30 years ago). On the other hand, my mom's sister was pregnant 3 times by 19 and had 2 abortions. She finally had my cousin, who is now 23, but because of the other 2 abortions she couldn't get pregnant again for some reason. They'd caused a lot of problems in her female areas. I can only assume that 'technology' has made them safer in the past 25 years though. If it was up to me about abortions - and I am pro-choice: I'd ban them after the first 3-4 months except in the event of some sort of deformity in the baby or a health risk to the mother. I believe that 3-4 months is plenty time for a woman to find out she's pregnant and make the decision about having a baby. It is wrong to wait 6-7-8 months to change her mind after the father walks out on her for being hormonal or because he can't deal with it. That is wrong. He may change his mind, but when the mother makes the decision to have the baby - she should have to stick with it. Partial birth abortions are wrong - that is basically criminal. If a woman makes it 8 months and there is NO medical reason for that baby to HAVE to be killed, then she might as well have it and put it up for adoption. By the time she's made it 8 months, she's already been through the entire pregnancy, her body has changed, she's fat, etc, etc, etc. There's no reason to wait that long to have an abortion and there's no reason that they should be allowed to do it for no reason. But, within the first 3-4 months, I think that women should be able to have an abortion without getting criticized, chastised, or judged. She should be able to do that. I would also add to that, a woman who comes in for abortion after abortion after abortion should seriously be talked to about either birth control or a hysterectomy or some other way of stopping even getting pregnant. Doctors should use their brains instead of their bank accounts to help their patients make decisions. |
lovingquality104 Post Count: 35 |
I agree, they totally should have comdom machines in the bathrooms of high schools or maybe even at the nurses office or something.
I also think that it's wrong for someone to go off and keep getting pregnant and each time getting an abortion. Once okay, twice, it happens, but once you start hittin 3, 4, 5 times i'm not okay with that. |
lovingquality104 Post Count: 35 |
condom** ;) lol