chelseaz Post Count: 83 |
That's awful!
And I agree with jessica. it seems like he had to have been cheating on her to get HIV in the first place. |
Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
Not necessarily. He may have been cheating on her, but he could have contracted it via a blood transfusion or doing intravenous drugs.
Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
I read that a few days ago. What a prick. He obviously wasn't thinking of his kids when he did this was he?!
Eat Yellow Snow Post Count: 216 |
WTF!!! That is so fucked up!!!
Eat Yellow Snow Post Count: 216 |
My question is, how did he contract it in the 1st place?
*~Loving You~* Post Count: 507 |
Sick! That poor woman!
proxymoron Post Count: 2 |
Haha. Oh yes, I frequently jump into bed with people who try to kill me. Keeps life exciting.
What an idiot. |
DivaAshley Post Count: 242 |
mo0se Post Count: 72 |
I read about this about an hour ago. That man is sick and twisted to think infexting his wife will make her want sex!
Rhapsody Post Count: 53 |
I am not saying what he did was okay because it's not like he gave her herpes or something managable... but I can see where he would have gotten his logic. I mean, they were happy enough to move their family to a new country, then when she found out he was HIV+ suddenly he wasn't good enough for her. Yeah, if I were her I would be scared to contract the disease as well, but he really had to be hurting to live with someone who loved him until he got sick. I could see why he would want her to be "equal" with him so they could get back to their old lives. But at the same time, of course, he gave her a deadly disease in the process which is where he went WAY wrong.
Estella Post Count: 1779 |
See, I can see that element. It's sick and twisted, but I see how it would work. But the logic that someone will want to have sex with you after you've infected them with a deadly disease makes no sense at all. Sex is surely based on attraction - if someone has just infected you with a deadly disease, you will not feel attracted to them. You'll feel angry. You won't want to go near them.
I also don't think there is evidence that she thinks he's not good enough for her. She stayed with him. She simply didn't have sex with him - which, well, makes sense under the circumstances and has nothing to do with not being good enough. A truly loving husband would have made sure he didn't have sex with his wife because he would not want to infect her. He would put her life before his own sexual desires. |
.love.struck. Post Count: 492 |
Wow, that is insane. He infected her with an infectious disease just so she would have sex with him! That is murder. Did he think about their children? Not only do they have a father who is HIV positive, but now a mother too. He should be tried and sent to prison.
ťOliviaŤ Post Count: 90 |
Omfg. That's sick and that man deserves more than 14 years.
& skull. Post Count: 1701 |
what he did was sick, but surely they could have used condoms? what i want to know is why she stayed anywhere near him after catching him holding a syringe full of blood.
Estella Post Count: 1779 |
I dunno - condoms break. They are not fully reliable. I would think it foolish to take that risk.
Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
I wouldn't have sex with an HIV+ person even with a condom. I wouldn't want to take the risk.
Azkabound Post Count: 162 |
...I feel bad that the first thing that came to mind was that South Park episode. Ahem.
But really, this is truly sick. He couldn't be happy that his wife and children were clean, could he? No. I'm sure there could have been ways for them to safely have sex that didn't require making her 'the same' as himself. Seriously, it's just a tad messed up to do something like that. 14 years though? That's all? |
Laurarose Post Count: 78 |
another guy did this to his ex to slowly kill her :-(
an empty frame. Post Count: 82 |
That is fucking messed up!!
Lunar Sea Post Count: 128 |
Mostly I think it's really sad and tragic on both their parts - obviously for the woman whose life is now severely diminished, but also for the man who clearly wasn't getting the emotional support he needed (and I mean professional emotional support, not from his wife, but rather from a medical system) having contracted such an illness. HIV is such a scary disease. It must have taken real desperation and utter disconnection from reality on his part to go through with it - as others have mentioned, infecting her was hardly going to improve their sex life.
Estella Post Count: 1779 |
Yeah, I do agree there. It sounds like he was very emotionally disturbed and may have developed some psychiatric symptoms - just the whole lack of logic thing. If he'd had appropriate professional support, things may have been very different. He sounds like he was really desperate. Not that this makes it okay - but yeah, clearly he was very disturbed.
SugarNSpice Surveys Post Count: 128 |
UGH. I read this article this morning and it made me sick to my stomach. What the HELL is wrong with people? Seriously. It's like this world just gets sicker every day. It's actually really sad and depressing to think about it. I feel so bad for his wife and kids, though. No, I don't feel sorry for him. He didn't have to go and do that shit to his wife just to get her to stay with him and have sex with him. Like, how is she going to want to have sex with him now, anyway? Most likely she will be disgusted and not want to be with him.
YourFavoriteMistake Post Count: 15 |
It's considered attempted myes if you know who infected you, you can press charges.y daughter's father gave it to me and my sister practically begged me to press charges or let her kill him. I decided to let karma & fate handle it and he's now dead :-) hopefully this woman will recieve therapy and appropriate treatment and a lot of love and support from her family. Her husband deserves his own lethal injection.
I think someone also mention previously that you can't die from HIV/AIDS and cancer is more of a killer. This is as much a an ilness as cancer that weakens and breaksdown your body and it's systems that can/will eventually lead to death. |