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Perth Man Living In A Tree
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10 Dec 2009, 15:08
Post Count: 72
A Perth man has been living in a eucalyptus tree in his front yard for the past three days in an effort to stop the giant tree being cut down by the local council.

Thornlie resident Richard Pennicuik said he felt like he had no choice but to protest against a decision by the City of Gosnells to remove more than 20 native trees from his street over the next week. He said he would not be leaving until the tree was saved.

City of Gosnells chief executive Ian Cowie said council would be removing the tree and hoped to come to an “amicable” resolution with Mr Pennicuik.

But he said the city would not try to remove him from his tree.

The tree removal program follows a city survey last year which identified 22 potentially dangerous trees in Hume Road, mainly because of falling branches.

The natives will be replaced by 35 jacarandas. Further along Mr Pennicuik’s street, workers have been busy removing the remaining tall eucalypts.

Mr Pennicuik had been living uncomfortably in the tree since early Monday morning and had struggled to sleep throughout his protest. Neighbours and friends have been supporting him, bringing food, water and other items

“I feel as I’ve been backed into this situation. All I want is this tree,” Mr Pennicuik said.

“I don’t mind if other people want their trees cut down,” Mr Pennicuik said. “But I won’t back down.”

Mr Cowie said the city would try to reason with Mr Pennicuik over the next few days but would not force him from the tree or endanger his safety.

“Inappropriate trees were planted 40 years ago, trees which are beautiful in the Australian bush which are beautiful in parkland but aren’t suited for an urban environment and the city can’t live with the risk,” he said.
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10 Dec 2009, 15:22
& skull.
Post Count: 1701
this guy is an idiot. eucalyptus trees drop their branches and they can be very dangerous. if it's in a built up area then they have to go. i hope he falls out of his precious tree. dumbass.
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10 Dec 2009, 20:03
an empty frame.
Post Count: 82
Why the fuck is this news?
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13 Dec 2009, 09:50
.Blue Bella.
Post Count: 743
I believe she is sharing this as it is her uncle, from what I read of her entry. Apparantly some other rellie and a neighbour are up a tree as well.

Hippy people!
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10 Dec 2009, 21:34
Post Count: 492
I thought Eucalyptus trees were needed in Australia. I could be wrong though.
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10 Dec 2009, 21:43
Post Count: 260
We do, but in suburban areas they can be dangerous. Especially during storms. They can cause quite a lot of damage. So yes we need them, but we need them in parklands and out in the bush where all the wildlife is and so forth.

Haha, so I heard this guy talking on the 7pm project the other night and well, he wasn't all that articulate. Then I read "City of Gosnells" and it all made sense. That area isn't exactly known for it's great education standards and well mannered people. More the opposite really.
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12 Dec 2009, 06:23
Post Count: 82
oh awesome! i LOVE how you stereotype everyone living in Gosnells as a dumbass. Pfffft.
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12 Dec 2009, 08:07
Post Count: 260
For the duration that I lived in the rival suburbs, I never once met a well mannered, well spoken person (that goes for the rival suburbs aswell, it was a dime a dozen situation). I don't believe I used the word dumbass though? I just said their level of education wasn't fantastic. But that goes for most of the surrounding suburbs. Lets face it any school south of the river were massively ripped off when it came to school funding. Even my high school drew a short straw when it came to government funding. My senior research assignment was based around the levels of education for the schools in and around the area and their level of government funding.
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12 Dec 2009, 10:08
Post Count: 82
I lived in Gosnells for 10years. I agree with what you said, well most of it. I like to think im part of the minority of 'smart' people ;) lol. Im living ib Geraldton now anyway :D
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12 Dec 2009, 07:25
.Blue Bella.
Post Count: 743
I say cut the fucker down. We had one drop a branch through our cars rear window about 18 months ago... lucky it didn't a) go through the house or b) drop when someone was under it.
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13 Dec 2009, 18:34
Post Count: 1779
Well, three days isn't very hardcore. I was hoping he'd have been living there for years - proving the Aussies to be hardcore nature dwellers!
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13 Dec 2009, 22:38
Post Count: 378
Cant you all at least respect the man standing up for what he believes in? :P Its not the tree thats the issue here, its his conviction.

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14 Dec 2009, 13:58
& skull.
Post Count: 1701
i can respect someone that stands up for what they believe in when it's something not as ridiculous as this. he's not exactly executing his beliefs in a manner that would garner him any respect.
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14 Dec 2009, 23:32
Post Count: 378
Ah but you know him dont you?

Colin wants to cut down the gum in our yard, I wont let him :P koalas live in it.
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15 Dec 2009, 00:20
.Blue Bella.
Post Count: 743
Is the gum dangerous though? At least if there is a koala in it, you can get wildlife specialists to relocate them to the koala park up the road.

I want the neighbours to cut down their tree... every time it storms we get large chunk of it in our yard.
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15 Dec 2009, 06:05
& skull.
Post Count: 1701
know this guy in a tree? no, i don't.

we had a gum in our yard. was harmless for years, but it dropped a branch into the yard. we decided to cut it down as it was right in the corner and up against two fence lines.
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13 Dec 2009, 22:38
Post Count: 378
And yeah...I am probably one who would be found up a tree :D :D
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13 Dec 2009, 23:56
Post Count: 571
Prob a good excuse to not sleep next to his fat ugly wife. Get that man a beer and pull him down that tree. Bumb ass.
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