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Mother sentenced for webcasting sex acts with to
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31 Jan 2010, 04:52
Writers Corner
Post Count: 4
Its not only in Ontario, in Wisconsin, my step dad got two counts of aggrevated sexual assault, and he got one year in jail and one year probation.
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31 Jan 2010, 14:17
LoveBipolar Artfolio
Post Count: 11
How about psychiatric care? How about more serious laws against Child predators? We scream protect the children yet we do so little to protect them.
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31 Jan 2010, 22:49
Writers Corner
Post Count: 4
Its not just the laws, its the judges that enforce these laws, and the district attorney who decides instead of wasting tax payer dollars for a trial to just cut a deal. I begged for my step dad to get a trial, I wanted to testify, but they wouldnt, they said it was a waste of money, and pled him out.
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1 Feb 2010, 03:14
LoveBipolar Artfolio
Post Count: 11
judges and lawyers should concentrate on upholding the laws and making sure that people pay for their crime more than they should concentrate on taxpayers money.
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1 Feb 2010, 03:19
Writers Corner
Post Count: 4
I agree, but they dont, because they are elected officials, and so they concentrate more on our money then they do on the laws and punishments.
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1 Feb 2010, 00:25
Wisconsin Mom
Post Count: 16
see thats messed up with him only getting 1 year in jail. one of my old friends got 22 years for aggrevated sexual assult. and he did it when he was 15 but got charged with it when he was 21 and that was in wisconsin too.
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1 Feb 2010, 00:42
Writers Corner
Post Count: 4
Exactly, its not about the laws, the laws are strict, its about the judge and their decisions, as well as the DA and their need to save time.
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31 Jan 2010, 01:47
LoveBipolar Artfolio
Post Count: 11
As for sterilizing people, no we shouldn't. How would we know who to sterilize? Child Molestors/Rapists don't tattoo "Child Molester" on their forehead. They would have to get caught in the act before they can be identified.
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31 Jan 2010, 16:42
Post Count: 885
So just because we can't sterilize EVERY predator, we shouldn't sterilize the ones that we DO know that have molested a child? That doesn't make sense. No one is saying we should sterilize any and every person suspected of it, but if a woman has molested her child and is convicted of it, then we SHOULD sterilize her. She should never, ever have the chance to bring another beautiful child into this world to molest.

I think sterilizing someone like that is a place to start. But just because they're sterilized doesn't mean that they can't molest any other child again. It just means they can't bring another one into the world to hurt. And while that in itself is worth the sterilizing, it isn't going to keep them away from the other precious children of the world. That's what is scary. She gets 3 1/2 years in jail, 3 years of probation, and then she's cut loose to walk the same streets as children do every single day. It's not fair.
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31 Jan 2010, 22:29
LoveBipolar Artfolio
Post Count: 11
Thats true. I didn't think it through (it was like 8 a.m. what do you expect? lol)
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31 Jan 2010, 05:25
Post Count: 90
This...sickens me....beyond belief....omg. Why did she only get 3.5 years??? Seriously???? That's a slap on the wrist. Especially when she doesn't think she's done something wrong. No emotion over what she's done???? I pray to God that that poor little boy will never remember any of this, and grow up to be healthy and happy, in all sense of the word.
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31 Jan 2010, 16:54
Post Count: 751
This woman should rot in prison! She is a disgusting excuse for a mother, hell even a human being. This pisses me off beyond belief. Another thing that pisses me off more than anything is that when people like this get caught they blame it on being sexual abused themselves. My abuser said the same thing. But as a survivor of sexual abuse as a child & in late childhood I can sit here & say being sexual abused is no excuse. I don't care what happened to you, you should never want to inflict the pain & mental anguish on someone else that happened to you. Not to mention how can you be sexual with a child?? It just makes me want to take a chain saw to the hands, mouths, reproductive organs, and whatever else they have they could use to abuse children. Let's just say if I was left up to the punishment of these sick fucks then there wouldn't be half as many sexual predators out there.
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31 Jan 2010, 16:55
Post Count: 47
i used to date a canadian who was into selling drugs and he shot a couple people. He even insinuated that he may have killed a person, but he said he felt he could do anything he wanted simply because the canadian government lets criminals get away with murder. If he shot someone, he was in jail for 3 months. If he sold drugs, he was in jail for two weeks. He had his cellphone privileges taken away, but got them back six months after it was taken away. it's fucked.
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1 Feb 2010, 07:49
Post Count: 571
Fucks sake.
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6 Feb 2010, 19:04
Ashley Winter
Post Count: 63
This is not far from where I live.
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6 Feb 2010, 19:06
Ashley Winter
Post Count: 63
Oh and, I hope people commenting on this don't bring up:
Insulting Canadians
Michael Jackson

Then I'll be pissed
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