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Khyra Ishaq's mother convicted of manslaughter i
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25 Feb 2010, 11:33
Post Count: 78

Angela Gordan, mother of 6 children, has been cleared of the murder of her 7 year old daughter, Khyra Ishaq, but convicted with manslaughter.
Her daughter died from an infection after being starved to death over a period of weeks or months as part of a punishment regime by her mother and step father.
When died she weighed 2st (28lb)
She and her five siblings were made to sleep on one mattress.
Their house was full of food but all cupboards had padlocks on them
The children were regularly beaten with a kane and/or locked in a shed for punishment.
Gordon took her child out of school and stopped family members from seeing Khyra. Six months later she was dead.

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25 Feb 2010, 11:45
Dreamer ♥
Post Count: 167
I am disgusted. People are strange.
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25 Feb 2010, 12:12
Music God CJ Plain
Post Count: 550
This mother needs to be chained to a wall and systematically tortured and brutalized. Human pieces of crap like this don't deserve a single right to life, liberty, OR happiness of ANY form.
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27 Feb 2010, 22:40
Post Count: 751
Agreed they do not deserve to share the air that we breathe.
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26 Feb 2010, 00:38
Post Count: 885
I wish they'd do eye for an eye in this type situation. Beat her with a cane while starving her and having her share a mattress with 5 other people until she dies, hopefully of infection.
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28 Feb 2010, 20:28
Post Count: 425
Lauren. I'm all about forgiveness, but I have to say I agree with this. Why couldn't we have some sort of eye for an eye type of punishment!

I just try and remember that in the end, if they have not repented and given there hearts to Christ, they will get the ULTIMATE punishment.
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26 Feb 2010, 17:41
Music God CJ Plain
Post Count: 550
Where did this happen? Is this in the U.S or the UK?
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27 Feb 2010, 00:03
Acid Fairy
Post Count: 1849
UK. Not far from where I live actually!
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27 Feb 2010, 18:05
Post Count: 78
this was the UK.
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27 Feb 2010, 22:39
Post Count: 751
If these children were out of school this long why were the authorities not aware of this? This sickens me that things like this are allowed to happen. Where were the teachers, social workers, and family/friends while this was happening? If anyone knew about this & didn't do anything to stop it then they should be held accountable for what happened in my opinion.

On another note, these poor children. 28lbs at 7 years old? I couldn't imagine what her little body felt like. My 2 yr old weighs more than that & she is considered small for her age!!

This makes me want the old law into effect an eye for an eye. The disgusting fucks that did this to those innocent children should have to suffer what they did or worse. I'd volunteer to kane them over their fucking head a few times.
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25 Feb 2010, 12:37
Post Count: 2651
What I want to know is why on earth were there not social workers around at that house? There muast have been warning signs.
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25 Feb 2010, 12:46
Post Count: 78
I just found this::

"In December 2007 Gordon had removed her daughter from school. The school's deputy head was so concerned for the little girl's welfare she went to her house and after she was not allowed in by Gordon she contacted social services.

They did not accept a child being taken out of school to be home educated was a reason for urgent action and advised her to contact the police who visited the house, saw the mother and some of the children in her care and said there was no cause for concern.

Mother 'hostile'

Over the coming months education social workers tried to visit the home on several occasions but were not allowed in. In the February they did see some of the children, including Khyra, on the doorstep and no concern was raised.

A spokesman for Birmingham City Council, Terry Brownbill, said it had done all it could.

"Had the children been playing truant the mother would have been in trouble", he said.

Jurors were shown footage of seven-year-old Khyra Ishaq's home
But Gordon said she was taking some of the children in her care out of school and was "hostile and aggressive", he said.

Social workers and police had no right to force their way into the home, unless they considered there was a serious issue that warranted a court order, he continued.

Meanwhile two staff from education social services had visited the home and had seen the room where the children were supposedly being taught and the mother was asked to provide a teaching plan. But none of the children were seen. No-one seems to have spoken to Khyra alone.

Birmingham City Council's social services department was under pressure at the time. Last year its children's services were found to be "not fit for purpose".

An inquiry was commissioned the previous year after it emerged eight children known to social services had died in the city in four years.

An audit by a Birmingham City Council scrutiny committee identified failings, including a shortage of experienced staff, inadequate monitoring, excessive paperwork and too little time with children and families.

But Mr Brownbill defended the council's actions saying: "It had no reason to suspect anything was going wrong within the family.

"The mother had a 100 per cent attendance record for the school. The children were not on the at risk register. A number of the children were still going to school."

A serious case review by the city council will be published following the trial.

"Something happened in the house that no-one could get to because there wasn't sufficient legislation to get in," said Mr Brownbill.

The trial heard how behind closed doors Gordon's partner had put a lock on the fridge door and punished Khyra hitting her with a cane and putting her in detention in the garden.

The children were all forced to eat from one bowl or force fed until they were sick if they had eaten too much. "
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25 Feb 2010, 13:33
& skull.
Post Count: 1701
how in the fuck is this manslaughter?
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25 Feb 2010, 21:15
♥ jes
Post Count: 135
That's ridiculous. I don't understand what makes someone do this to ANYONE, let alone a helpless child. Poor kids. I hope the mother rots in hell.
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27 Feb 2010, 22:44
Post Count: 751
Exactly! Hell was made for this type of person. I hope she sits right next to Satan while she gets her eyes plucked out with his torch. Gawd the unmerciful things I would do to someone like that.
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25 Feb 2010, 22:10
HorrorVixen XO
Post Count: 869
poor babygirl. manslaughter my fckn ass!!!! she starved all her kids.. the food was locked up!!!
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3 Mar 2010, 19:45
Post Count: 242
This just makes me sad... I will never be able to understand how a mother could do this to her child. I feel guilty if I raise my VOICE at my baby girl when I shouldn't... how does this kind of thing happen??
I wonder where her other children are now? Surely, they won't be subjected to their mother again?
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