KerriBlue Post Count: 260 |
I realise that this news article is pretty messed up - but that was the best title I could come up with. It was either that or "Some people are stupid and sick; they need to be kicked hard" but I thought that might get cut off. Apparently I have the overwhelming urge to kick people today?
And Kudos to me for making this a post that has nothing do to with smoking - although I question if this woman was high on something at the time. A SYDNEY woman has pleaded guilty to having sex with her nine-year-old son. The 48-year-old woman and her 56-year-old husband were charged in November 2009 with multiple offences relating to the repeated sexual assault of their son, who is now aged 10. The offences allegedly occurred during 2009 at the family home at Peakhurst in Sydney's south. Video recordings were allegedly made, and the footage later posted online. The mother faced Sydney's Central Local Court today, when a solicitor entered pleas of guilty to one charge of sexual intercourse with a person under 10 and two charges of committing an act of indecency. Five other charges against the woman, including concealing a serious offence, aggravated indecency and inciting aggravated indecency, were withdrawn by prosecutors. The woman was refused bail by Magistrate Alan Moore and is due to face the District Court for sentencing on June 4. An order before the court prevents the woman from seeing or contacting her son until he is 18 years old. Details of that order are likely to be discussed when an apprehended violence order is discussed in court on June 11. For legal reasons, none of the parties involved in the matter can be identified. The father, who is also charged with multiple offences including sexual intercourse with the boy, is due to have his case mentioned at Central Local Court this afternoon. ----------- Now, normally I don't say "sterilize the bastards" but in this case - I'll gladly say it. STERILIZE THE BASTARDS. I don't know, it's just wrong and don't give me that "in certain cultures incest is blah blah blah blah blah" Yep, I'm well aware of different cultures - but umm this is in's illegal...and it's considered gross and wrong and that poor kid is probably going to be completely messed up for his whole life. Ok I just wanted to post a non-smoking-related-post. This caught my eye. OH and for some reason *skims through the article* it neglects to mention she posted the videos online. |
A.Classic.Disaster Post Count: 29 |
Yeah, in certain cultures incest may be normal
but child molestation isn't. |
*~Loving You~* Post Count: 507 |
Mmu ewww
1st off how can some 1 have a pleasure of having sex with a KID compared to an adult better yet their OWN KID?! That woman should be shot...I'm the person doesn't give ANY child molestors any chances once I find out they r they r gone I won't even assoicate with them (I dun care if any1 thinks I'm narrow closed minded) |
Lovin'MyLittles Post Count: 322 |
In this case, sterilization isn't going to stop the problem from occuring
T.A.I Post Count: 269 |
Ugh. Disgusting. It's also sad that it had to happen to that poor boy.
The question I have to ask though is, in cases like this, when a child that young is exposed to such actions multiple times and it becomes a normal occurrence to them, and then they're told that it's not and it's wrong and all the legal things and separation comes up, does that make the mental damage worse and further solidify the whole "this was wrong and shameful" thing? Kids at that age tend to have the whole "It's my fault mommy and daddy...." complex going on. Separating the parents and stopping that horrible behavior is priority one, but I wonder about all the other actions that the kid is going to go through. I mean, theoretically, one could go through life having that done to them by their parents until the day their parents die, and if nobody says anything about it being wrong and it doesn't affect their ability to live, then life goes on. But when someone steps in and tells you that it's wrong and goes and turns everything upside down, separates you from your parents, sticks you in therapy because of it, and otherwise changes your life...I wonder if that could be just as equally stressful, if not more stressful, on the child than the actual molesty stuff. I mean, it needs to happen. There's no doubt about that, but I wonder if parents ever stop to think of the ripple effect of what they're doing to their kids sometimes, whether it be molestation or forcing them into cub scouts when they don't want to. |
jessi bear(: Post Count: 300 |
i see what you mean. and it's a double-edged sword, because if you don't tell him that it's completely wrong, he'll go on thinking, 'this is normal and okay' and maybe become the abuser.
T.A.I Post Count: 269 |
Exactly. Like, things like this have so many other complications and "what if's" beyond the acts committed.
Poetic Justice Post Count: 229 |
It did mention she posted them online, actually. That's... Wow. It reminds me of an episode of the Steve Wilkos show where the mother was bringing her little girl to a hotel to have sex with a random guy she met online, and I guess she was doing stuff with the kid on webcam for men, too. Needless to say, she showed up with a bag of sex toys, and the guy she was going to meet was a cop (thank God). They caught her on tape. I always wondered if his show was staged, too, but this article just goes to show you that even if it is, people like that ARE out there.
KerriBlue Post Count: 260 |
Sorry, it was after a lecture - part of my brain switches off at a certain point which is why i didnt pick up on the online upload mention.
Poetic Justice Post Count: 229 |
No worries, I do the same thing! :)
Music God CJ Plain Post Count: 550 |
Screw being sterilized...people like this need to be chained together by razor wire and then drug behind a high speed vehicle....
jessi bear(: Post Count: 300 |
foreverglow Post Count: 217 |
DivaAshley Post Count: 242 |
Ditto this. Ugh.
HorrorVixen XO Post Count: 869 |
seriously, thats just some sick shit. people continue to do stuff like this b.c the convictions r almost like a slap on the wrist. if they would do stuff like MUSIC GOD OF BLOOP said, then things wouldnt be happening.
Music God CJ Plain Post Count: 550 |
oh, there would still be sick assholes out there doing this stuff. There just wouldn't be all these REPEAT offenders like you see on the news. Your first offense would be your last.
HorrorVixen XO Post Count: 869 |
HorrorVixen XO Post Count: 869 |
Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
Errrr gross.
Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
Although this makes me think that those parents must have mental problems. I think they need serious help, not sterlisation.
Music God CJ Plain Post Count: 550 |
The problem is...studies have shown time and again that rehabilitation does NOT work for sexual predators. The only thing that works is confinement and death.
Tommy Decentralized Post Count: 506 |
And another problem is when a society makes something extremely taboo, it creates a lure to it for some.
These type of knee jerk reactions create the problem it reacts to. and often the harshest knee jerk reactions are said out of guilt. we see this time and time again in te political arena. The politician that makes the most anti-gay stances, is usually the closet homo. |
Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
Well I don't think they should ever be released. Just maybe be put in a max security psych hospital instead of a prison.