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Paedophile Haters - READ THIS
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9 Jun 2010, 07:53
Post Count: 260
I'm going to try and find an online story on this, but I was sitting on the train reading my MX (free newspaper for train commuters in Australia), I opened up a page and my eyes were drawn to one article in particular and I could help but think of all the bloopers who would LOVE to read this. Like immediately I thought of all those bloopers who have pretty much suggested this exact idea! So I have to type it out because I'm too lazy to find an electronic article right now.

Chemical castration has been approved as a punishment for paedophiles convicted of rape and perpetrators of incest in Polan.

Under the new law, anyone convicted of rape of a minor under 15, or a close family member, "can be obliged by a court ruling to undergo pharmaceutical and psychological therapy in order to reduce sex drive" after having served a prison term.

Before order the therapy, a court must consider the opinions of psychiatrists, sexologists and pschologists.

And Now I feel less lazy so do some study folks;

Ok so it's not ACTUAL castration, but its one step closer right? Oh and apparently there are chemical castration laws in the United states?!?!?! Are they still law? Wikipedia doesn't suggest it's been scrapped
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9 Jun 2010, 09:32
Dreamer ♥
Post Count: 167
This is an awesome idea!

*going very public about my life here*

I was raped by my dads cousin, I wish he had had this done as he went on to rape another 3 girls! 2 were pregnant and 1 was 6weeks after pregnancy. I thought I had the country a favour and taught him a lesson by taking him to court and winning but no, he still went out and did it again. He was sentanced to life but could be out after 8years which makes me sick. In 4 years he could be out again.

I want to put a link to the story but I don't think it would be right, I know a lot of my family would be upset.
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9 Jun 2010, 12:08
Post Count: 1938
Yes, it IS actual castration. Chemical castration does some messed up things down there, yo.
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9 Jun 2010, 12:23
lithium layouts.
Post Count: 836
Yeah but unlike the actual chop, it is reversible (like I'm assuming things go back to normal once they stop taking the drug(s)).
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9 Jun 2010, 12:27
Post Count: 1938
Yeah, you're right - I didn't even know it was reversible until now.
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9 Jun 2010, 16:02
Music God CJ Plain
Post Count: 550
It doesn't even work in most cases. Studies of sex offenders have shown that it stops the ability but NOT the desire or the urge. I say we just start offing these fuckers.

Also, it's a CAPITAL OFFENSE in Louisiana.
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10 Jun 2010, 18:27
Post Count: 29
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12 Jun 2010, 16:42
Endless Love
Post Count: 102
What about a situation where an older man had sex with an underage girl, but it was consentual, as in SHE started things.
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12 Jun 2010, 17:57
& skull.
Post Count: 1701
isn't it still statutory?
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12 Jun 2010, 20:44
Post Count: 137
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13 Jun 2010, 04:35
& skull.
Post Count: 1701
what about situations like an under age girl getting into an over age place, ie: club using a fake id and then gets picked up by a guy? that has happened here recently to a couple of football players. does anything happen to them then? or is it a case of they assumed she was older because they met her in a place minors aren't legally meant to be in and there fore aren't at fault?
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13 Jun 2010, 11:28
Post Count: 137
That I don't know. I would assume the men would have to shoulder some of the responsibility, although it seems like it would be more fair to fine the establishment and be done with it.

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13 Jun 2010, 13:44
& skull.
Post Count: 1701
i don't think the two guys were charged. apparently the girl was following them interstate and getting into bars they were in. it's ridiculous how easily under age girls can get into some places. fake id's aren't that hard to spot, but some places just want the money they spend on drinks.
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9 Jun 2010, 12:13
Acid Fairy
Post Count: 1849
Ew. I dunno. That's fucking barbaric.
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9 Jun 2010, 21:10
Acid Fairy
Post Count: 1849
Oh ok, I didn't know what chemical castration was. It is a stupid term as it's not castration. Sounds retarded to me.
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14 Jun 2010, 15:40
Post Count: 1096
It is castration, castration is the loss of function of the testicles/ovaries whether that be permanent or temporary.
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14 Jun 2010, 19:14
Acid Fairy
Post Count: 1849
According to

–verb (used with object)
to remove the testes of; emasculate; geld.
to remove the ovaries of.
Psychology . to render impotent, literally or metaphorically, by psychological means, esp. by threatening a person's masculinity or femininity.
to deprive of strength, power, or efficiency; weaken: Without those ten new submarines, our navy will be castrated.

So actually, outside of psychological means, castration does indeed mean the chopping off of.
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14 Jun 2010, 19:26
Post Count: 1096
I see you chose not to include the whole definition, or didn't realise there was more information on

tr.v. cas·trat·ed , cas·trat·ing , cas·trates
To remove the testicles of (a male); geld or emasculate.

To remove the ovaries of (a female); spay.

To deprive of virility or spirit; emasculate.

n. An individual who is incapable of reproduction as a result of removal, destruction, or inactivation of the gonads.
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14 Jun 2010, 20:32
Acid Fairy
Post Count: 1849
There are in fact a few other entries. I picked the first one. You picked the second to purely disprove my point. Another entry purely says this:

'castrate cas·trate (kās'trāt')
v. cas·trat·ed , cas·trat·ing , cas·trates

To remove the testicles of a male; emasculate.

To remove the ovaries of a female; spay.

The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary '

I'd wager if you asked majority of people what castration meant, most would say the removing of the testes. Very few would include chemical castration. The word 'castration' usually results in people thinking one thing; the whole snip snip.
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14 Jun 2010, 21:04
Post Count: 1096
If I asked people what Great Britain was, the majority would be incorrect, it doesn't mean we should follow their lack of knowledge.
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11 Jun 2010, 05:24
Post Count: 269
Chemical or full choppity-chop, it still seems a bit barbaric to me as well.

I know laws vary across countries and even here in the U.S.A, but say there was a 15 year old girl who had sex with an 18 year old guy. I know in some places, depending on the laws and full circumstances, the parents of the 15 year old girl can still press rape charges, because she is a minor or a guy is not, and the guy will get a sex offender label slapped on him, even if it was consensual.

I mean, it's a crappy situation at best, but I can see a few rare cases like that cropping up and bumping against such a law.
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9 Jun 2010, 15:14
Post Count: 26
I'm 100% for this. Its been proven and child molesters have even said that the urges never go away and they have a high re-offend rate. Something has to be done to protect society from these monsters.
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9 Jun 2010, 17:28
Post Count: 144
Mind posting the studies that come from this statement here?
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9 Jun 2010, 20:16
Music God CJ Plain
Post Count: 550

That's just 3 of the studies I know off the top of my head. There are TONS of them out there.
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9 Jun 2010, 15:23
Post Count: 39
I don't think this would do anything beneficial. These people need emotional and psychological rehabilitation therapy that looks at way more than just an uncontrollable sex drive. People don't become pedophiles just because they can't control their sexual urges, there's way more to it than that. It usually has more to do with the power they have over their victim, rather than the physical aspect of it. And even if things aren't working properly down there, that's doesn't necessarily mean they can't sexually molest someone again - there's a lot of ways someone can be molested. Not to mention, like Acid Fairy said - this is really barbaric.
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