& skull. Post Count: 1701 |
i wouldn't call stupid, because it's not like they lit a camp fire and wandered away. it's a purposeful, callous act. there was thought put behind it. some asshole set out to do this.
RealLifeComics Post Count: 571 |
131 dead, could go up to 200.
Caitiijay..xx.. Post Count: 7 |
No only some were lit by arsonists, but a lot of it was natural, either way it's horrible and like Kevin Rudd said, the people who DID light fires are just mass murderers.
& skull. Post Count: 1701 |
you could see the smoke from a very long way away. it was scary. customers kept coming in saying half of victoria was on fire.
fire comes up on you so fucking fast. it's bloody terrifying. |
Let It Be Post Count: 226 |
That is so awful :(. I cannot even imagine...
RealLifeComics Post Count: 571 |
So whats happening to the people now?
I heard Ruddy is giving families $1000 per adult, $400 for every kid?? would this be on top of the $950 were all supposed to get for 'economy crisis' I wonder. I guess it could help them out in the mean time while insurance companies sort the problem. Somehow I doubt everyone would have had home insurance though. Also you would expect a lot of people to be donating and I saw on news a lot of musicians are getting together to start a charity concert. |
KerriBlue Post Count: 260 |
So far Australia has donated just over 14 million dollars for the victims.
RealLifeComics Post Count: 571 |
SugarNSpice Surveys Post Count: 128 |
OMG! Those pictures are horrifying.
Poor Koala. :( I am absolutely mortified by the fires and the amount of people & animals that have died. Thank GOODNESS for the fire fighters and all the people that are doing what they can to help. Australia is amazing for raising so much money all by itself! :D We should be proud. |
~*Pagan*~ Post Count: 378 |
Its such an aussie thing to do...even when we dont have much ourselves we give it to someone who needs it more.
Meghans Follie Post Count: 433 |
it is a shame that you no longer have the death penalty if the person(s) who "helped" the fires along are found.
~*Pagan*~ Post Count: 378 |
Agreed, I would cheerfully...Nooooo...GLEEFULLY...flick the switch.
.Blue Bella. Post Count: 743 |
Just thought I would throw in that Australia has raised over 50 million for the victims...
And there is a televised concert/telephon tonight to raise more. So awesome. |