minor_catastrophe Post Count: 123 |
I saw this on the tonight show. I don't understand why someone would purposefully do this to themselves....
VANCOUVER, Wash — A woman who claimed she was the victim of an acid attack has admitted her injuries were self-inflicted, Vancouver, Wash., police said Thursday afternoon. Police Chief Clifford Cook said at an afternoon news conference that Bethany Storro, 28, told detectives the truth during an interview after discrepancies emerged in her story. Her interview was conducted after a search of her home, which she shares with her parents, police said. Interviews with her family are continuing, they said. Police will turn over their findings to prosecutors who will decide if charges will be filed against Storro, 28. They said they were not ready to discuss Storro's motivations. Storro is remorseful and in a "fragile mental state," police said. Splash patterns and other parts of the story, like wearing sunglasses at night, led to the unraveling of Storro's story, Cook said. "All things that didn't add up to the circumstance," Cook said. The revelation followed the cancellation of Storro's scheduled Thursday appearance on "Oprah." On her Facebook, Storro had said she canceled because the show might stray from the religious inspiration she to deliver. However, others in Vancouver saw the move as evidence that Storro's story was phony from the beginning. Storro originally claimed a black woman with a ponytail threw acid in her face at night on Aug. 30 as she was celebrating a new job and had just bought a pair of sunglasses. Police said it was important to get the word of Storro's confession out immediately to assure the public knew that the Esther Park area of downtown Vancouver, scene of the alleged attack, was safe. Just a week ago, NBC affiliate KGW TV of Portland, Ore., reported that a remarkably upbeat and candid Storro sat in front of reporters at Legacy Emanuel Hospital and described how a woman threw acid on her face. She claimed her attacker said "Hey pretty girl, do you want to drink this?" before splashing the acid that burned her face. Storro said she held the news conference then to draw attention to efforts to find the attacker, but also to talk about her faith. "I'm here today because of Jesus Christ," she said at the time, adding that the strength of her faith would allow her to move forward. However, doubts about Storro's veracity were already spreading. Media analyses, including a posting in The Vancouver Voice, questioned why in her photograph acid burns were absent from her face along her hairline, eyes or lips and none were reported on her neck, shoulders or hair or inside her nose or mouth. The Vancouver Voice also had reported that homeless witnesses claimed Storro was alone when she fell to the ground screaming. Chats on The Columbian newspaper website had also questioned the veracity of Storro's tale. |
minor_catastrophe Post Count: 123 |
Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/39221785/ns/us_news-crime_and_courts/?gt1=43001
Jessica [Private] Post Count: 1751 |
She did it for attention, obviously.
Oprah Noodlemantra Post Count: 300 |
Ugh. I was in Oregon the day that happened, and it was all over the news. She had the sympathy of both Washington and Oregon, and all for a damn lie. People who abuse the public's sympathy really help us become the cynical country we are today.
Poetic Justice Post Count: 229 |
The saddest part of the whole thing is that scum bags like this make people less likely to believe REAL victims of REAL crimes. And then the people that deserve the help and sympathy the most get put through the ringer and made to feel even worse than they already do.
[accepting.change] Post Count: 74 |
That's so true. I totally agree with you on that one.
minor_catastrophe Post Count: 123 |
Yea, obviously it was for attention, but why would you do something that extreme and permanent? And I agree with Poetic Justice. It is sad. Makes people question stories like this http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504083_162-20015966-504083.html
Toffee Sprinkles Post Count: 87 |
Maybe she's related to Balloon Boy's parents ;D
HorrorVixen XO Post Count: 869 |
thats so fckn stupid.. self harm cutting is one thing.. but to pour acid on ur face on purpose, damn right she has mental issues!
Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
Crazy much?