Jessica [Private] Post Count: 1751 |
Yup yup. I feel like Wisconsin got the worst of the bunch sometimes :(
Dahmer AND Ed Gein. Makes me scared to live here ;D |
annababe • • Post Count: 106 |
I'm from WI and my mom works for REM. I don't know if you've ever heard of it, but they basically have group homes for elderly and/or for mentally unstable people. The home she's currently in is all guys who are anywhere from 18 &up. There is one guy who actually was in the same prision or whatever, that Dahmer was in. He is psycho. They are always calling 911 because he will just like lash out and break shit. And to make it all worse, this creepy pyscho has like the biggest crush on me. =|
HorrorVixen XO Post Count: 869 |
she's a dxkn moron!! she looks like a cracked out whore.
my kids play farmville with me. i always ask what i should plant.. my son always wants to hear the animals.. |
HorrorVixen XO Post Count: 869 |
.love.struck. Post Count: 492 |
The first thing that needs to be done is sterilization. Fine, she's going to jail, but she still needs to get her right to reproduce taken away from her. The next action in order is for her to get shook. Then she can see how it feels to suffer. Why do we allow anyone to have children? Ugh . . . people need a license to have kids.
HorrorVixen XO Post Count: 869 |
RealLifeComics Post Count: 571 |
Ugh... A little too much to read for 8:30am
*Forever Changing* Post Count: 847 |
My husband is severely addicted to Call of joke, he really is, but when his son is crying, he doesnt shake him, he puts the controller down and makes him happy again. WTF is wrong with people. They need to be shot, seriously. I understand severe PPD, I also understand a loss of patience when your child is screaming and won't stop, but when I had severe PPD my husband knew something was wrong and got me help...when Junior is being a melo-dramatic baby and screaming at the top of his lungs for nothing, I set him down for a few moments so I can collect myself and give myself a pep talk to calm down and deal with him.
What kind of Jackass cannot figure out that the baby is going to DIE if you shake him. |
~Tak~ Post Count: 1 |
I wonder what her history is? There has to be something wrong with her to do a thing like that... From the look of her face I wonder about retardation, FAS, or something like that. How sad, she's only 22...and she has to live with what she's done. Her poor family, my heart goes out to them.
Finally Mrs. Bailey Post Count: 181 |
...I wonder if anyone has told Facebook this. I mean, the game isn't really that fun anyway.
People make me sick. The fact that she shook him, took a break, and did it again makes it worse. Why can't we hang people anymore? |
Jenna bean.... Post Count: 40 |
And this just adds to the bad joke that Duval (our county) is "Murda capital." I live in Jax. People are so sick. There have been a couple incidents this past year that was the result of HORRIBLEEEEEEEEEE parenting. There was a story about a couple who barely spoke any English, gave their newborn child to some crazy ass chick because she pretended to be DCF and they were scared about something and gave their newborn to this crazy ass woman. Who followed them from the hospital to about 15 miles away to their home. The crazy lady recently got sentenced.
Or the parents who were at work over night and left their children alone. The next morning, both of their children were found dead in the neighbors pool. Turns out the kids got out of the house, freaking used a ladder to get over a fence, and got into the pool. Sad sad saddddddddd world. I always say, you should have a license to raise kids. If you have to have a license to drive a car, you need it to be able to take a child home from the hospital. |
Pixie.Rain Post Count: 34 |
i agree what some people need a license to breed.. and the sad thing is she looks like someone i know.. (shakes head and shivers)