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Autisum & Vaccine link a FRAUD?
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8 Jan 2011, 05:15
Post Count: 17
Yeah. It looked like someone slapped him. At first I thought it was roseola... lol
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8 Jan 2011, 05:22
Jessica [Private]
Post Count: 1751
Yup yup. That's why they call it slapped cheek ;D

Now every time my face gets super warm I'm like 'oh my god I have fifth disease again!' hahaha.
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8 Jan 2011, 05:45
Post Count: 56
My daughter is up to date on all of her vaccines. I wouldn't have it any other way. I heard about this, but I didn't think twice about her getting her shots. I'd rather my daughter wind up with autisum from getting them than getting the disease and possibly dying.
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8 Jan 2011, 06:25
Post Count: 17
Sorry the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System is here -
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8 Jan 2011, 06:33
Post Count: 17
@MadeToShine - I'm sorry to hear about your daughter. I hope she recovered quickly.
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8 Jan 2011, 16:59
Post Count: 288
Thankfully, she was just fine. And since the rotavirus vaccine was just one of two she'd received that day we had an easy time determining which vaccine caused the reaction. She did not receive the rest of the series.
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9 Jan 2011, 05:43
.Blue Bella.
Post Count: 743
I wonder if the vaccine schedule is significantly different here in Australia than it is in America? I've never been overly concerned. And it's not something you hear people go on and on about here either?
I personally wouldn't have vaccinated my daughter against Hep B when she was born, unfortunately due to my partners work the risk of not vaccinating her were too high.
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9 Jan 2011, 05:53
Jessica [Private]
Post Count: 1751
@Genes: I know we never used to vaccinate against Hep B at birth. My oldest nephew didn't get them when he was born, but his younger brother and sister didn't. I don't see what the need for that is though. I could see if there was a risk from a young age, but I was fine getting it in middle school.

It makes me sad though, because I remember those shots HURTING. I think the second one was the worst. I wouldn't want to see my baby go through that :(

Personally though, I've only ever heard people go on about it here on bloop. I've never known anyone in my everyday life complain about vaccinations or anything of the sort. Maybe just being sad about how MANY shots the kids had to get at one point, but not that they were getting them.
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10 Jan 2011, 00:39
Emily the Strange
Post Count: 195
Whether or not you want to vaccinate your kids, most public and private schools have minimum vaccine requirements which are usually mandated by the state. So you'd probably have to homeschool your kids if you don't want them vaccinated. Also, so many universities demand vaccines if you intend to live in the dorms. So you've got some challenges that you'll be facing.
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10 Jan 2011, 01:28
Post Count: 288
In Illinois, you can sign exemption forms if your child is not vaccinated. It's a pain, but it's possible. I believe most states have a similar system.
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10 Jan 2011, 01:40
Acid Fairy
Post Count: 1849
I don't think we're vaccinated against Hep B here, am I right? When I went to the STD clinic a few years back I had to be tested for it so I guess we aren't. My mom works in the NHS and she's had it though.
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10 Jan 2011, 01:42
Jessica [Private]
Post Count: 1751
I think you'd remember the Hep B vaccine. It's a three part shot. I think the first two are a month apart, then you wait six months for the third. And they HURT.

If you're anywhere around my age (21) then you probably didn't get it as a baby. I know they just started that (here at least!) recently.
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10 Jan 2011, 03:19
Acid Fairy
Post Count: 1849
Do you get the TB jab? I remember that hurting like a bitch, and I have a nice ol' scar. I don't know anbyone who escaped the TB jab without a scar. They only seem to give that sometimes here; I was one of the lucky few that got it. I think they give it out when there's a serious outbreak. I remember my school threatened to suspend anyone who punched someone in the arm when they had just had the TB jab lol.
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10 Jan 2011, 03:29
Jessica [Private]
Post Count: 1751
No I didn't. My parents both got them when they were in high school. They literally got them one day during school so they had no choice.

I don't know anyone my age that's had one. I'm sure someone would be complaining about it if they had ;D
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10 Jan 2011, 03:40
Acid Fairy
Post Count: 1849
Haha we had them one day in school too. Along with this polio stuff; it wasn't a jab, it was this suspension we had to swallow, and everyone was coming out going 'Ewww it tastes like cum' even though we were 14. In hindsight, it did taste like it ;D
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10 Jan 2011, 03:46
Jessica [Private]
Post Count: 1751
Hahaha! Oh my god that's rich. ;D
I'm pretty sure we get the polio vaccine as babies. If not then, some time before we start school.
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