Mrs DeJournett Post Count: 32 |
In high school, we had a lady come in for a few weeks for sex ed. Every year we would have to take home those dolls and how we did was a huge impact on our grades in that class. They cried all night, needed a diaper change, feeding, just held, everything. We took them everywhere we went for 3 days. When I went there, there was only a few pregnant girls, maybe 4 or 5. But it seems like the second I left everyone was getting pregnant. I'm amazed at how many people I know who are only like 20 or so have kids already. I even know some that have two!
Education is huge for preventing teen pregnancies, at home and at school. My family never really talked about it, but my mom was always all about putting me on birth control. |
mo0se Post Count: 72 |
We had sex ed in our high school in grade 8 and 9, covering different things from periods to sex and STD's. It was alright unless you had teachers uncomfortable with the topic, I had 1 teacher who was uncomfortable talking about sex to us and a couple others who didn't mind it. Also, my parents knew it would happen at some point, so I got a sex talk from them as well, just saying to be safe and make sure I'm ready and stuff, I think that helps as well. Nobody in my grade was pregnant whilst at school, I know a couple girls had abortions and one who had left the school had kids, but up until probably Year 11 it was uncool to admit you had been sexually active, and you'd get looked down on for it, generally by other girls behind your back. Personally, I think it's important to have parents who are willing to listen to you, who you can go to for advice (contraception etc) and to have teachers openly discussing it, not just lecturing but welcoming all questions and discussions that may come up without judgement.
Mami 2 ♥ 1 Post Count: 361 |
This reminds me when I arrived at Ft Hood, TX. No lie, part of the in processing to the Army base was a sex ed class. This nurse told me things I had never even thought of that could possibly be happening. Scared the crap out of me. But when you are on a military installation as a female soldier you are definitely out numbered by your male counterparts. So I guess that is the point. She showed us pictures of stuff like STI's in the eye, because typically people dont tend to wash their hands after having sex and they touch their face or rub their eyes. Ewww! If I have sex guess what I know to do now besides use protection....take a shower or at least wash my hands ASAP!!!
HorrorVixen XO Post Count: 869 |
Seriously Tamika, that was gross!!