![]() Addicted to Craft Post Count: 12 |
Psh... I feel sorry for all of you. The world is ending. The zombie apocalypse is coming. I have canned goods and water, people! I've been stealing medical supplies from hospitals! I'm learning to build zombie traps. I'm going to board up my windows soon and start practicing my aim and stocking up on guns, ammo and tons of weapons. You will all flock to me because I will save you from the zombies and it's going to cost you. I'm only taking people of good breeding stock into my shelter. You have to be a hydrologist, environmental scientist, doctor, nurse, veterinarian, vet tech, teacher (on all levels from pre-k to college!), carpenter, engineer, a good hunter, a good gardener/gatherer, a horticulturist, agriculturalist (I don't even think that's a word), or you have to bring me candy... because I don't think candy will be in production during the zombie apocalypse because zombies want brains, not candy. Anyway, so if you think you fit into those catergories, then I'd be happy to allow you into my zombie shelter. Now I must go because I'm working on a brand new tin foil hat! They won't be making tin foil after the apocalypse! ;D
![]() ~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
It's on this page. :P I wasn't criticising, I was meaning great minds think alike ;) (As we both said almost the exact same thing)
![]() kein mitleid ![]() Post Count: 592 |
Who says it has to be the 2nd coming, anyway? Why can't it be the first coming of the Jewish savior? Or maybe the return of Cthulu, rising from the sea? Or perhaps Zeus is finally retaking Olympus...
![]() Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
Let's remember that Japan lies on a plate boundary and the reason for the earthquake was the Pacific plate trying to get underneath the Eurasian plate (I think, I'm too lazy to go confirm that, but it was on the BBC site).
I'm not one for buying into 'omg all these disasters mean the world is ending!' for I like science ;) Gosh, imagine what the young earth was like; volcanoes erupting and earthquakes constantly. We're a pretty stable planet at this moment in time. Well, until Yellowstone decides to erupt ;D |
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Oh, please, people. There isn't going to be a second coming because Japan had an EQ. They are located right next to three plates and are used to having EQ's all the time. Just because this is the first time in RECORDED history of having a 8.9 magnitude hit doesn't mean it's a sign. It just means it's the first time they had one of that magnitude since they started keeping records. Our planet is always changing. EQ's have always existed. I'm getting tired of all this End of Day BS everytime something happens.
On another note, I found it interesting that Japan was actually pushed more East. |
![]() K♥Blah Post Count: 65 |
I know with some natural disasters certain places have a tendancy to move a fraction or so of a millimeter sometimes and I know Australia moves 2 centimeters every year. But Japan moved freak 2.4 METERS - thats insane.
(conversion: 2 centimeters = 0.8 inches 2.4 meters = 6.561 feet I think. Don't quote me on that. I was raised on the metric system!!) |
![]() Aspiring Boxer Post Count: 169 |
Everywhere I'm looking, it says Japan moved around 8 feet. I found this online - thought it was very interesting:
PASADENA, CA -- Experts at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) led by geophysicist Richard Gross have determined that Friday's devastating 8.9-magnitude earthquake in north-eastern Japan was powerful enough to shift the Earth's axis by about 6.5 inches (17 centimetres). Our planet's rotation may have also accelerated, shortening the length of the day. Gross said: "By changing the distribution of the Earth's mass, the Japanese earthquake should have caused the Earth to rotate a bit faster, shortening the length of the day by about 1.8 microseconds". Initial data also suggests that Friday's earthquake shifted the entire island chain of Japan by about 8 feet (2.4 metres), according to US Geological Suvery (USGS) expert Kenneth Hudnut. http://www.onenewspage.com/news/Science/20110314/20489483/Earthquake-moved-Japan-by-feet-shifted-Earth.htm (source) Another source states that the axis was only shifted by 4 inches - http://articles.cnn.com/2011-03-12/world/japan.earthquake.tsunami.earth_1_tsunami-usgs-geophysicist-quake?_s=PM:WORLD |