Winged Centaur Post Count: 301 |
When an entry goes up on RC, it is usually thought provoking and leads to other people writing entries on the same subject, in addition to the comments that are left. I think it would be an interesting feature to be able to reference the inspiring entry. For example, somewhere on the RC entry, it would say something to the effect, "Read the responses to this entry," as a hyperlink that would take you to a list of entries that were written in response to the RC entry. On the flip side of that, the response entries would have the hyperlink options something to the effect of, "This entry inspired by -insert entry title- written by -insert author-" and "More response entries." The first hyperlink would take you back to the original entry, like the RC entry. The second hyperlink would take you to the list of responding entries. I hope that explanation made sense. I know nothing about coding, however, so I'm not sure how well that could be implemented. There would have to be some sort of hyperlink on the original entry that would say, "Respond to this entry," that would take you to writing a new entry.
I think this sort of thing would encourage more entries to be read. It essentially creates a network of entries. There could be alerts to the author of the original entry in the form of a PM saying, "So and so has responded to your entry. Click here to read the response." Maybe even include the first paragraph of the responding entry right in the PM. I do recognize the potential for this to be abused. Bloopers could write entries that have nothing to do with the original entry and thus end up spamming the original. I think the reason a lot of people are on Bloop though is for the sharing of thoughts and ideas, and this would be an excellent way to encourage that. It might even encourage more entry writing, because it's a subtly encouraging others TO respond with an entry. I think it would be more effective than the current "Circles" system we have, though I'm not suggesting we necessarily eliminate that. So what do you think Bloop? Would you respond well to something like this? And is this even possible, oh almighty Steve? |
Jessica [Private] Post Count: 1751 |
I really like this idea :)
It makes me think of the video response feature on youtube. To add to your idea, we could take a leaf out of the youtube book, and give the person who originally posted the entry the option to 'approve' the entry responses. :) |
Winged Centaur Post Count: 301 |
The only potential problem with having to approve the entry responses is that it could be very time consuming. I guess there could be an option to approve all responses to avoid having to approve one by one.
Villy Post Count: 204 |
I wonder if there could be an option for the writer of the original entry the choice of whether or not they would even WANT to approve the entries. Someone who has a lot of time on their hands might be okay with how time consuming it would be.
Jessica [Private] Post Count: 1751 |
@Villy: yeah, that's what I was suggesting ;D Giving them the option to approve them. Definitely not making it a mandatory thing ;D
Winged Centaur Post Count: 301 |
The option to not approve could combat the potential of the function being abused and spammed.
Bellatrix Lestrange Post Count: 234 |
Ooh- I like this idea >__<
It would be interesting to read responses & possibly write me own D: |
Winged Centaur Post Count: 301 |
@ C'est Moi: It has a similar appeal to reading the comments on an entry, but ultimately way more in depth, since you would feel encouraged to write more in an entry, as opposed to a comment. It wouldn't replace the comment, but it would allow for an expanded opinion or response to be shared.
Bellatrix Lestrange Post Count: 234 |
@ Winged Centaur :
Yeah, I gathered that ^__^ |
HorrorVixen XO Post Count: 869 |
Sounds good to me!
American Post Count: 221 |
Sounds like a neat idea - it might get me posting more than I do (which is like once or twice a year, it seems lol)
Aubrey; Post Count: 377 |
This is a great idea that you came up with!
It creates a conversation going with everybody, and when it comes to controversial topics, it gives you a lot of different points-of-view. I also think the option of being able to approve related entries - especially with @Villy's suggestion of allowing the author to choose if they want to approve or not. |
Winged Centaur Post Count: 301 |
I wasn't familiar with video responses on YouTube, but this is very similar. It's reassuring that it can be done, but I really have no idea how hard that would be to implement on Bloop.
kein mitleid Post Count: 592 |
This just seems like it might devolve into the "response entry wars" of days past. I know, I was part of them, it was incessant, ridiculous, and borderline offensive. And awesome. |
Winged Centaur Post Count: 301 |
I can definitely see the potential for spamming and drama. I also see the potential to reinvigorate a community.
(Both are ok for me.) |